BST Burns

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Randomized, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. Randomized Augur

    Wood Elf Beastlords…badump tsch!

    Okay seriously though. 2 part question. I’m 113 and hoping to hit 115 by the end of next week (play time is limited, mostly molo, don’t judge me). Assume Auto-Grant AAs, ToV content (haven’t stepped foot into CoV and probably won’t until next xpac) - group gear/based

    Part 1: I’ve always been more of a sustained DPS kinda play style person. Burn an AA/Disc here and there throughout the fights and just keep cycling through them as they come up. And as sub-optimal as it may be, blow whatever is up when the rare namer appears. Anyone feel like sharing their burn set ups? Or give me a few tips on good AA/Disc combos?

    Part 2: LotD burn. I want to hit 115 and farm a few thousand AAs. Try to beef up my toon in preparation for next expansion. Suggestions on where to go to farm AAs where I can pop LotD?

    Part 2.1: open to suggestions for AA route as well. I’ve been going and doing some back tracking on precious expansions progression and banking AAs to use in the pet department since I use the warder to tank a lot of stuff.
    Tucoh likes this.
  2. bobokatt Augur

    For your burn set ups, I have two great links from you. One is older but still amazing and then other was posted here a while ago. Both will help:

    As a place to go and burn your LOD for AA, at least for me it was how quickly I could burn down mobs vs mana etc., but I hit GMM. Now mind you I was 111-113. No idea how much AA exp you would get at 115. But the mobs died fast so it was a sprint really.
    Randomized likes this.
  3. Randomized Augur

    Lovely thanks for the links :)

    And for AAs, I’ve recently acquired a Bard box (I actually use him for more than /melody). And currently he’s 108 and I’ve been gearing him up with the drops in FM. If I single/double pull with the BST, the person does just fine with me running 2 rogue mercs and my own pet heals. Bard is loving the xp, but at 114, regular xp is dismal for the BST. AAxp isn’t much to write home about either.

    Wonder if moving into RoS t1 zones like OT would be an improvement. Or if the kill per hour ratio slowing down wouldn’t cover the increase to xp
    bobokatt likes this.
  4. bobokatt Augur

    I am laughing now that I read your response as I TOO brought my bard back from the dead to play with the BST. You are right the XP grind is litterally impossible by just killing mobs in TOV/COV (reg xp). Missions, missions, missions (and merc and paritsan) is the way to go post 110. Heck the TOV rallos Zek earring gives insane XP per tier that you complete.

    Also as so many mention... USE YOUR OVERSEER daily twice a day. Use it for XP (gives good merc xp as well) or use it for AA's. Also do not forget collections... claim for XP or AA's for each. Each little thing adds up. I had never used Overseer and then realized it's just insane for that (or even collections if you want).

    AA wise I was JUST going to suggest OT myself LOL! It's where I went to test stuff up after watching some of Tucos' videos. The thing is that mobs there are from prior expansions but still are in some cases 110, 112 maybe 113. They blow up so fast with the combo that even though the actual AA xp is not much to write home about, about 1 AA per kill with no XP mod at 111 with 2 toons and 2 mercs. I bit more with just 3 toons. With an LOD or xp pot naturally that goes way up. I might be off and different for you set up.

    Obviously killing stuff in ToV/CoV gives MORE aa's per kill but the killing is way slower. Give OT a shot.
    Randomized likes this.
  5. Iribabh Augur

    You may net more xp in Chardok than OT.

    That said, OT can be a benefit in that you can farm Conflagrant Ore there and use it to make warrior gear to put on your pet. Makes a pretty significant difference.
    Elyssanda and Yinla like this.
  6. Randomized Augur

    1) I have no idea how Overseer works, but I always hear people mention it. I'll actually have to sit down and look into it and see what I can see

    2) OT was good, things were dying fairly quickly and no real complaints, but I'm thinking about moving into Howling Stones. Dungeons have an innate bonus to their xp right? Like only 5% but every little bit helps. And its smaller and with tighter camps (if I had to guess, haven't been to the RoS one before). Only thing I didn't like about OT was how spread out mobs were. If I could find a good room to set up in in HS and just sit there (may need to pull a healer merc for this one), that'll be fine too.

