EverQuest II unceremoniously wipes its ‘prison server’ and permabans every account

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Svann2, Jul 1, 2022.

  1. sieger Augur

    MacDubh likes this.
  2. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Let me quote your first post in this thread:

    When decisively refuted, you've resorted to ad hominem attacks.
  3. MacDubh TABLES!!!

    Imagine being hired as a community manager then finding out this is the community.
    Burdi, Stymie, Elvenphox and 2 others like this.
  4. sieger Augur

    There was no accusation in that quoted post. You appear to be intentionally saying things that are not true. I offered you help with a basic reading comprehension link, which it appears you did not click or pursue. I will have to seek to educate you here then.

    In English, an accusation is defined as: "a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong."

    A claim is defined as "to state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof"

    The English word "may" is defined this way: "expressing possibility."

    We're going to bring it all together now: saying something "may be" something, is not an accusation, it is a statement of possibility.

    Additionally, your accusation, that I made an ad hominem attack is not true. An ad hominem attack means "attacking the person" in an argument, instead of that person's argument. I am not attacking your person. I was suggesting that your reading comprehension was making it so you weren't able to understand my posts and was offering you help with that. That is not an attack, it is instead me trying to help someone out who is struggling.
    Stymie likes this.
  5. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Let me do you a favor and conditionally conclude that this thread has run its course and is now completely off the rails.
  6. sieger Augur

    It's almost like the moment someone pointed out potential DPG bad behavior related to how they treat their customers, you deliberately ran it off the rails like you do most threads you participate in, huh?
    Stymie and Leerah like this.
  7. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Based on 1 random, unverified claim on a anyone-invited Discord channel stated by an individual who probably has "nothing to lose"?

    I'm sure you're upset that your post did not fester unchecked and unfettered to the point of sowing wider unrest on the forums. The fact that no one has backed your claims after a thorough discussion is telling.

    This is a rule from another Daybreak game forum:

    Stymie likes this.
  8. sieger Augur

    Which again--has not been done. That's like your fourth unsubstantiated allegation against me by the way. Expressing criticism of the company is not prohibited here.
    Leerah likes this.
  9. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I support constructive criticism. Criticism based on unfounded or unverified allegations and innuendo framed in more certain - perhaps, mismatched - moral outrage through highly conditional/qualified language deduced by unsound logic? No, it will get called out on a public forum (if not by me then by someone else).
  10. sieger Augur

    Again, simply repeating the same allegations does not make them true. No one alleged anything, the only one making allegations is you. What I said is that if DPG did not refund prepaid subscription money that is not proper. Do you then, think DPG should keep unused subscription money when it closes down a service?
  11. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    A rather neutral, objective, and uncontroversial inquiry in place of your first post (with all of its dramatic effect) would have been:

    "Is Drunder F2P? What is the population? Has Daybreak refunded any outstanding subscriptions or shop purchases?"

    No mention of dishonesty or fraud. All fact-finding before drawing any conclusions or levying serious accusations.
  12. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    That's pretty funny that you think your posts have that much influence... You really picture them reading these forums, seeing your post and going OH MAN! That Drunder server. Damn! We forgot ALL about that!! Come on man... get a grip.
  13. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Shanarias, Stymie and Celephane like this.
  14. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I thought it was funny timing. LOL. You implied that I was at fault in your post. I responded and turned it on its head.

    Otherwise, the post was a counter to sieger's theory that this was some scheme rather than a business decision (F2P, low pop).

    You're taking me way too seriously. Relax.
  15. Leerah Augur

    Another day, another "WTF are they thinking" move by DBG.
  16. Leerah Augur

    Totally backwards! Now, companies are expected to have Official Positions on all sorts of ridiculous things. If they do not comply/align, they will be "canceled."

    Companies should NOT have opinions!
  17. Leerah Augur

    Punishing people for things they did when they were in middle school, boggles my mind. I raised these boys on Quellious. None of them are the same now as they were then. A few were unrepentant hackers who are just now coming back to EQ since their kids are in school.

    Very poor psychology and parenting!

  18. Leerah Augur

    Remember All Access that allows you to have accounts on various games? Well, in this case, if you had a character on Drunder, you cannot play your other games now.
  19. Leerah Augur

  20. WFSBelaar Lorekeeper

    EDITED: Suppossedly this was a joke. I do not believe you.