SK TBL wishlists

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by sojero, Oct 23, 2018.

  1. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    The monocle literally fell out of my eye socket, Zarzac.
  2. Zarzac Augur

    Spell data looks like upgrades to existing spells are in.

    My new stuff wishlist

    Newish stuff wishlist:
    • Lifetap reduction on cast time aa/focus
    • Lifetap reduction on reuse time aa/focus
    • AA/focus to reduce the cast time on non-dam AE aggro
    • Wouldn't mind Aggro pet upgrade to current ac/hp/aggro level I used to use the little guy at times.
    • Reaver's Bargain absorb Melee upgrade to next expansion level numbers
    • Still, want an AE HATE and/or AE FEAR totem
    • Reverse Divine Arb (Steal Group HP to balance)
    • Or Reverse /shield (/punish) ability to force share your damage would be cool
    • Levant aa
  3. Allayna Augur

    We've been full on tanks for....about 2 years now. Many of ours play other classes on raids.

    Of those things listed...what would add utility to an SK, in a raid setting, from the OP, that are not already out of balance?
    In a group setting?
    In a solo setting?

    I can easily pull an entire room in ST on my ALT SK and survive, the same can not be said of a warrior or paladin.
  4. Horyuken Augur

    Ability to log in reliably after patches ++
  5. Wuddane Elder

    Lifetap reduction on reuse time aa/focus is really nice.

    AA/focus to reduce the cast time on non-dam AE aggro

    First off Sojero, I applaud you for making this post. I'm sure you anticipated the normal type of response seen above. I personally think the class is in, well let's not lie, an exceptional state right now. These two ideas I would love if the dev's would consider though. The cast time on our loathing line is terrible, and when you have four or five mobs on you it can be quite difficult to get off. Lifetap reuse I would sell someone else's child for. Increasing the amount of ae agro on the spells I would love no doubt, I would never expect that though since we are able to produce quite a bit.

    Off topic:

    Y'all need to get over yourselves fo' real. Don't even sit here and act like any raid geared tank can't go out there and pull off some impressive stunts. It is ridiculous what a well played, raid geared insertanytank can do. I get it...Drogba made a video that first : made everyone cream their panties then second : blow up these boards with shadowknight hate (still was a great read, waiting for 2.0 sir). Not to stroke his ego here, but people don't realize that the biggest part of that equation is him. I don't doubt that if he played a warrior, or paladin, he would have made a video doing the same thing. Stop thinking you don't suck as much as you do.
    Drogba likes this.
  6. sojero One hit wonder

    Some explanations for you guys to cry more over.

    Lifetap reduction on cast time aa/focus is nice.

    reduction on cast time is neither here nor there really, just makes it easier to get off, wont up dps or healing at all.

    Lifetap reduction on reuse time aa/focus is really nice.

    reduction of reuse has already been done from 12 seconds to 10, and could be done further and would just reduce the amount of lifetaps we load and allow for more spells (1 more if brought to 8 seconds by my guestimations) on the spell bar. Might give a minor increase to self healing and dps which is the kind of thing you usually get in a non level increasing xpac.

    AA/focus to reduce the cast time on non-dam AE aggro

    This would only effect 1 line of spells that NO sk that I know even mem currently, its not needed, mostly fluff, but something.

    Wouldn't mind Aggro pet upgrade to current ac/hp/aggro level.

    This all tanks should get.

    Reaver's Bargain absorb Melee upgrade to next expansion level numbers

    This is needed to keep it up to date. (but don't care if it doesn't get increased. my personal take)

    AE spell agro is far behind anything else, would be nice to be brought up significantly. (right now it is only 9k, where our others are 15-26k so its not worth a spell slot)

    already explained why, also doesn't get memed as is

    More hastened ranks of unyeilding line as we lost an ability for hasted versions.

    We lost mindless which was really nice in group settings, as a raider I never used it, but would be nice to see a faster reuse on it. Not as fast as war, but faster than current.

    I am mostly a raiding sk, don't group very often so I don't really ask for group stuff. the sk that I asked are mostly raiding sk or play on TLP so don't group in current. I am asking for ideas from others to get some ideas for the group sk so that we are all represented.

