FV Server Lag needs fixed.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by HazeGaming, Jan 12, 2022.

  1. HazeGaming New Member

    The lag on the Firiona Vie server has been atrocious the last 3-4 weeks. Some nights the game is virtually unplayable. Chat non functional, Long periods of delay, zone times have reached as long as 7 minutes for me personally. Many of us have tried making petitions but we were just informed that this is the wrong course of action to take.

    Customer service told me that I should be directing my complaints to the forums, So here I am. From what they can see "No one else is complaining". So for them there is no issue.

    I am starting a thread to bring voice to the issue. Please sign, bump, agree anything if you are experiencing the issues we all have been so they can address the issue accordingly.
    Bullwyf, Ssdar, Zapping and 6 others like this.
  2. Vannitee New Member

    Agreed, been awful last 2 weeks or so!
  3. Honestly...Ugh New Member

    We are all having issues on FV. Enough of the "we aren't aware of the issue" nonsense. We're all having issues with lag!
    Fenthen likes this.
  4. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    I doubt we will see much performance tweaking for the 32bit version.
    Maybe the upcoming 64bit upgrade will have an improvement on server performance.
  5. Warpeace Augur

  6. Zraxt New Member

    Yes. I have experienced a lot of server lag on FV over the last 3 weeks. I get 71ms, 73ms and 71ms from eq latency meter on my 3 desktop computers connected via cat5s to an Xfinity router. I also did a tracert and find all good timings. My FPS meter stays at 118-120 fps on all my computers i.e. not dipping when experiencing the lag. Tested with no browsers or other software running and only 1 instance of eq running on each computer.

    When I pull a mob it will sometimes run past me and then go back to its starting point before running to me. Other times it warps back and forth 3 times before it engages or just stands there for 5 seconds first. A friend that consistently groups with me there seen the same lag issues. I also experience longer zone times and chat delays. The issues are worse in the day than they are at night for me. The zone I get the most issues with is The Great Divide at the 115 Coldains in the back of the caves. However, I still get the lag in the Guild Lobby, Plane of Knowledge, Bazaar, Frontier Mountains, and Howling Stones.

    3 Desktop Computers
    I9-9900k / 32GB Ram / 2080 RTX Super / 1TB NvME SSD
    Dual Monitor 1440p 144hz on one comp - other comps have single monitor 1440p 144hz
    EditionWindows 10 Home
    OS build19043.1466
    ExperienceWindows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0
    Fenthen likes this.
  7. Ratalthor Developer

    This does not technically fit into what we consider a bug, so I am moving the thread to the Veteran's Lounge. We are working on improving the server lag experienced on FV.
    Andarriel likes this.
  8. Jondalar Augur

    It's not a bug that you can't use skills, AAs, attack or spells for long periods of time?
    Fenthen likes this.
  9. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    They mean it's more of an endemic issue that affects many things, as you mention, rather than a singular bug, with a singular solution.
  10. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    So it's working as intended?
    Moege likes this.
  11. Bullwyf Journeyman

    Fenthen likes this.
  12. Moege Augur

    And veterans lounge will be able to solve this ? I do not think so. Inappropriate that you moved it.
    Fenthen likes this.
  13. Warpeace Augur

    Better than player support:p, but still useless.
    Moege and Fenthen like this.
  14. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    According to their roadmap, they do plan on addressing it(maybe they already are working on it?).
  15. Moege Augur

    Quote it, there is nothing but addressing raid lag, zoning and chat lag is not raid lag. Xping in a normal zone and friends asking why mobs are rubber banding, rogue mercs when they reposition looks like they run halfway across the zone
  16. Covennx Augur

  17. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I think we're going to need a better definition of "your overall experience" - because that is so damn ambiguous that if they do something like giving us another 44-slot bag, or once again changing the aura color of the Restless Assault raid, then that pretty much meets the criteria.
  18. Covennx Augur

    Pretty sure it's worded like that because it does catch any other complaint.
  19. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Honestly, I remembered wrong, I was thinking of the raid performance issue for some reason. :oops:

    I remember when my server(AB) had similar problems around EoK, and it took a while before they sorted it. I don't think they are ignoring FV though, but I think they want to make sure the 64bit server is stable before they do any performance tuning. Your server just had bad timing by bugging out near a significant technology update. :(
  20. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    It's been bugging out for 2 years, though.