Re-tuned HAs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Galien, Jan 17, 2018.

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  1. Millianna Augur

    What exp? The whole 3 to 4% you get at 110 every 3 hours? How much lower can it go? The exp is MUCH better in RoS. Anyone who would choose Gribbles over a real group, has no real intention to ever group.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  2. Whulfgar Augur

    3 Dead Hills HA's could all be downed in the span of 1 lesson .. You clearly are refrencing the actual xp gained per Level. Not the actual xp gained per AA bar.

    Are you trying to say that you have never gained any AA what so ever in any Dead hills HA you have ever been a part of ?
  3. Warpeace Augur

    But if they don't do exactly this they cant get attention.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  4. Millianna Augur

    What’s your malfunction? It would take 32 sets Gribbles to get through 110, 16 with a lesson. If you logged on, pop a lesson, complete all three Gribbles it would take you at least two weeks to get through 110. How much slower do you want? If the lesson is OP, then nerf that instead.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  5. Whulfgar Augur

    Clearly your avoiding my question..

    Have you never used Lessons in Dead Hills HA's to get AAs ?
  6. Renaba New Member

    I think at this point I would just like to hear something from DB that says "we hear your concerns" and either "we choose to do nothing" or "we choose to fix this in a timely manner".
  7. enclee Augur

    They pretty much said that already, they said they would discuss it. They won’t change it, they’re stubborn and don’t play the game.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  8. Renaba New Member

    Thank you...good to account expires in 21 days.
    Hurrikane likes this.
  9. Mordeen Lorekeeper

    Two gold accounts, one has a couple of weeks and the other a few days. Lapsing to silver till this is restored to what it was before this horrendous patch, forever if that's what it takes!
  10. Millianna Augur

    I did answer your question. If you cannot understand it, that’s not my problem.
  11. Whulfgar Augur

    gotcha, you completely avoided the AA.

    Then you clearly not not tryna discuss what is being talked about in this thread understood bye bye.
  12. Tronda Journeyman

    Read much opinions but the word casual mean casual for me and surely for others:

    Casual = NON-FORCED to play because of competition = mostly non-raiders
    Non-Casual -> FORCED to play because of competition and groups relying on them -> mostly raiders

    That is the reason why i quit guilds and raiding many many years ago. You HAVE to be on to help but also to get your latest equipment to be able to contribute. It is a competition towards the goal to be the best.

    As a casual I am partly on 24/7 and sometimes simply make a break and don't care about accounts. I always be able to decide to stop whenever I want in that second. To do that in a raid or group is highly problematic sometimes because they rely on you. It is like seeing the goal of the game as the "way" instead of a destination you have to accomplish faster than anybody else.

    In that I want to contribute for the guy who said he has 12+ accounts to pay. As a raider you stick to one account with the occasional alts on other accounts but you have to be best in ONE toon for the raids. As a casual I have fun in every level, play every class, have 22 accounts, 18 are on gold, for 18 I paid RoS, before that 12 got the cheaper EoK 3 months before and I simply choose the account were I have the mood to play or I simply box a combination I want to test and experience new things. That means that nobody is near close to the endgame but I am able to box nearly every content except the lastest missions. If about 5-6 expansions are gone then even the raid missions are available to me which is fun to look into a game play I normally don't have the chance to do. That is only working because they are at the old level. If everything would be scaled by level then I would never pay so many accounts because regardless what I do I would need to stick to other people, be forced to be on and as fast as they, be force to find people who play with me to even be able to do some of the mission and that means bye bye EQ. I had my breaks before. Everytime SoE/DGB gave a on casuals then I stopped all accounts of 6-12 months. TBM was a catastrophy. Good idea, but ridden and poor in content. Since RoF there were no real expansion anymore. Every expansion since then have been copy/paste-maps which had only a fraction of complexity of old expansion. But I still go back to have fun because they are now possible to beat. THAT is fun for me. It is NOT A BIT fun to compete with others, to be better than others - this means like with some people in real life comparing the length of the penises and sorry - I am out of that age - I don't need that anymore. I love this game to play sometimes relaxed (old content) and sometimes with thrill (new content). If all would change to new content then the money is thrown out of the window and the reason to play that game (relaxation) has been gone.

    So if somebody claims that casual are not supporting that game only because they are playing outdated old stuff or are not raiding - think again. And I am not the only one.

    And there are surely people in between. Even paying so many accounts out of simply having fun with every class I still play old content and box them to not have the problem to waste my time searching for groups, having bad experience with people (I had a lot with peeps and guilds), wasting time to get buffs, wasting time to boredom because people only want a fast leveling instead of.

    Do I play with others? Yes. Some know me and have fun to run with a complete army. Do I help? Yes. Because the "elite players" don't take their time doing old Epic2 stuff and there are still some out there who are not elite. Do you elite players who want to hell experience in group content realize that?

    You should because I am not the only proof of casual players who support and pay a large amount of money to have a relaxed and cool time in one of the best games ever (even it has flaws beyond infinity)...
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  13. Warpeace Augur

    So its ok to get chest loot and no lockout?
    Whulfgar likes this.
  14. Zalamyr Augur

    I personally don't care whether the exp changes or not. My point is that it is absolutely normal for exp spots to eventually become obsoleted as levels increase. If their issue is they don't want people exping in old content, the solution is to reduce the exp, not increase the difficulty.

