Best class to make if i wanted to focus on grouping?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Sctt033, May 8, 2022.

  1. SoandsoForumUser Augur

    Druids get an animal only MR debuff at 53 in kunark.
  2. Midnitewolf Augur

    You are correct. Glamour of Tunare - level 53. So yeah I guess a Druid might be able to handle a Charm decently at that point.

    The only thing I would worry about is perhaps a lack of tools to get a charm break under control. I know with a Chanter at higher levels, If you don't have some sort quick casting mez or stun ready to bring a Charm break under control in about 1-2 seconds flat so you can reapply the Charm, your looking at a dead Chanter. Getting Quad'ed for 400 damage a pop from a hasted and buffed charmed pet isn't fun at all.
  3. Barton The Mischievous

    A druid charmed animal moves real slow with snare on it.
  4. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    This. Snare your pets, pull target mobs to it. Druids are crazy OP in chardok BTW Flash of light etc can work too. Enchanter is already all about crowd control /shrug. Also, how close you stand to the fight matters.
  5. Midnitewolf Augur

    To be honest, I am only familiar with Charming on a Enchanter. Tried it some on a Necro I was playing and found that without the MR the Charmed MoB just broke to often and it got annoying really quick. In any case it sounds like the Druid has the tools it needs to do well Charming, at least once they get the MR debuff spell at 53.
  6. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    To be perfectly honest, animal charm doesn't miss very much. Sometimes I find the debuff ritual just wastes more mana in a burn. It's situational and relative cons matter, but I find the debuff also gets resisted and not <much> less often than the charm itself (or DDs)
  7. Midnitewolf Augur

    Actually the problem isn't the MoB resisting the initial Charm, rather the issue is that Charm duration very dependant on how magic resistant the MoB is when the spell runs its check for a break which I think happens on the server tick, every 6 seconds. For example if let's say you have two identical level Mobs. One is not debuffed and has 100 MR. The other is debuffed to have only 60 MR. The MoB with 100 MR might have something like a 20% change to break charm every tick while the 60 MR MoB will lave maybe a 5% chance to break. The end result is that the MoB that hasn't been debuffed will be very likely to break charm and your constantly going to be having to deal with it trying to kill you and re-charming it while the one that has been debuffed is very likely to go the full 8 mins or whatever duration of the charm spell. Their is a huge efficiency loss if you can't lock your charms down for the full duration of the spell.

    So you really need to cast your MR debuff, THEN Charm and then make sure the MR debuff is always active for as long as you have the Charmed MoB active.

    Oh and I am pretty sure that the more you re-charm a MoB, the more resistant to the Charm it gets. I could be wrong on this but I think this is how it works.
  8. MileyVyrus Augur

    Literally the only way to die in Kael is to group a druid and let them charm a dog.

    Speakin of poor decision-making: It is always hilarious to watch the healers that chooses to sit next to charm pets scream the second charm breaks.
  9. MMORPG New Member

    three pages of trying to convince people they should main a druid instead of boxing one. =D

    for real tho, druids are a solid class and very fun to main.