Nerfs in General

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Frozenbullet, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. GoldenFrog Augur

    Fair enough - and you are right.

    It's not the end of the world.

    Nerfs that affect the core standing of a class can really affect those who've been playing that class a long time. SKs are far from the first or only to receive this. But it is still a good, strong, fun class to play for those who wish to try.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Belexes like this.
  2. Grissa New Member

    Yes and no...

    Holy/Unholy Guardian was nerfed as you said, but it was changed back to just 120 counters and does in fact proc on "riposte bashes". Can test this, simply go to a zone, tank a mob with Unholy Guardian Running, target yourself and you will see.

    Visage of Decay does not effect Unholy Guadian procs....

    Visage of Decay data:
    1: Increase Spell Damage by 55%
    2: Limit Type: Detrimental
    3: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1
    4: Limit Max Level: 110 (lose 100% per level)
    5: Cast: Visage of Decay Form

    Unholy Guardian Lifetap III:
    1. Decrease Current Hitpoints by 3126

    Visage requires the spell/proc to cost at least 1 point of mana to be effected.

    Again, you can test it. Remove your helm(ease of testing), activate Unholy Guardian, grab some data, then add Visage of Decay, grab some more data. You will see there is no change, sadly...
    Turayalon likes this.
  3. ~Mills~ Augur

    You know what does modify that heal? Along with everything else thats a heal with no counters what so ever. Just massive "leeching" boost to all heals regardless of where they come from with zero limits.

    Armor of the Inquisitor XXIV
    Classes: PAL/254
    Skill: Melee
    Target: Self
    Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
    Focusable: Yes
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 3.1m (31 ticks) Song, Extendable: Yes, Dispelable: Yes
    3: Increase Healing Taken by 73% (Before Crit)
    7: Increase AC by 780
    Text: Armor of the Inquisitor gathers around your body.
  4. Xanathol Augur

    I didn't even bother to check the mana cost requirement on VoDecay - nice catch.

    As for guardian, this is rather interesting. So there was an update back in August? where riposte were supposedly removed. That stated, raidloot and eqresource both show riposte in the skill list on the effect. I ran a few logs and I get heals off of blocks as expected and some with no message at all. Now, EQ doesn't always report a riposte so that may be it but what's interesting is that I never once saw a riposte message with a proc. At the very least, they have a messaging bug in the logs.
  5. Triconix Augur

    Shakerpaging had a lot to due to rampage hence the name shakerpaging.
  6. Whulfgar Augur

    And the nerf was (again for those lacking reading comprehension) Proc's .. off of Repo hits ..

    Unless you refuse to believe that ?
  7. Triconix Augur

    Sure it was nerfed, but it's a bit different.

    You had a chanter or sham slow the warrior to increase the proc per swing chance, pull 100-200 mobs at once, furious to live then hit rampage. With the incredibly high proc chance with all those hits at once, mobs died instantly. It's a main reason why you often saw warriors group together with Earthshakers and couple their rampage together. Pull most of pofire and 2-3 rampages = a ton of corpses.

    I may be wrong because it's been years, but I believe the nerf was directly related to Rampage, not furious. Only the hits on the current target from rampage were proc-able so it effectively killed shakerpaging as those extra 1000 swings on all the other mobs weren't proccing Earthshaker. I don't think it had anything to do with proccing on ripostes. That's a very different nerf than the recent SK leech nerf. As far as I remember, furious was simply for some extra riposte damage in case the multitude of procs instantly occurring when clicking rampage didn't kill all the mobs.
  8. Whulfgar Augur

    Again the nerf was "Procs via repo hits on none targeted mobs" via shakerpaging.
  9. Triconix Augur

    I think this is wrong. I don't think it was ever possible to proc on ripostes. Shakerpaging was all about Rampage, not using furious to generate procs.

    The Earthshaker nerf occurred 2006/2007. There are threads from years prior saying procs on ripostes aren't possible so that would go against your claim.
  10. Repthor Augur

    shakerpageing was possible due to beeing able to proc on eatch rampage HIT, not just your primary target as it was nerfed to later

    the earthshaker had a pbAE effect that when acumulated enough proc hits whould in turn AE the entire area hence the shakerpageing name. furiuous/fort was just so you whouldnt instantly explode wile you waited for the mobs to acumulate
  11. Whulfgar Augur


    thanks for saying what I've said from my original post .
  12. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Your argument here might hold more water, if the BP foci weren't entirely about Chanter Unity since it came out. They knew exactly how powerful it was / what could be done with it, and how to promote that behavior via BP foci.
  13. Triconix Augur

    Not what you wrote, genius. You said procs from ripostes like SK leech. Completely different. You were wrong.
  14. disgruntled Augur

    -1 in my respect for you, Triconix.
  15. seber Augur

    just me but funny hell all tank hate who u all call need do prog mr mag pet or raid Sk or war hehe ........
  16. Fohpo Augur

    You're like the little kid no one understands, but since they're cute we smile and nod.
  17. JohnyDerp New Member

    I agree, they've nerfed knights so bad they can barely keep aggro. There aren't well thought out balancing nerfs, they are just stop gap solutions to make one class happy and then make another class happy instead of creating good content. The zones are weak, the mobs are mostly boring, the silly emotes they use in raiding .. it's all just them being lazy on content. The last three expansions have been lame.

    A lot of EQers are getting older, they don't want to switch classes. Daybreak needs to make every class useful, not keep catering to warriors or whatever the new flavor of the year is. People are losing the will to play EQ due to poor content and poorly thought out nerfs that don't take game balance into account.
    Lisard likes this.
  18. Reynen Journeyman

    Yeah right... now you can go back to the cave you've been hiding for years.
  19. Millianna Augur

    I have not logged in for over a month. There's nothing worth doing between 90 and 100 besides Gribbles. After 100, there's EoK I guess. They're constantly nerfing with little to no explanation. Even when give us an explanation, the nerf doesn't fix the issue stated. All the SK nerfs are meaningless to raiders or someone playing with a competent group. They only hurt SKs that molo or aren't geared properly. Pantheon cannot get here soon enough.
    Unpleasant likes this.
  20. Unpleasant Journeyman

    Well, you know what they say, "It's nerf or nothing!". Well my decision over the last few months has been nothing :) Still check updates sometimes though. Missed some more DPS reduction on SHDs and defensive reduction on weapon stances, isn't making this decision too hard to stick with.