    It's absolutely not normal for progression through old expansions to get harder with new levels. Imagine how silly it would be for DoN progression to require a full group of 110's to get through because of scaling.
    Caell and Zhaunil_AB like this.
  15. Bamboompow Augur

    Wulfgar, I don't get what your beef is here. I take it you are one of those elite players who wants the game tuned around your player demographic and pretty much EF everyone else. I hope I am wrong because creating a game that requires 10 hours of play a day is assenine. Might be going down a rabbit hole there with that but ....whatever.

    Look dude. This nerf is just dumb. It's not raid gear in group content. It's not killing a cactus every 3 minutes for current level spells,augs and currency. It's not some loot pinata, money for nothing and chicks for free. Take it at face value: Boring exp grinding. The way this was handled was just a move, plain and simple. Sure, it's not going to effect the elite. Nerfs hardly ever do. What it does is annoy those who don't have endless hours to play, and drives players off who were fence sitting.

    And btw.....cleric and warrior mercs did not come about in a vacuum. It was because so many player tanks and healers log in, raid, and then log off after that week or so of leveling/flagging etc at expac launch.

    Nice chat.
  16. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    The discussion has devolved, expectedly, into a raiders v casuals pissing contest. That's not the focus here. The focus is the retune of HAs such that years-old content has the same or higher difficulty than the current expansion. THAT's the focus. I am specifically talking about TBM since that's where I am in progression 67 days after returning to the game. I was able to complete a TBM mission last night. I paid a raid tank to help me. His progression is all done. He did the progression right after TBMs release.
    It took us 4 hours to complete the mission.
    He said the content is 3-4 times harder at max level today than it was at max level when it was current.
    The HA scaling is overtuned. Please back this off.

    So this is intentional? The more I think about this the more i feel like this has more to do with internal DBG politics than with the health of the game. It's been mentioned that the current EQ producer pays very little attention to EQ.

    In any case, I've said my piece. My next move depends on the dev response.
    Hurrikane, Caell, Tronda and 4 others like this.
  17. enclee Augur

    It’s intentional and not likely to change just read the dev responses to the topic. They intended this and don’t understand why players are upset.
    Hurrikane likes this.
  18. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Don't casual players will get all the savior bonuses eventually? Sheesh... .dog with a bone eh? My opinion is the more casual player should be able to eventually get through stuff the more hardcore players already done.

    Fact is the game to keep going and creating new content needs every Live Server subscriber and marketplace user they can get. Lose all the casuals and I don't think you will see anymore new content. So you can go the "cut off your nose to spite your face" approach you seem to favor and just see new content end all the faster. OR you can try to be more inclusive and ensure as many players as possible want to keep playing Everquest and buying expansions.

    Once you drive all the casual players from the game you won't have better gear or game skills then anyone else you will have no one to feel superior to. Then you will just be a run of the mill average player with no more new content.
    Hurrikane, Caell, Ratbo Peep and 4 others like this.
  19. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Bit more of a challenge though for the casuals without TBM gear to do named in TBM. I saw players without TBM gear have a bit of difficulty with FM open zone namers. Myself and some others in my guild are more hard core then the rest of the members but I get to see how the more cauals get through the content and TBM gear did improve their experience with EoK.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  20. Krystalized New Member

    Trying to force me to group...just not going to happen. I did the raid guild thing on PVP and PVE. 6 gold accounts coming due soon. Been playing and paying since 99. All 6 accounts have the current expansion.

    I am a casual player now, and I am not sure why some hard core raiders here in this forum think they are the only ones that contribute financially to this game. Their attitudes on this thread "I got mine screw you mentality" is why many of us casuals have decided to hang up the raiding boots years ago.

    I see the biggest mouths from ROTE on here running their mouths and they are not really a raid guild they are an alliance raid guild.. Log into Cazic general chat and see what type of tools wear their tag. How many in that guild got suspended for cheating recently...

    Catering to one small segment of this game is really an ignorant move. This may be the final nail for a lot of people that are casual. I do find it amusing the people defending this HA Scale are people that already completely the expansions when it was "easy"... so it is no skin off their back.... nor of any consequence to them. It is not surprising.

    Now as far as the raiders on here thinking they work so much harder, I will have to disagree. I have been on both sides of the isle.... and it is harder to progress when not in a raid guild, the only difference is.... the casual players, like myself, are just not willing to compromise game play or morals to get there. I have never been banned from EQ... but there was quite a bit just recently on my server.... When I see their names here...bashing other players that choose not to raid... and act like the hats they are in general chat.... they reinforce my decision to not raid. Honor and integrity isn't in their DNA, and I personally would not want to be wearing a guild tag with people like that.

    They are the same people that think people like me on server are not good enough, smart enough, or uber enough to be in that type of guild, never thinking we are just tired of the guilds like that dish out to others on server.

    If you are a raider, and this does not apply to you then ignore it.

    At the end of the day... I have about 20 days before I have to make a decision to renew subs or for the first time let it lapse into free to play.

    I am on the fence, and have limited time to play this game, but have stuck by it the entire time.

    Hugely disappointed in the latest turn of events.
    Hurrikane, Rizzin, 22wplkj and 7 others like this.
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