Game not built for playing just One Account anymore

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by BarryGarry, Dec 21, 2020.

  1. BarryGarry New Member

    Yes I am bad.... Yes I need to get good.... Whatever other hate comments that will follow....

    CoV is just Impossible as a solo account player. I am in CoV gear, ToV enhanced raid weps and non vis armors on a BST pet with max Enhanced Minion and MAX AA for ToV.

    Will you guys ever plan around us little guys with just one account to be able to enjoy the game/new expansions? I remember that was one of the great things about EQ, you could solo and have fun, you could group and have fun, you could raid and have fun, the choice was yours, yeah we had hurdles and difficulties of the past that are no longer around, but those things were changed to make it a little easier, but still satisfying.

    This new expansion is NOT satisfying, It is like being forced to mow your grass with a pair of scissors.

    I would even take some corpse runs again over all these overpowered mobs with way too much damn HP. This really feels like a garbage of an expansion and not very much thought that went into it, just wanted to rush it out and grab that cash.
    Garglak, KarmaKitty, Boze and 3 others like this.
  2. seber Augur

    hell yea 100% with you

    To day like your look down on not have 6box crew ?
  3. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I used to creep my way through Rain of Fear zones when it was current content, as a cleric with a tank merc. Extremely slow, and if I snoozed and missed a heal the merc was dead and I was gating. Today that's not at all possible. #Sad.
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I assume as you are in cov gear but cannot kill there that you are on FV.

    I thought FV was supposed to be good for groups. I know on AB we still have people LFG who join groups with space.
  5. Hekaton Augur

    im pretty much a solo shaman. i got through cobalt scar and western wastes solo but hit a wall after that....was able to do a couple things in skyshrine but yeah its group time
    Derka and OldCa61 like this.
  6. Tegila Augur

    If they tuned the expansions around solo play, not group, there'd be no reason to group and then there'd be even more complaints about not grouping. Only select classes have been able to solo the newest content in many years. There's plenty of content to solo if you don't have a group, just not brand new stuff. You still can, as a bst or other classes, but it's going to take forever. So, let it take forever or find a group, or go to a previous expansion or 2 or 3 or 4, that are all still quite popular especially for xp, and solo or group there.

    Idk if you noticed all the complaints about certain groups mowing down large swathes of current zones, but if it we're tuned for solo play that would be a LOT worse.
  7. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    As a general "rule of thumb" this is how I am currently playing EQ

    Current expansion progression content:
    Early on, definitely requires a group, maxed AA & fully BIS last-expansion group gear at the least - and have some raiders in it, if you can't get a group be a strong solo class like Necromancer or Shaman, or maybe a 5-6 box with a raid geared tank.

    Very late in the expansion with my Main equipped with raid gears & back up to mostly max aa I am usually okay tackling partisan & mercenary tasks with my 3 box using a merc tank with all the available merc aa. Heroic missions - nope.

    Last expansion progression content:
    Box with 2-3 mercs & 2-3 group geared characters / Heroic Missions - probably still need a group for some.

    2 expansions old Progression content:
    Can 2-3 box everything probably including Heroic Missions - some achieves may be too tricky to get.

    The thing I saw in EoK & RoS was tackling progression was out of line with group gears, the group progression was maybe okay with fully RoS geared characters but how are you expected to be fully geared, max aa & max merc aa if you use mercs as you enter an expansion? Entering EoK you almost needed to be EoK group-geared to get EoK group-gear & the same applied to RoS.
    Late expansion EQ it really feels like the group game is not for group geared players any more, but for raiders and I think that's a big mistake myself. Who the hell cares if raiders face-roll group content? they always did before, now its like the dev team have decided that the raiders need a challenge in the group game but the group geared players are an afterthought and are just expected to be an expansion or so behind the curve tackling content one expansion back.

    I think a big part of the problem is how few group players are actually jumping into beta to test stuff, mostly the testing is being done by Raiders and tuning content is therefore a guesswork exercise based off how easy or difficult raiders find group tasks.

    Fact is that getting groups in EQ is not an easy task, yet the game runs on the assumption you need a group for current content. Server populations are fine on some servers & bloody awful on others and the game makes no adjustments for that in its design. So address the low populations if design cannot create content that scales to the players so that more players can at least have a fighting chance to get groups for this stuff.

    And if the team won't address server populations & steadfastly refuses to adjust content to suit then they either lose players or need to create some solo content.
  8. Tucoh Augur

    Soloing is no way to play EQ. It used to be OK for some classes, but they've increased the synergy between different classes while increasing group XP bonuses and have balanced the game for that. In 2020 the beastlord's group contribution is so massive that soloing is a waste of their abilities, while they are so much better with one of many different group mates. Grouping with a single bard, enchanter, shaman, druid, ranger will dramatically increase your lethality. Adding in a warrior, berserker, monk, rogue will give you a boost as well. Add in several of those? You're in a totally different league.

