Add Tradeskilled Bag Recipes in new expansion

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Darchon_Xegony, Sep 25, 2021.

  1. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    Starting in Classic tradeskills, particularly tailoring, offered a good way to get good sized bags for your inventory with Hand-Made Backpacks. Come Luclin they introduced Leatherfoot Haversacks to offer a solid 10 slot weight reduced bag. Gates of Discord introduced some bag combines for all races.

    Then come House of Thule with the expansion of bags beyond 10 slots, we saw a whole new line of tailored bags. Starting in HoT there were 14 slot bags available. VoA expanded to 16, RoF to 18 and CotF to 20 slot. Also in VoA the 32 slot tradeskilled only bags were introduced.

    And that’s where we’ve been for the past 8-9 years. It was often cited that the reason they didn’t want to introduce more tradeskilled bags was because marketplace sales but since then they’ve not introduced any new bags outside of the one time purchase 40 slot bags aimed at TLP players. The typical 40 a lot tradeskill and 32 slot Journeyman’s Rucksack are all that’s being sold in the marketplace as they have been for the past 10 years.

    Currently between raid bags, Hunter achievement bags and group currency bags players can fill their inventory and most of their bank with 44-40 slot bags.

    I’d really like to see a new round of tradeskill created, tradeable bags available in the next expansion. I’d like to see a few different bags created.

    32-40 slot General bag
    40 slot Tradeskill bag
    40 slot Collectible Bag

    I think the recipes for these should be more involved than past bag combines. They could maybe require multiple expansions worth of drops. Perhaps require crafting a multi-planar hide using one of each of the last 10 animal hides and similar with the silks? Or something like this. Throw a really high tradeskill trivial on the combines and maybe a 350 skill required to attempt the combines?

    Also you could add an additional recipe that allows you to combine a group tradeskill ore and raid tradeskilled ore to convert the bags into higher slot count, lore variants.
  2. demi Augur

    this should never be a requirement to be able to make TS bags .. or any TS item .. make the failure rate higher sure but dont make it a required 350 or you cant even attempt it ..
  3. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    A required skill level prevents people from simply bypassing any difficulty in trivial with 100% salvage potions.

    You could alternatively make an alternate success for the combines that doesn’t return to you the hard to obtain components.
    Duder likes this.
  4. demi Augur

    the same could be said for if you do have a 350 skill people will still bypass the failure rate by buying the 100% salvage potions ..
    so doesnt matter either way people will still buy the potions (i do not buy them) but some do .. I still think it would be a bad idea to req any TS item to have a very hard to achieve TS skill of 350 only the truly Devout TSers even attempt to reach it ..
  5. Sebbish New Member

    Let me see, 40 slot TS bags from Market, 40 slot bags from completing recent collections, (and with Overseer and collection dispensers is possible to complete)
    Ozon likes this.
  6. Fanra

    Not seeing the problem. You yourself just said most players don't have a problem.

    By the way, you don't want to fill up your character with too much as far as bank and houses go. Especially houses. Every single item you add makes your zoning slower. Off load as much as you can to alts you never play.

    Please correct me if I don't understand.
  7. cadres Augur

    Yes some people will just buy the potions (so mitigating any drop in revenue which has been said may be a roadblock to introducing such an idea)

    Personally I think this is a great idea. There *should* be something that is difficult to obtain at the end of all arcs, IMHO - whether raids, groups, tradeskills etc.
    The 'difficult thing' shouldn't be something vital for progression or similar - more a 'nice to have'

    So a big yes from me for the original idea and the making of a great bag that needs some work to achieve
  8. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Not sure where you got that idea. I have 3 houses full of stuff on all my mains, and one has a very full bank. Zoning times are fine.
    Aanuvane and Elyssanda like this.
  9. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    Nah, the potion doesn't really even work. They already have alternate fails (

    IT was meant to return on a normal fail (Draught or not) and NOT return on the RARE alt-fail. (Draught or not)
    Change: It will return on a normal fail (Draught or not) and NOT return on the Rare alt-Fail. If you are using a Draught, Alt fail will not roll at all, so you can only get a Normal fail (ore returned)

    Here's the Ngreth reply in a Bug Thread from RoS(

  10. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Every expansion our amount of inventory space DECREASES -- additional tradeskill items, portal clicks, and so on. But we aren't given better ways to handle the additional capacity. Dragon's Horde? That should be a free feature if you aren't going to fix the overall problem of too many items, not enough bag/bank space.
  11. Fanra

    I got the idea when they introduced Dragon's Hoard. The idea is that items in the Dragon's Hoard don't count toward the ones the game has to deal with when zoning or searching.

    Based on this:
    The Dragon's Hoard is supposed to be a more resource-friendly storage. Lore items can be placed in your hoard and they won't count when your inventory / bank / etc. looks for duplicate lore items. However, when you take out a lore item, it will do those checks (and does the same when depositing, you can't have multiple of the same lore item or items in the same lore group) and will fail to withdraw that item if you already have it (or another item in the same lore group) in your inventory / bank / etc..
    — klanderso, EQ Developer, November 23, 2020

    It could be that "resource-friendly" only means the Daybreak servers, but I do believe it also affects zoning times.

    I can't think of any other reason why my zoning is slower than other people, I figure it is my three houses completely full of stuff along with my bank.
    Skuz likes this.
  12. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    40 slot bazaar bags.

    (I had to ask)
    Angahran, Nennius and Svann2 like this.
  13. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Make the ability to make it a Vet. Perk. :cool: It could be made of Lemming Fur.
  14. demi Augur

    could it have something to do with loading the Neighborhood up .. ive noticed that if no one is in the actual neighborhood it takes a min for it to load up vs if someone is standing inside the neighborhood it loads quicker .. and In my neighborhood I have an active guild and there are many houses with tons of stuff in the yard and what nots . but most peeps dont sit out on lawn chairs smoking a joint and drinking beer on their patio .. ;)
    Elyssanda and Andarriel like this.
  15. OlavSkullcrusher Augur

    Devout? I think you mean masochistic.
    demi likes this.
  16. OlavSkullcrusher Augur

    Hunter bags require, well, doing the hunter achievements. That's not something "most players" do, I don't think.
  17. Duder Augur

    Yes, please do make it required 350 to attempt them. There should be more items with required 350 to reward the devout TSers.
    cadres and Nennius like this.
  18. demi Augur

    they really need a dislike button , so this will have to do :rolleyes::(:mad:
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    While I don't really think this is needed, bags would need to be bigger than current bags to make them worth adding. Currently my smallest bag is 36 slot largest is 44. Bigger collect bags and tradeskill bags would be very welcome. Also quest bags.

    Should use items from the current expansion only, we have been complaining about having to go back to older expansions for baking I see no reason to make tailors have to do the same thing.
  20. Nennius Curmudgeon
