Login server down

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Gremin, Jun 30, 2017.

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  1. telezar Journeyman

  2. nunya1070 New Member

    Probably not an intentional ddos, but one as a result of everyone trying to log in. There's a technology available called a "load balancer" that you can stand up multiple logon servers behind and the load balancer will, get this, balance the load between the servers. You can also do things like rate limiting to prevent servers from becoming too loaded and thus crashing. Of course, I am describing a technology which has been around for only the last decade so maybe it's too new?
  3. Tarskin New Member

    I think that they just hadn't expected the amount of traffic that they would get for some of the new servers they have launched. I would have assumed (wrongly it seems) that they would add some temporary hardware to their system for things like a bonus XP weekend, as that is super easy these days with things like AWS.
  4. Kinky New Member

    Your 12 minutes is up!
  5. telezar Journeyman

    LMAO to loaded? What do you think this is WoW? But good suggestion ;)
  6. telezar Journeyman

    Going to need new Devs angry mob is going to take these out lol!!!
  7. Saeder New Member

    Well...I wanted to take a mid-afternoon nap anyway...So....<ZzzzZzzZzzZ>
  8. Gosan New Member

  9. Fisty McFists New Member

    Every 1 minute login server is down you should increase bonus experience by 1% ;)
    Xanadas likes this.
  10. Valishar New Member

    Reboot the login server and lets go already.
  11. telezar Journeyman

    Ok I have cleaned up all the puppy poop and watered them and still no EQ :(
  12. Relax New Member

    Daybreak games can't handle basic login functions, who didn't see this coming for the 5th time n a row when they announce something. Done giving money to this garbage company that can't even handle basic tasks. How is this company still alive?
  13. FifieldP99 New Member

    chill the out
  14. Kinky New Member

    40 minutes before I gotta get the kids to the babysitters before work.. *sad*
  15. Fisty McFists New Member

    you watered the puppy poop? :eek:
    OssOr likes this.
  16. O_Castitatis_Lilium Lorekeeper

    Maybe for every minute the server is down, they should refund one dollar to everyone that paid to play the game. Watch how fast they would fix this.
  17. Kinky New Member

    Everybody has their own opinions, and that is mine.
  18. KC13 Augur

    Been approx. 30 minutes of not being able to log in. When can I expect my refund cheque for one red cent to be mailed? :p
  19. vaio007 Elder

  20. Relax New Member

    Daybreak, the worst gaming company around... user names and passwords too complicated for the Dev team????
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