Fixed Internally Breath of Harmony clicky doesn't stack with Shaman focus line spells

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Sythrak20, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. Sythrak20 Elder

    Is this intended? With the patch creating new spell lines for item clicks, Niv's Melody of Preservation clicky on the Breath of Harmony will not take hold because its on the same line of shaman focus spells. Considering its a bard song it doesn't seem like it should be doing this.
    Kroolhand78, Nenton, Fenthen and 22 others like this.
  2. Nniki Augur

    Item Benefit: Doben's Spry Sonata Rk. II from Darkened Breath of Harmony has the same issue.

    The briarcoat falls away.
    Your body moves with precision and fluidity to the sonata.
    You begin casting Spinecoat.
    Your Spinecoat spell did not take hold. (Blocked by Item Benefit: Doben's Spry Sonata Rk. II.)

    There's also no casting message. Not sure if that was a thing or not before patch though.

    I didn't test them, but these might have similar issues:
    • Item Benefit: Wind of Marr
    • Item Benefit: Jonthan's Whistling Warsong
    Starkxx, Szilent, Barton and 3 others like this.
  3. Hype_Mangler New Member

    Similar Issue with Lute of the Flowing Waters click effect, "Wind of Marr" being blocked by Enchanter Clairovoyance spell.
    Skuz likes this.
  4. Jarten New Member

    It seems like 'Item Benefit Niv's Melody of Preservation' is now classified as a spell vs 'Niv's Melody of Preservation' which is a song, as they stack now. Also 'Item Benefit Niv's Melody of Preservation' seems to be missing the 'Stringed' Skill modifier found on 'Niv's Melody of Preservation'.
  5. Nniki Augur

    Skuz likes this.
  6. Progress Augur

    I can confirm that this is true. On Aradune server - level 56 bard - click from Breath of Harmony is blocked by Shaman line of talisman stat buffs.
  7. Ishbu Augur

    This has to be broken and should be fixed no?
  8. Lifa Halflings represent

    Just noticed that the stacking issues still exists with Rabies.
  9. Xeris Augur

    any updates on this? Impacting Lute from Powater + Breath of Harmony...
  10. Forum_Quester New Member

    Is there any additional information that we can provide that would be useful in helping you identify the fault? BOH click is still blocked by shaman focus and druid strength line, while Niv's Melody of Preservation is not blocked when sung normally. I imagine that uploading a parse would be less useful that the devs just repeating the fault, but I would appreciate knowing if there is anything that would help the devs out.
  11. Zanarnar Augur

    I'm wondering if this line form focus is this issue:
    Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is effect 'STR' and < 153
    (I just picked a random focus spell to compare with: Melody, Focus)
  12. Sythrak20 Elder

    Bump, basically most bard song clickies are rendered useless with this bug any news on a fix?
  13. Xeris Augur

    "QA in progress" for over 2 months? Pls fix.
    Fenthen likes this.
  14. Xeris Augur

  15. Xeris Augur

    How many months will a QA be in progress? Just checking.
    Fenthen likes this.
  16. Methikl New Member

    Gotta give them some more time! 22 years later they are still busy nerfing necros (today's patch). Getting around to things that are actually broken is a tall order when the devs are still busy arbitrarily tweaking game functions that already work. This thread has now been here 5 months without any action from the devs. Unfortunately, that alone tells you the speed at which things are "advancing" at DPG.
  17. Vaszak New Member

    Hello? Any updates to this?
  18. Lubeni New Member

    Disappointed when I got a Lute of the Flowing Waters recently to find that the click is as broken as Breath of Harmony's is. Stacks with the normal song, doesn't stack while having a regen buff on, and will even overwrite Voice of Quellious!

    Would really like to see this fixed, not sure why they aren't just reverted back to casting the normal songs?
    Falrik likes this.
  19. Xeris Augur

    Yep, it's broken as . Glad the bard clickies that introduce some real skill to the class are totally broken. :(

    Pls fix issues like this with the game instead of adding random new features like item comparison tool that nobody needs or asked for
  20. Xeris Augur