WTB Evict Option for Guild Neighborhoods

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Allayna, Feb 27, 2018.

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  1. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    The bolded sections would require new code to be written. Making it a new item doesn't automatically mean there is no coding involved. This is why people think you are a troll rather than a person with strong opinions who doesn't understand what they are talking about.

    If you want to talk feasibility, the evict button is likely the easiest option to code. The functionality to evict already exists in the system. Putting a button in the GUI to execute that code is likely much simpler.
  2. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    I never said no coding involved.

    I said NO CHANGE to EXISTING code.

    I clearly said a new item would be created which of course requires NEW CODING.

    I clearly said they would CHARGE for the COMPLETELY NEW item, which would be a compensation for having to write new code, and the intelligence to not touch existing code.
  3. Tornicade_IV Augur

    so Allayne didn't buy the neighborhoods in the first place and wants to evict Terminate from the neighborhood he probably did purchase?

    If Allayna wants to correct the issue. then implement some guild rules on the remaining 50+ plots.

    Transactions between plots and the game bank is between the player and the Game bank not the current guild leader

    evict is not a viable solution. it only creates more problems down the road.

    outside of moving the plots intact to a non guild neighborhood tying a key to the systems eviction process is a very bad idea.

    people have paid extra for expansions for these unlimited stone hives and should expect their plot to be intact when and if they return.

  4. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Seriously now Niskin, you've been completely reasonable with me. Was I not clear about that?
  5. Lianeb Augur

    I am just wondering why think people that no longer play the game or are griefing a guild by not moving when no long in the guild still somehow have right to own a plot in the guilds neighborhood. Just because they bought it in good faith. Either before or after dbg changed the ownership rules. Housing used to auto evict players after 90 days of not logging in, until the EQ snowflakes complained that their alt were getting evicted because they never logged them in. So your answer is to create a new item for guilds to purchase to create another neighborhood that is a copy of an existing one just to get rid of the squatters.

    I name thee champion of the snowflakes
  6. Liljit Augur

    $$$ - it costs more money to the ACTIVE members of the guild.
  7. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    I don't think they have some 'right' to the expectation. I'm only saying that's the way it currently is, to change that is to change existing code.

    It hurts nobody to follow the proposal I detailed. Everyone's stuff stays in place, because there's no reason to have an individual (on behalf of the guild) evict and pack people up when you don't have to.

    I detail a solution which satisfies all parties, offends no one, changes no existing code, creates a new revenue stream as compensation to DBG for creating something new to achieve your desired outcome.

    And yet somehow I'm the troll.

    Do you just hear yourself even?
  8. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Yeah, no. Just the Evict Button thing.

  9. Eanelder Augur

    I believe this is the point of the thread as people believe that yes it does "hurt".
    • With the primary Guild zone taken up by inactive/ex-members, Active members have are no other option then to take up residence in another zone. An inconvenience as it can not be accessed from the Guild Hall.
    • Someone has to pay for a new Guild Neighborhood if you want to keep the exclusivity of a guild neighbourhood.
    • There is some exclusivity promised with a Guild Neighbourhood. You had to be a guild member to place your residence, any expectation that this condition goes away immediately after purchase I think can be argued.
    I work for a company in prime location, right in the middle of downtown. I have paid for a 1 year parking permit for the lot associated with that company. If I leave my job (fired, quit, decided to stop showing up) there is no expectation that I can keep parking space, and certainly there is no way I could renew it once it expired.
  10. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    It wasn't clear to me. As far as I can tell your intent in this thread is to suggest anything that isn't an evict button, regardless of how unreasonable the suggestion is. And to be fair, it's hard to keep yours and Tornicade's posts separate since you both seem to arguing from positions nobody understands or agrees with.

    An evict button for Guild Leaders is a simple solution. It's also a reasonable solution. If a Guild Leader can kick you out of the Guild, then they should be able to kick you out of the Guild Neighborhood. That's not even a controversial statement. Maybe you don't have a problem with that, maybe that's just Tornicade's beef. But you keep dancing around the evict button with complicated or unworkable solutions as though the button itself is an issue for you.

    Character's whose plots are evicted lose nothing except their neighbors. Most of what this will be used for is cleaning up after people who left the game long ago and are never coming back. Why should a GL have to pay 500DBC to evict one person, or 1750DBC for a new neighborhood because they lack control of something their guild owns? I'm all for things that make DBG money, but not things where you are paying them to not make quality of life fixes to the game.