    I also feel that we are in a good spot currently, that's why there is nothing on here that is really outlandish.
  7. Zarzac Augur

    Outside of the fact that your statement is somewhere between misleading and patently false, that would be a good justification.

    Jan 2016

    SK - 2
    Pally - 6
    Warrior - 7

    The number of tanks in the guild in 2016 still in guild - 1. So while you may have always been full, if facts dare come into play, you've intentionally recruited the ratio you have now.
  8. Allayna Augur

    Challenge proposed to all you SKs:

    Pick up a paladin or warrior and do what you do on an SK.

    You’ll go scrambling back to your instant terrors, instant bonds, shorter re-use timers and higher dps...
  9. Dreadmore Augur

    Ah okay, there's the context. The changes you asked for don't sound like anything spectacular or flashy, but to me as a group gamer, they also don't sound necessary. I guess they may be significant in raids.

    For the group stuff, honestly, there is nothing I can't do to complete the challenges that are built into the game for me, eg, progression, achievements, having a good old experience grinding session... So other than the usual incremental improvements to compete with stronger npcs in each expansion, which are expected anyway, I feel like any changes should be something fun and new. I could really not ask for more at this point as far as core class gameplay is concerned.
    Allayna likes this.
  10. Allayna Augur

    12 remaining active raiders since Jan 2016 as you linked. Guild leadership has changed multiple times since then as has this game. If Paladin splash isn’t fixed do you really see paladins remaining as a raid benefit?
  11. Zarzac Augur

    I plan for CT to try to have - 2 sk / 3-4 Pally / 5-7 Warriors at launch.

    So yes I think and will back it up with roster numbers, that Paladins offer a greater raid benefit than SKs and warriors even more raid benefit than both. Based on most guild rosters, I think most people that understand EQ agree with this.

    In the group game, I would reverse that to say sk > pal > war currently. Which, in my biased opinion, seems fair.
  12. Deathstroke Journeyman

    I'm not familiar with pal / war ; but there are a few things I'd like added to my class (just like anyone else)
    I won't post my personal wishes here but to comment on some of the suggestions...

    Revamping our Dots would be cool, but unless they add more spell gems they would likely still go unused.

    An AE harmtouch ability which also kills the SK would be sick and needs to be added ASAP.

    Some kind of dark magic rez... like 50% but no rez effects ?

    While our aggro (AE especially) is in a spot I'm happy with.. an upgrade to a few things wouldn't break the game (add in something to replace mindless hatred)

  13. Allayna Augur

    Love zeod
  14. Drogba Augur

    Delete rk.3 and mem rk.2 splash
    +Gift of Life
  15. Drogba Augur

    Because my cleric wasn't your healer.
    Lyquid likes this.
  16. Drogba Augur

    All classes get updrades/new abilities. The only troll is the jealous paladin who comes over to stir the pot. Sorry for the multiple replies, I was late to this thread.
    Sheex likes this.
  17. Tucoh Augur

    Allayna, get a hold of yourself.
  18. Allayna Augur

    Not possible to delete RK3 spells.
    SKs don’t need clerics.

    @zeod ya AE HT that kills the SK would be awesome

    @drogbaa Eviction 2018, move your plot to your own guild
  19. Flatchy Court Jester

    I know its all in the way you play. Terrors are something I have NEVER wasted a spell slot on. Its one of the things constantly asked for. Raiders seem to dictate what we get. At this point in EQ's life what do you think the ratio is raider to grouper? Makes me think Rhode Island is deciding what is best for the entire USA.

    Just like Dreadmore said , toss us a bone every now and then. I would just be happy if they let Hates attraction work on white and yellow cons again. All you really did with that was slow down the process.
  20. Allayna Augur

    Thank you for illustrating my main point for me coming to an SK thread that asks for more for your class.
    You don't even understand the abilities of your own class.


    Several experienced SKs have posted that SKs are in a good position right now.
    Maybe hit one of them up and learn what some of these abilities do.