Level 100 heroic characters

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Meth, Jan 20, 2022.

  1. Evilness Gnome warriors are the best warriors

    Since there is a lot of talk about learning the game in this thread, how about putting readable in game guides on vendors in PoK somewhere, probably the library? Can cover all kinds of things like heroic stats, class specific strategies (perhaps written by members of the community), important quests and items to do, etc. Lets make more use of the Plane of KNOWLEDGE, for you know, knowledge?
    Angahran likes this.
  2. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    When was the last time that you looke at raiding guild requirements? I see a lot of guilds that would prefer those things, but none of them that require any of them. In fact, I want to say that almost all raid guilds usually help you get things like 2.5s, Heroic AAs, group Progression, and most other preferred/recommended things, even maxing out level, during the application and trial processes.
    Hobitses and CrazyLarth like this.
  3. Bernel Augur

    What if the level 100 heroic character started with a full vitality bar? The extra vitality would give the player enhanced XP for about 10 levels. That would allow them to get to 110 quicker while still allowing them some time to learn the game mechanics.

    I hope the 85 heroic characters still are available those players who aren't so concerned about getting to top-tier content. If so, it would be nice to have the vitality bar enhancement for these characters as well. That way they can get to 95 with a bit of a tailwind.

    If there are heroics at both 85 and 100, I would hope that the character which starts at 85 would have the option to jump to 100 at a later time. If they get through a few levels and decide they want to jump into the 100+ content, they can click the heroic button and level up to 100.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  4. Slasher Augur

    Not sure why they're doing 100 when EQ2 is like 5-10 levels from cap. Why are you doing EQ 1 heroics 20 levels below the cap ? The population of the game is doing content for 110 +
    Hobitses likes this.
  5. Zarzac Augur

    Really should be 110.

    Making it less convenient as a way to build box alts doesn't really add any function or growth to the game.

    At 110, if it is a returning or new player, it's still probably too big of a mountain to climb for someone with a job. May work if you are recently retired and picking back up an old addiction.

    Without a bot army or help, you're looking at maybe 1000 hours or more real time to get raid ready, especially if you choose a non solo class. Pick up groups as a heroic toon 10 levels off max are not going to be easy to come by. At 100 impossible.
    Ozon and Hobitses like this.
  6. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I would consider ToV to be the current "soft reboot" of EQ, like HoT was the previous reboot, and TSS before that.

    Whatever that current "reboot" point is, that's the level where heroic characters should start.
    Dragnath likes this.
  7. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    The sentiment is spot-on. But I have to disagree. EQ is FAR from dying. Like.... FAR from it. What Darkpaw, Daybreak, and EG7 want to preserve is its profitability whilst drawing former players back. So far, their strategy seems to be sound. Give the current and former players more of what they want.

    Look at the roadmap - that's exactly what they're doing.
  8. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Level 110 is too close to end-game. Hate me for saying it if you like - but the level 100 HC will be plenty close.
    Tegila likes this.
  9. DeadRagarr Augur

    The real question is: Who cares if its close to endgame? In another year or two it will be further away again. The big play would be to plan for about 5 years ahead. If it took them this long to simply make a newer heroic toon it wouldn't be out of the question to reduce that time frame from when they have to remake their remade heroic.
    Ozon, Vumad and FranktheBank like this.
  10. Tappin Augur

    It’s like they are actively telling returning players not to come back. With new artificially added clock blocks for leveling in newer expansions (good luck finding a group for progression) and the buffed content in RoS, many returning players just stop logging in.
  11. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    And making it easier will keep them longer? Nah. I don't buy that for a second.

    The easier it is, the sooner they leave.
  12. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    People visit for the content, but stay for the community. There’s no community at 100 to catch those players.
  13. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Factuality aside - I am against making the HC level gap any closer than 20 levels. It simply skips too much great content.

    If you're that worried about returning players, make a HC with them and play with them.
  14. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    You know how illogical this sounds?
  15. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    You, among others, appear to be concerned that a lvl 100 HC leaves a disparity among returning players. I disagree. I think lvl 100 HC are fine. They can group with max level whilst still working through content appropriate for their level.

    You advocate for a higher level HC which is completely unnecessary. The lvl 100 satisfies the glaring issue with lvl 85 HC that they can no longer group for XP with max level players.

    The point I am trying to get across with my apparently "illogical" statement is for those of you who decry the lvl 100 HC to take it upon yourselves to help the new players rather than advocating for a lvl 110 HC.

    Why do you want to shortcut a returning players' experience?
    Tegila likes this.
  16. LesserArchi Elder

    I have to agree with Skrab and disagree with you.

    In regular server, when people rejoin the EQ from long absents, I figure they want to have gleams look at what's new and would like to mangle with plenty of other people and enjoy the somewhat current content (as soon as possible).

    The old zones, it may be great memory of content for you but for the newcomers it's meaningless.

    When I have restarted the EQ back then (4 years ago or so), I wanted to see the end content (not raid content) really bad. So did most of (if not all) of the newcomers I knew. They were dying to get as much experience as possible, each and every day, for them to reach the end content.

    For the newcomers, most likely your opinion is only considered as a roadblock, nothing else.
    Skrab likes this.
  17. Slasher Augur

    because a returning player is more likely to return and stick around if he starts at 110 compared to 100. How do you not see that ? NO ONE is doing content at 100 period and this is NOT a solo game. He is not doing content around his level because there is no one to do it with at 100.

    100 heroic is short sighted by the dev team.
    Ozon, Evilness, Vumad and 3 others like this.
  18. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Starting at 110 instead of 100 means a returning player sticks around longer based on what? Your gut feeling? Every returning player (mostly friends I know IRL) has been more concerned with having fun and exploring the game with friends than the level at which they do so. And lvl 100 bridges that gap. What's absent here is your willingness to stoop to their lowly level 100 to actually group with them. You don't want to repeat content. You want them to dive into current content. I get that. But your argument is short-sighted and based on an assumption that they'll enjoy current content more than older content. In my experience, this is backwards. Give the returning players a chance to go through the crawl-walk-run progression before they take on content that exceeds their ability.

    How many returning players have YOU grouped with personally? How many are you willing to group with? Are YOU willing to stick with them, mentor them, teach them everything they need to know? Because whether they start at 85, 100, 110, or 120, they lack the knowledge you have. They lack experience with their character. Everquest has always been a crawl-walk-run progression. That hasn't changed. HC compound the problem the higher in level you make them. How do you not see that?

    The closer a character is to end-game, the higher the expectation that they know how to play. Is that really where you want to stick a returning player? There needs to be a buffer between veteran end-game players and an actual returning or (Brell forbid) a new player making a HC. Level 110 is too close - ie not enough buffer.
    Tegila likes this.
  19. CrazyLarth Augur

    Need new shrouds for 110 so the higher level can use 120,125,130,135,140,145 ect to play with the 110's
  20. DeadRagarr Augur

    Well if THATS the case why go up to 100? I deem that TOO high. I mean its skipping such great content! We might as well make it level 95 because that way they can see MORE content!

    Rain of Fear after all is considered a VERY good expansion! Level 100 is just SKIPPING all that great content!

    And yes the other poster is correct **YOUR** memories of a great expansion experience while the population is in that eta is nowhere near the same as an old expansion that nobody is bothering with. Its night and day and if you can't see that I am sorry.