    3) I've only been to EW in ToV to get spells >.< lol I haven't actually tried my hand at mobs from there. Well...I did one time and the difference between RoS and ToV mobs was extremely noticeable.
  7. Randomized Augur

    So I'm reviving my own thread as I've got a question that I couldn't really find with the search feature.

    I've been jumping around quite a few different characters as of late trying to find a toon I want to main going into ToL (been leveling a bunch up to 115 and then starting on a new one). But I came back to my BST and was wondering what a 115 (just recently bought ToL so I don't have the CoV spells yet) spell line up would like? Currently I've got

    1) Bethun's Mending
    2) Endaroky's Chill
    3) Ikatiar's Blood
    4) Frozen Malignance
    5) Vkjen's Maelstrom
    6) Restless Lance
    7) Bloodmaw's Bite
    8) Grik's Feralgia
    9) Growl of the Lioness
    10) Shared Merc Ferocity
    11) Dissident
    12) Salve of Tobart

    I feel like having Grik's and Growl on the same bar is pointless as Griks procs Growl on myself...but I thought I read somewhere where it's have Growl up and use it for the first 20% and then use Grik's. I dunno I may have been smoking something at the time too.

    But this is what I currently have for group play. Use the Warder to tank with a healer merc if molo (or groups tank)
  8. Cadira Augur

    I think having both girls and growl on same bar is a bit redundant. If you want to have the buff on you before you engage something soon, you can always Target yourself and cast griks.

    Otherwise, not a bad group lineup imo. Could rep growl with disease dot.
    Waitwhat likes this.
  9. Randomized Augur

    Okay that's what I thought. One was just a self buff that allowed me to use it without a target or ooc, but triggers the same buff.

    Disease DoT it is :) thank you (god my mana is hating me already lol)
  10. Alnitak Augur

    I have very similar, except 4 - Neemzaq's Endemic (abovementioned Disease DoT)
    9 -Venomous Coalition - I play very often with the second beastlord in the group and Coalition easily adds 100K dps.
    Also, unlock the 13th spell gem

    During burn only 3 spells matter - Feralgia and Coalition (if a second beastlord present) before the burn starts and then Ikatiar's Blood kept on lock-down. All other spells just reduce your burn dps.
    Randomized and Cadira like this.
  11. Cadira Augur

    Don't forget, the dps part of the growl buff doesn't stack with ba, Savage, ferociousness, or gba so it's not super important during burns (unless you need the extra hp to survive an Ae etc) but I wouldn't spam it during burns.
    And load up on all three dots before spamming ikatiars blood for free dot dps!
    Randomized likes this.
  12. Randomized Augur

    I don't think I've ever even grouped with another Beastlord in my journeys (on my BST). So Coalition is out. But I did replace Growl with Neemzaq's.

    Isn't Ikatiar's Blood also a DoT? Are we supposed to spam that?? lol if so I've been doing it wrong for so long
  13. Cadira Augur

    So with your vindication disc going, casting a dot also throws a strong nuke out. You can read the fine details in the disc's description.

    Spamming a dot while burns are going (specifically vindication) adds more dps than any other option as long as you make sure to keep dicho rolling and all three dots on your target.

    It's extremely mana intensive to do this, so do it at your own peril if you are going to need mana for after the burn. A quick burn event like Zlandicar? Blow him up with dots the entire time! Ikatiars is chosen merely because it has the strongest upfront nuke of the three dots for a tiny increase in and of itself.
    Iribabh likes this.
  14. Iribabh Augur

    You spam it when you're burning, specifically when you have your Ikatiar's Vindication burn running. Every dot cast procs an additional free DD with a base damage of ~55k that crits up to the 330k range. Also the DD portion of Blood is the biggest DD we have and it's insta cast so you don't lose any combat rounds between cast (yea yea 0.3 cast DD's prolly don't drop very many either).
  15. Alnitak Augur

