Extruded Black Pearl removed

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fishlips_Jones, Apr 18, 2018.

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  1. segap Augur

    It really should have been done with the last patch. This still creates tiers of people. Those that had full groups get it and those that have to do it one at a time. Doing it now with the change to only one reward per run of the task just shows a vindictive approach. Especially with how boring of a mission this is.
    Fishlips_Jones likes this.
  2. Rickate Augur

    Ngreth Thergn said: ↑
    “We do consider skipping steps and doing only part of the mission to get the reward exploiting. I will make no comment on anything happening to anyone about that.”
    That would explain why when I logged into FV there was a motd advising people not to buy or sell the Extruded Black Pearl. Oh wait, that would require caring about your customers.
    Rickate, Mar 19, 2018

    30 days later the extent of the lack of concern for customers is revealed.
    Fishlips_Jones likes this.
  3. svann Augur

    On the plus side, Im hearing that it is moloable now.
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  4. Gnomeland Augur

    Give them credit. They did say, in this case, that it was an exploit in a relatively short time after the anniversary event was released. Compared to changing phlogiston to subscription only six months after the expansion's release with no warning, this was done fast.
  5. Gnomeland Augur

    It always was... As long as you had crowd control or a high end tank.

    This remains the case.
  6. Thunderkiks Augur

    It is. I went to test and tried it. Monk and merc only.
  7. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    We have had patches since this went live and was not addressed. Even after it was a known bug, not exploit. An Exploit would be like race changing on a TLP and getting 150k plat because their CS is full of 16 year old interns that eat tide pods and snort condoms.

    You want Free to Play account to be able to use RAID level gear.... Go to World of Warcraft with that crap.
    Ghubuk likes this.
  8. Gnomeland Augur

    “We do consider skipping steps and doing only part of the mission to get the reward exploiting. I will make no comment on anything happening to anyone about that.”

    World of Warcraft has no free to play past level 20. Shows how much you know about other games.

    Also, in the past, there was trade skill raid equipment that could be used by free to play accounts. Not telling people that this isn't one of those cases, six months in advance, is not a valid excuse.
  9. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    I heard Mr. T plays WoW.... I tried to download it once, then gave up because it sucks. But if you are so knowledgeable about, feel free to head back and have fun.
  10. Gnomeland Augur

    I have knowledge about many games. Your argument doesn't make sense outside of being a guy who doesn't even understand the game he spends most of his time playing well enough to know that there are raid equipment free to play players could use.
  11. segap Augur

    While I don't think there should ever have been raid gear that was not prestige (I also don't like the ftp model beyond being a way to lure back past subscribers), they also should not have changed it after release. People tribute/destroy old gear, pass on loot, spend time doing other things based on what they've obtained. A change like this after the fact screws over people that made decisions based on how the gear was released.
    Zhaunil_AB likes this.
  12. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    There are raids prior to RoS, don't care, its the past... why bring it up? I raid current content and if you like the game then you might want to raid, pay the 50 fricking cents a day to play the game. Or better yet donate that money to some 12th world country wearing flipflops and waling 57 miles a day to receive 12 cups of clean drinking water a day.
    Ghubuk likes this.
  13. Horyuken Augur

    I'll be getting 25 of that 50 cents refunded to me with interest for this extended down time. AFTER that I'm taking my 50 cents a day X 3 (THREE) gold accounts to silver because I didn't get a free aug!

    And don't mind Ofearl he is just upset he can't solo kar'zok because he is to lazy to go the Essence of the Dragon blocker quest.
  14. Baykun New Member

    The plain an simple fact is that those that lost the aug didn't finish the mission ... fine. Maybe lets not release content that hasn't been fully checked AGAIN!! Don't take it out on the players when you figure out we are smarter than you!
    Danure likes this.
  15. Gnomeland Augur

    You can't see the problem of having set a precedent of offering certain raid equipment sets to free to play players in the past, and then doing it again in the latest expansion, and then not telling those people that this latter offer was actually not intended, until six months after the expansion's release, when they've spent hundreds of DKP, dollars, etc. purchasing it...?

    Well then this discussion is over.

    I have no issues with developers saying raid equipment in this expansion is subscription only. However, in that case they should have told their players this was so; not wait six months until people have already invested huge amounts of time and effort getting them for their free to play characters.
  16. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Really? The past! What Call of the Foresaken.... lvl 100 stuff.... Are you serious, have you taken you meds today...
    RandyLahey likes this.
  17. Warpeace Augur

    So you want to go all the way back to CoF to fail at your point because its not like it has happened since? Yes Daybreak screwed up again with this but CoF was the last expansion raid gear was usable by FTP accounts its not been hit or miss it has been a pattern.
  18. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    To be fair, it only hasn't happened again because we've lacked raid content and only had one tier of gear since then.
  19. Gnomeland Augur

    Did they ever say COTF was the last expansion you'd be able to use raid equipment as a free to play character? No? Then how would you know it was the last expansion you'd be able to use raid equipment as a free to play character?

    In the absence of an agreed upon policy it is common courtesy to declare your design intentions. They had plenty of time to tell people don't expect trade skill raid equipment to remain free to play, but they didn't, so now they're getting called out on it. They deserve the criticism.
  20. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    But did they ever say it would or would not... NO, not to mention who owned the game during that time...?? Its RAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID gear, get it thru your tinkering think skull, if you raid you pay.... that's simple math.
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