Commemorative coin farming

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Notinterested, Mar 21, 2023.

  1. Notinterested Augur

    Anybody have any solid methods of getting these at a halfway decent rate?
  2. Conq Augur

    Here's what I do for coins:
    1. Reetuk - Historian Graya in Crescent Reach (20 coins)
    2. Unity - Guard Blevins in Qeynos Hills (24 coins)
    3. Magically Delicious - Jimothy in PoK (20 coins)
    4. Fippy's Further Revenge - a sloshed gnoll (10 coins)
    5. What Happens in Neriak - Sayden G'Noir in Nektulos (5 coins)
    6. Dead Dragons - Ankra in PoK (5 coins)
    7. Defending Knowledge - Bjerg Sen the Tranquil in PoK (5 coins)
    8. War Games - Commander Gorok in PoTranquility (5 coins)
    9. Pirate of Timorous Deep - Captain Jack Aviak (5 coins)
    10. A Formal Dinner Party - a Dreadspire Servant in PoK (10 coins)

    For Magically Delicious, you'll have to do some farming and lots of combines to prep for turn-ins, but once that's done, it's 10 mins for those 20 coins. You can also kill mini's in the 17th Anniversary Raid - Hate's Fury - for coins, when that goes live. Number 10 on the list may take a while to complete, all the others can be done in 5 to 15 mins each. Have fun.
  3. Brickhaus Augur

    Conq's time estimates are a little aggressive IMO, especially for those groupers who need to use autofollow to get around in some of those missions. It's still a good list.

    I'd actually put Unity first on the list if coins are what you want (and you can see if the aug mob spawns as well). Once you relearn Blackburrow for the 20th time of course....
  4. Cicelee Augur

    I have never looked at the vendor to see what could be bought with commemorative coins. Is there anything of note, or is it just all visual stuff like illusions, ornaments, mounts, etc?
  5. Tatanka Joe Schmo

  6. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    A few mounts, some okay-ish ornaments (I like the axe and the 2h sword, that's it). With all of the overseer tetra merchant ornaments, overseer ornament dispensers, loyalty ornaments, and the fact the new expansion weapons look better than they have in the past, it's a pretty hard sell to spend anniversary currency on these. And really who is still using mounts at level 120?

    It's a big miss, in my opinion, to not keep updating the anniversary merchant. They could even put some of the rewards on the merchant (unity horn, etc) to avoid having to farm them for yet another SBA.
  7. Alnitak Augur

  8. Cicelee Augur

    So if you are a level 1, or you like to play Barbie doll... then commemorative coins are nice. Otherwise.......
    Fenthen likes this.
  9. Notinterested Augur

    Thank you, this is pretty helpful.
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

  11. Notinterested Augur

    Wut? :eek:
  12. Cicelee Augur

    Everyone uses the mount stat buff. I can understand the comment about not using the actual physical mount- I know I personally have a bard box, so Selo is my speed. I would assume a lot of people just forget to use a mount, just run from point A to point B, etc.
  13. Notinterested Augur

    I have a bard box like everyone else. My bard dont give my casters standing regen.
    Grove likes this.
  14. Alnitak Augur

    Aye-aye. A government-issued standard duo Bard+Mage see the world from different rospectives. All my mages use mounts for regen, and non of my bards use mounts as they need to kick in combat. Although Selo's Sonata is a thing.
    And regardless of a class - gargoyle mercenaries are super cool looking! Everybody must have 4, all types.
  15. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    This is true. However, mana regen from medding has not scaled well at all over the years. Currently, at 120 with max medding skill, you get ~44-45 increased mana per tick from medding. Which sounds like a lot, but it's not uncommon to have in-combat mana regen in the 600-800 range already, and quite a bit more if there's a bard handy. Then throw in procs and other effects which refresh mana, and medding may be adding ~2-5% of your total mana regen.

    It's not nothing, but when weighed against slow acceleration (if you're moving a lot), more food/drink usage, and then graphics/visibility/targeting issues, it's worth a look for some people.

    I haven't played with a static camp in ages, always on the move, so for me, I just give mounts a pass.
  16. Notinterested Augur

    To each their own i guess. Ill take the extra regen. Mage stat food is completely free. I end up with so much from the cauldron i dont know what to even do with it. If im moving a lot i prefer prefer to move the group with my mage if im using him. /follow is not worth the hassle even with bard speed if you can help it. My mage basically lives on his mount.

    My druid would literally sell his soul for an extra 5% mana regen.
    Tatanka likes this.
  17. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I hear the druid part, that's my main. Instead, I pace my DPS to keep my mana level about even with the other two. Mana bear, Unity, and SK recourses and mage mana rods also help :)

    I'm in outdoor zones a lot, so /follow actually works pretty well for me. I've used it enough years now to know how to drive the leader, so that nobody gets caught up on the geometry. Where that breaks down, and where I use CotH a lot, are in indoor dungeons. But of course, no mounts in there anyway.

    The other option which makes up for not medding.... just letting the druid go OOM periodically, and then resting (OOC) for a couple minutes. That regen blows away whatever I would have gotten from sitting regen.
  18. Notinterested Augur

    This dont actually make any sense at all. You can do the exact same thing and be mounted keeping you in the fight longer. So how does it blow anything away? What do you mean would have gotten? You can have both and get even more.

    I get people not liking mounts but this just dont make sense.
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Does mounted regen actually add much mana these days? On a test I just did a character went from 399 to 443 mana per tick which is an increase of only 44 mana. When you have mana pools that break 250k and spells that costs 10k+ (before mana pres) that 44 extra mana per tick doesn't gain you much even in the long term.

    Yes it will add up over time but even then you won't get a lot of extra casts out of it.
  20. SoroxDrinal Elder