    So let me expand on your question. Much of what you are trying to say in this thread is not clear. And by that I mean the reasoning behind your thought process, not necessarily the specifics of your ideas. That's not an attack, just a clarification. The evict button makes sense to most people here, the opposition to it doesn't. Tornicade's opposition seems to be rooted in some kind of perceived slight to ex-guildmembers. I'm still not fully sure what yours is rooted in.
    Mezz and Liljit like this.
  11. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    You misunderstand me Eanelder.

    I didn't mean 'leave everything in place'.

    I was referring to my proposal above which details how your guild neighborhood would be separated from the, now, non-guild members. But all, now separate plots, would keep their items placed instead of being packed up.
  12. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    I can only say to that. Again, fair enough. You speak reason and sense to me. We shall see. Certainly no ill will here. You are all awesome folks.
  13. Eanelder Augur

    BTW ... here's the description of the Guild Writ as described on Zam.

    "Consuming this item will bind a neighborhood to your guild. Only people in your guild will be able to own plots within this neighborhood. NOTE - The neighborhood belongs to the GUILD and not to the person that uses this item. You may have more than one neighborhood per guild."

    So unless this description does not match the one in game, or this has changed since 2011, its pretty clearly stated. The verbage used is OWN, not purchase. Owning a plot in a Guild Zone you do not belong to should NOT be permitted.

    If you do not want to add to an evict button, I believe the guild leader should have every right to at least submit a petition to have them removed.
    Caell and Felicite like this.
  14. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    You too, I recognize you on here as well. You are perfectly reasonable.

    As has been discussed extensively in this thread. There is a conflict in some peoples minds (some call a design flaw). By which the Neighborhood Contract (you quote) - The Writ description - and the manifest reality of a plot that says Time: Unlimited, seems to be a 'design flaw' to them.

    In the Writs description 'Own' means be the first to put into escrow. And that is indeed restricted to Guild members, AT TIME OF PUTTING MONEY INTO ESCROW. Any status change to that character, including leaving the guild does not change their ownership. You thought 'Own' meant at any given time, but it only means at time of initial purchase.

    The window which shows escrow is not in conflict, although many think it is.

    It clearly states this plot will pack up only when ESCROW HAS EXPIRED.

    If you have a plot with a Time: Unlimited house on it, and no upkeep, ESCROW NEVER EXPIRES, nobody can ever evict me.

    That is the clear expectation that people who payed into the system, quite fairly hold.

    I am not associated with Tornicade in any way.

    You probably don't know me, but I know you because I watch these boards.

    I'm the guy who designs those ugly robes. Create date Feb 2001

    It would probably be best for my robes if I shut my damn mouth. But yet here I am.
  15. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Maybe we could get an eviction button added

    I think that would be real helpful
    Mezz and Liljit like this.
  16. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    You know what, I haven’t actually asked him how many he has bought. But clearly you feel that we (as in eq peoples) should buy one that essentially evicts the “griefers” but creats a new neighborhood sk that their crap is left alone. Now who has access to this neighborhood as these people are jo longer in a guild? Who owns it? This a new zone off the lobby,

    Loading pmease wait... Entering Snowflake Village II
  17. Lianeb Augur

    I would buy a plot there, or is it exclusive to those evicted from a guild neighborhood?
  18. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    OH NO!

    Your load times are gonna suffer because of your fail on understanding the real estate mechanics?

    oh my goodness! who's the snowflake now?
  19. Eanelder Augur

    Unfortunately, I believe the term "Own" is pretty well understood, and I don't believe it is limited to "first to put into escrow" . There is a definite distinction between own and purchase. The person who bought the Writ looked at that description and should be fully justified in thinking that Non Guild Members could not have hosing in that guild zone. Given that it also states that owner ship of the zone is immediately transferred to the guild, a representative of that Guild, aka the leader, should be able to invoke that.

    As for your comment about escrow. The screen shot posted earlier does not say "ONLY when escrow has expired" (which you did not imply it did necessarily). This means there may be (and apparently is) additional criteria where plots can be will packed up.

    I well aware of who you are :), from these boards and the Player Studio Forums, I own several of your robes and items. I know your no Troll and understand your "one of the 50 people who [also] care about housing". I know any points your making are well intended.
    Felicite and MasterMagnus like this.
  20. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Magnus’ proposal:

    And those tears at the end are for the poor MS neighborhood getting griefed so hard :(
    MasterMagnus and Zaviere like this.
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