    Well, talking about group burn like Zlandicar, my BST normally parses about 600-700K dps of weapon damage by itself (overall clocks over 1.2mil situationally) in 40 sec burn (happens to be that way, must stay under 45 secs for BST tank to survive)
    At that rate even 0.3 sec spell cast time reduces the weapon damage by 180'ish K and weapon proc damage (Bloodlust is running) by about 25K additionally. No BST spell would compensate for that, especially if we add 19835 + 54220 base damage from Ikatiar, which you could cast instead.
    So, I stand firm - during burn only Ikatiar Blood should be chain-casted while Ikatiar's Vindication is running
    Just for the reference: in 40 sec burn on Zlandicar my beastlord tank delivers 1200+ hits on the dragon, with 800-900 of those being melee hits, 300+ being weapon proces and the rest - a small number of kicks, DoTs, AA-hits etc. So, even 0.3 sec spell-casting time is alot of dps reduction.
  16. Tucoh Augur

    I might be misunderstanding what you're saying or could be mistaken about how auto-attack works, but if you have a 1.2s swing speed with whatever your current buffs are, a 0.3s spell-casting time won't reduce your swing DPS by 0.3/1.2=25% because your melee swing cooldown will be likely recovering during your cast time. It will impact your swing damage only when your auto-attack refreshes during a cast time.
  17. Iribabh Augur

    I agree that no DD's should be cast during that and only blood spam (and dicho/dissident/composite upkeep) should be done in that window. I just mention that 0.3sec cast piece because I've had people try and argue with me about it so I threw a note in about it to head that off.

    That said even outside of Zlandi, when you're running that Vindication, or your bloodlost / ba / frenzy combo (they don't always line up) you should avoid using DD's. Exception (because there always is one!) being if Vindi isn't up but the melee stuff is AND you have quicktime to make your DD's insta it's acceptable to run those if you are having mana challenges (and honestly by the time you're using bloodlust a 2nd or 3rd time in an event, you should be running on empty.)
  18. Szilent Augur

    1.2s swing speed from where? he said 1.2M overall dps
  19. Tucoh Augur

    So uhh, I did some math to calculate that he was using a 1.2s swing speed but I'm pretty sure whatever I did was nonsense and there's not enough information in his post to determine his swing speed.

    What is a typical swing speed of a beastlord under burn?
  20. Alnitak Augur

    Weapons have 1.8 second delay, then 125% haste+overhaste, then HundredHands effect of Ruaabri's Fury at 33.8%, effectively 0.55sec for primary. During Zlandicar's burn 800 weapon hits in 40 secs give number equivalent of 0.05 sec delay, obviously a nonsense.
    What is happening - during burn the chances for double attack, triple attack, dual wield, flurry etc are way higher than normal, some with +10000% modifiers. It results with 20-22 hits per second, even though the swings do come in batches with about 0.55sec delay.
    Unlike plated knight with their slow weapons, it's almost impossible to time the spell casting between those swings (when weapons are idled), so on one cast you may start 0.3 sec cast just after the swings happen (say 0.1 past that) and finish casting before the next swing occures (like knights try to do it actually), meanwhile next cast may begin, say, at 0.5 sec mark, and delay the next swing by that 0.3 sec, thus effectively making the delay between weapon swings at 0.8 sec. That is a notable reduction of weapon efficiency for the current weapon batch (0.55 sec vs 0.8 sec)
    It would take a very long sampling metering to demonstrate (say 100 Zlandicar burns with and without DD spell casting) to come up with exact difference, but an average calculation is simple: 0.3 sec during which BST is not delivering the average 600K weapon dps, multiply and you get 180K melee damage lost per DD cast.
    Do an immense number of samples and by statistical law of large numbers you'll see an actual number very close to that.
    On another hand, in any particular single fight, stars may align, and probability plays in your favor and your dps actually increases (with good timing, criticals etc). But that would be a fluke, not the norm.
    Randomized likes this.