No XP back from rez at 110

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by isabot, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. Nniki Augur

    If you petition, customer service will give you a single Bottle of Adventure III regardless of how many times you died. +50% experience for 4 hours. So now you can spend even more time making up for your loss.

    A single potion doesn't make up for it in the slightest, in my opinion.
    Ratbo Peep likes this.
  2. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    I disagree. I’m off to grab my xp potion. They really could have done nothing you know :)
  3. Tevik Augur

    Kinda feel like maybe, MAYBE, they should have just disabled xp loss on Live like it is on Beta until they got this fix in.
  4. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    I’m betting this wouldn’t have been as simple as flipping a light switch as it sounds. It’s likely it may have taken as long as it ended up taking to just fix the issue in this mornings patch.
  5. Bigstomp Augur

    I've done some development, and some fixes are scary. Some are easy, high confidence nothing will explode. Some when you get into the guts of a system are scary.
  6. Tevik Augur

    Perhaps, but it's still one they've done before. Beta wasn't always that way, right?
  7. Hiladdar Augur


    The potion helps in the immediate short term, but I do agree with you, for raiders learning new events, the potion does not even come close helping recoup the lost experience from a single raid. More so, that time regrinding could of been better spent learning new content or working progression in RoS ... but wait, learning new content is risker and you die more often there.
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Correct, but we only see beta once a year for 6 - 8 weeks, who knows how long that change to them to put in. When they added it our playtime wasn't effected they had all the time in the world to make sure it didn't effect anything else.

    How much time would servers have lost due to downtime just to change the exp to no loss and then back again once the exp fix was sorted? As it is now we have a 2 hour patch today to fix the exp issue and quest rewards.
  9. segap Augur

    They likely could have enabled it with last week's patch and then turned it off with tomorrow's. Part of the problem with that code from beta, however, is that corpses poof when you leave hover. People likely would have complained about the need to run back if they didn't get a rez in time.
  10. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    At work, servers seem to be up, is this chit fix’d?
  11. Goodn Augur

    Posted in the patch notes as well, but just in case no one looks there:

    Died before patch and left corpse in lobby. Just redinged 110 without a rezz first. Went to guild lobby and had a cleric cast Divine Resurrection on the corpse (which still had time on it).

    Zero xp gain.

    Not dying again just to see if it was the old corpse or if you are still screwed up.
  12. Cavall Journeyman

    The Hero's Resolution AAs are still not being awarded properly, too.
  13. feeltheburn Augur

    Patch to repair the patch incoming......
  14. Fanra

    What I would like to know is why do they have you not lose xp in Beta? I understand they want people to test stuff where they might die repeatedly and not have to grind back xp to keep testing. But just have the guy in PoK hand out xp tokens or something. It's beta, it shouldn't matter if you give out free items that grant you xp.

    Having no xp loss in beta can lead to bugs like this. Just give away free xp and that way you can test everything.
    Nniki and Bigstomp like this.
  15. Nniki Augur

    It wasn't rez that was broken. It was the xp left on the corpses. So, any existing corpses from before the patch will continue to rez for the pretty much non-existent xp they were giving you pre-patch.

    I've verified new corpses rezzed on live will return xp as expected.
  16. Goodn Augur

    Thanks for the confirmation Nniki. At least I can switch back to 90 percent aa now.
  17. Riou EQResource

    It's because people would de-ding down like 15 levels, then ask the guy in pok to re-ding them then vet rez to max level, which would summon like a million of their corpses to PoK and you would completely lag out and inconvenience every other tester that has to pass through, or guilds setting up for raid testing and such, in the same area old man is at
  18. Goodn Augur

    Riou - your argument against makes no sense.

    Fanra is basically asking for free xp, like a beta buff to max level or some tokens to give xp. So you don't care if you get xp from a corpse rezz, but if you are out and about, you can and we can see if xp comes back. I am sure that many, many players will now test resurrections in the next beta...if they are able to.

    Someone doing what you suggested has no game reason to do so with the free xp. They would be clearly doing it to grieve beta players. And since the Devs take a strong interest in making sure no one is grieving beta players, it could be stopped very easily...with punishment extending to Live if needed.

    Clearly EQ is pushing the boundaries of the old code. It is very important moving forward that Beta and Live are as close as possible mechanically (unless it is a new addition). We'll see if anything actually changes...
    svann likes this.
  19. Mehdisin Mahn Augur

    bug fixed... this thread needs to die.
  20. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    It's not an argument it's the actual reason why XP loss on Beta was removed. There is an NPC on Beta that gives out XP but he won't lvl you up to a new lvl cap, so for instance when the Max lvl is 100 and they raised it to 105 people delvled then hailed the XP guy to get back to 100 then hit Expedient to go to 105.
    Riou likes this.