    And if you want to log on and quickly find random players to group with, live EQ is the wrong game. You can get this experience on TLP servers, but that comes with a host of other problems, not the least of which is playing a throwaway character.

    If you want to play one account in EQ, you'll probably want to group. If you want to group, you're going to have to develop a social network. This isn't easy. This is the way.
  9. Cicelee Augur

    Every day, hundreds of solo players log into Everquest.

    Every day, hundreds of solo players want to group with other players.

    Every day, hundreds of solo players do the bare minimum in communicating their desires to the rest of the server.

    Every day, hundreds of solo players do no work in reaching out to others to foem groups using the in game features.

    Every day, hundreds of solo players log off after minutes of being in game, frustrated because they could not get the ideal group within minutes.

    Every decade, hundreds of solo players bemoan their plight on the forums that a game that specifically says Massive Multi-player Online game does not cater to the solo crowd.

    Sometimes it is not the fault of the game. Sometimes it is the fault of those who do not put forth the time and effort.

    I mean, if there is 3 solo players that put up a LFG flag, and one of those three takes an initiative and sends a tell to the other two, and all three say yes... isn't crisis averted?
  10. Tegila Augur

    And don't use the LFG tag, nobody looks at that. Tell people you're lfg.. in general, in the zone you wanna group in, in PoK. But as I've always said. Don't look for group, make one.
    Elyssanda and Leerah like this.
  11. Namde Augur

    You are correct. It’s sad but true. Most people would rather play with themselves then group.

  12. Fanra

    Does anyone use the Group Search Window (EQ Button > Players > Looking for Group)? Heck, I forgot it was there, although since I just group with guildies it doesn't matter to me.
  13. Derka Power Ranger

    I have had the same experience maining a Ranger. CS and WW were not bad to do from start to finish, just have to take your time and maybe wait for burns on certain parts. Definitely died to a roaming ulthork or two and the siren quest giver. Also learned that a dracolich in DN has probably 130 mil hp lol. Tried to snipe it for the one quest and it didn't go as planned once a couple spiders joined in.

    As for not being able to manage at least a few zones as a beastlord, well that is surprising. CoV is actually fun because it is challenging.
  14. Belexes ForumQuester

    Challenge accepted. I am gonna see how far I can go moloing a ranger. :)

    It'll be fun! I have two accounts and duo progression pretty easily. Missions will be the only thing I need groups for. With Ranger, I will go CoV alone until I can't.

    Ranger hasn't done anything in CoV yet. I was max AA at the end of ToV. Named mobs might be tough, so Hunter will be a challenge.
  15. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Sometimes Im just in a solo mood, and as a wizard I am fairly limited in what I can do with just a merc.

    My original plan for "molo-projects" was to complete the progression in older expansions, I have yet to beat.
    I did fairly well in TdS. :)
    CotF, was "ok", needed some help with requesting missions(and an actual group for the tower of rot mission, I have yet to beat argin-his and the last 2 CotF-missions, gotta try those someday).
    TBM/EoK/RoS I did in real guild groups, so can't comment on the solo-friendliness there.
    I hit a wall in TBL esianti partisan though(TBL-missions were done with guild groups, so just need merc/partisans there), TBL is one big "undercon" even in ToV tier2 raidgear. Some stuff in TBL just requires a real tank...

    In level 110+ content I am limited to rootable/snareable, singlepulled mobs without a group. So yeah, there isn't much solo-content in modern EQ, unless you like to just grind. I was able to farm tradeskill mats for my ToV tier2 raidgear though.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  16. BarryGarry New Member

    When RoS came out, I could solo names, When TBL came out, I could solo names, When ToV came out I could Solo names other than Kael/ToFS when CoV came out I could solo trash, but not even get 80% into a named, I never even was maxxed AA for RoS or TOV, I became max AA during ToV, I never had a high enhanced minion until the end of ToV, I never had raid gear till the end of ToV. I improved my toon 100% this time unlike every other expansion launch, this CoV expansion is WAY too hard man. Yes I group from time to time, but I have a life and stuff to get done, sometimes I am working and playing and want to solo, sometimes I am depressed and don't want to group with others but would like to take my mind of real life things and play a game for a bit, this is a nightmare of an expansion.
    Coagagin and Pleides like this.
  17. BarryGarry New Member

    and no soloing these names was NOT easy, but it was possible
  18. BarryGarry New Member

    My post was not about grouping, my post was about soloing, that was one of the many ways you could play and enjoy EQ, and it does not seem to be a viable play method anymore
  19. Cicelee Augur

    So the crux of your issue is that you cannot solo named?
  20. BarryGarry New Member

    Well considering they did not even add new chase loot, not much I get out of killing trash to upgrade my toon
    Leerah likes this.