Hunter Achievements, Old Zones, & Rare Bonus

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kalela, Nov 14, 2022.

  1. Kalela New Member

    We've been running raids for months helping new, returning, and veteran players clear out the older Hunter Achievements. We definitely LOVE and are grateful for every bonus to rare spawns that are given!!!

    What's very frustrating is that many of the older areas have little discernable benefit from getting the achievements --- especially considering the weeks it can take to complete. For example, Field of Bone. I've spent many, many weeks slaying practically everything in the entire zone to have only one of the 5 from the Hunter list appear. Not one has appeared during the recent bonus period.

    Do I expect anything to change because of this post? - No. Would it be nice to have the development team take a look at this to see if there's an issue as well as consider increasing the spawn rates for NPCs in original EQ and Kunark that have no other purpose/benefit other than Hunter (and won't unbalance the game)? - Yes.

    I've played since release and really would love to get all my checkmarks. As a casual player who's not into raiding, I enjoy questing and achievements - hence, getting all of my checkmarks for Hunter. I struggled to get the logic of why these super low NPCs are so super rare and they have no other real value nor are have much interest from the masses.

    Thank you all for listening and Happy Hunting!
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    Those are trigger based spawns (or something dealing with spawn chains), I don't think the triggers get marked as rare, so they don't get a bonus.

    Also probably a bunch of old world spawns have something like a 1% spawn rate, 3x it its just 3%.

    No, this is the same data used for TLPs, they would be changing in-era spawns too.
    Treiln likes this.
  3. Mithra Augur

    I believe every rare has had their spawn method solved, but yes some are still hellishly elusive.
  4. Kalela New Member

    Well, finally had #2 of 5 show up.

    Having played for 23 years and understanding spawn rates, I still believe something is amiss. I've not checked another zone yet; however, in that zone, I and a friend tag-teamed for 24x7 coverage for 6 weeks during which the Hunter mobs never appeared. The location was specific and controlled with the set placeholders such that we killed 1000s over the time period yet 0 spawns. That's way less than 1% for the rarest. To spend weeks upon weeks not progressing in other areas to clear off hunter achievements that have very little reward (or only points) is frustrating at best.

    Regarding the reference to TLPs, I've not played on them. However, there are several examples of the developers having items, recipes, and other differences for TLP vs non-TLP. If my supposition was way off or any of the troublesome NPCs were deemed to be adjusted for non-TLP, options are available for variances for TLP as with all of the other current variances between the different server types.

    Either way, doesn't matter as nothing will change on the old, frustrating NPCs. I posted in part so those who are trying to get those old checkmarks and dealing with the same frustrations could share along in my misery. :D
  5. Soulbanshee Augur

    Unlocks are a scripted function, not a data function. They can set when a certain thing "releases" and theres scripts that handle that filtering. Other than that, the data of the actual thing is the same between TLP and live whether its available or not. There's no current way for them to "adjust" data for servers, only kind of example would be revamps that changed NPCs or items (or zones), but in that case they had to create a whole new thing with a new id, and during 1.0 the first version of the thing is used, and then when its revamped to 2.0 the first version is filtered out and the second version is then used. I wouldn't bank on them creating a duplicate for essentially backfilling a revamp unlock just for people to blast hunter on live.
  6. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    FOB is a unique zone when it comes to rares. You want to deal with them one at a time...if you check the massive Hunter thread there are strategies discussed that should help you.

    The elusive mob..Burynai cutter I think...I ended up killing all mobs to turn them into a single mob (Iksar pariah...any respawn not this mob I killed until it respawned as this then I let it live) and letting them live which wittled down the PH mob to a couple that I killed continuously for 8 hours or w/e and got the rare.
  7. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Just curious what rare's did you get i only got queen and im betting she's easiest to spawn all the others are roamers all over the place were the queen is just in the pit ph's being shredders.
  8. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Just reposting how to spawn FoB named cause I have the 'tism for this kind of thing.

    Pull the entire area they spawn in and clump the mobs up, aoe them all down so they die around the same time. The PHs will spawn after ~4min 50s, regular zone trash repops in about 6-12seconds. A few of the PHs have a pretty large roaming area and can go from the upper right corner of the zone all the way into the pit but will path through the same pit entrance every time to confirm you have one.

    Each named has a single spawn cycle so once you have the PH you can afk for ~5mins between repops. They all have a large spawn area though so you can't just sit in one spot, you will need some way to track most recent spawns.
    Raptorjesus5 and Andarriel like this.
  9. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    yea ive made a few bards so i can AOE hard for me to aoe on my ranger. what class are you using for aoe then waiting five minutes? last zone i need to be done with hunter in the expansion.
  10. Covfefe New Member

    Does the same hold true for Carrion Queen? i gathered up every mob in the pit and nothing new spawned after the first 6-12 seconds. I did see that Good's Maps has a "highsun" point listed. wondering if this would be the easiest way to find the PH
  11. Izzard of Bertox Augur

    I agree that "old" zones seem unaffected.
    I'm in Jaggedpine for the 10th or so consecutive year of spending MY ENTIRE TIME attempting to finish hunter. I just did 4 straight hours there today. Not a single rare MOB spawned.

    Now I'm too exhausted to raid ... sorry guys

    P.S. In this zone you need to run with a Locked faction potion or you will be hated by all the NPCs within an hour. So maybe that's the reason -- DBG making money off me in this zone?
  12. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    While I agree rare spawns can be difficult, those who have completed them absolutely understand your frustration. The difficulty is what makes them special. The apparent rarity is a function of their difficulty.

    As others have pointed out, each rare in FoB has a distinct method. In these very forums are the key to unlocking these methods. I wish you the very best of luck!
  13. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Jagged is one of the worst zones ever to for rares it took me a long time to spawn goldentalon by the time i got him i had almost 3 stacks of griffon meats. Others are rare too but he seems to be the worst.
  14. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    yea doesnt help when the rare spawnrate is like 1% though.
  15. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    not really raising faction in the zone isnt that bad.
  16. Izzard of Bertox Augur

    Quick update - if interested. Another 4 hours in Jagged Pine - Zero named MOBs besides the poachers. I've come to realize I will never finish this zone. Not going back unless DBG decides that having this checkmark complete is a worthy cause.
    Toukan and Tatanka like this.
  17. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    So you want easy mode? you just ran into a hard hunter zone surely with someone with 55k achievement points this cant be tough? Its my #1 on hardest hunter zones i finished next was south Karana, North Karana, Hollowshade Moor, Twilight sea and scarlet desert are my toughest. I'll add Field of Bone whenever i complete that.
  18. Mossaa Augur

    So many have finished all hunters, it's just about doing some work and have some luck. Some zones have as many have said, different scripts for spawning names or special spawn cycles.
  19. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    So many have all hunters done? yea right please show me some ppl that have every single hunter done please i'll wait. I got 16 or 17 expansions done myself still lot to do.
  20. Mossaa Augur

    I am one, and quite a lot on AB. just make a alt on AB and check my achievements. Most was done in 2017 and then when they did release more. + normal expansion names where done as expansions came out. So easy