EQ is infested with cheaters

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Chandra, Apr 11, 2017.

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  1. Chandra New Member

    It's sad to see what EQ has become. I'm on Luclin, and almost every zone where I need TS drops there is a bot army parked AFK for days or even weeks at a time killing a wide area with mercs. Or I wait on a named to spawn and the minute it does, a dozen toons from all over the zone show up immediately because they are using a 3rd party map viewer, but no one does anything. Same with collectibles - those supposedly rare and hard to find ground spawns. A few days after new ones come out, there's a guy in baz with 40 of each available for sale - almost 3,000 collectibles! Everyone knows how he "found" so many so fast, but no one cares. Even trying to the daily task in Sarith, the zone has multiple groups of AFK bot armies camping mobs you need to complete the daily task. They are there 12-14 hours per day with no one at the computer - and have been for at least a week. I know the reality is that these are the same people that feed the daybreak monkey and keep the cash flowing. But why even call it EQ anymore? It's a totally different game, made up of a handful of bot armies that ignore all the rules and a company with way more important things to do than care about some backwater, 20 year old game. So this is how a classic dies.
    Orangemilk and Ghubuk like this.
  2. oldandnasty Augur

    No one at DB cares. You should stop giving them your money if you're not happy with the game. I feel the same way you do about the state of EQ but I'm not ready to quit yet. Pretty much, copy to test and play for free or just ignore it as best you can
    DamnataAnimus and Cakekizy like this.
  3. High Voltage Augur

    You can go ahead and /petition cheaters (takes a min once you figured how to), and post here in order to encourage others doing the same. You can ignore cheaters, afk-botters and alike beeings and simply enjoy playing the game the way you like. You can go ahead and move away from eq. You can play the game for free, thus charging DGC for not protecting the integrity of the game in any reasonable way instead of paying them for this. You could also cheat yourself, as there seems to be not much risk in doing so, especially on a free account. You can play on Phinny or wait for Agnarr, where DGC at least attempts to prevent cheating, to an extent. You could have posted in one of the many threads about this subject already out here in the forums. Plenty of options.
    What you did shows eq is not only infested witch cheaters, but also full of whiners.
  4. Lubianx Augur

    I'm on Luclin and I do notice that there are usually the rare shinies on only a couple of Baz bots. This isn't saying they are doing anything wrong like the above post, just that it is there.

    With regards to Sarith I think the issue is with regards to levelling up the tear. It is by far the easiest place to do so. Mass slaughter mobs for chance at the "clicky rune" dropping, plus one or 2 % of normal evolving.
  5. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    I'm betting afk botters are banned more than we know. Just because DBG doesn't come out and say they banned x amount of afk botters doesn't mean they haven't. A bot group we petitioned that was abusing Slitherblade in Lceanium and all those adds for rare drops hasn't been on since the petition from what I can tell. I added them to my friends list for easy checking.

    Keep petitioning. It's the one thing you can do about it. The ball is in DBG's court after that.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  6. jeff28 New Member

    Ughh, this is not to encouraging to a returning subscriber. Might have to reevaluate my choice to return
  7. Naughty New Member

    This is why True box servers are popular. Everquest is a nerd rewarding game. I agree these nerds are killing other servers by doing that kind of boxing. If you want to get them close to perma banned try downloading FRAPS program http://www.fraps.com/download.php. Records their actions so the game company has physical proof to work with. If not try phinigel server or test like the post above. Or just move to another server and let that server die out. there is still raid boxers on phini but they probably have poor health and vitamin D issues maybe some diabeetus. good luck
  8. Inady Lorekeeper

    I got called a bot army when i was doing beffaacks in frontier mountain​s it's because i refused to answer a guy who was being rude i do four box and i am very disabled i must admit that I liked the camp and did equip all my bots there i may go back there and equip others on my game list
    disgruntled, Cakekizy and code-zero like this.
  9. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    I get the being rude part, I really do. However, is it really that difficult to respond? This is an in general statement I have a problem with in EQ is the lack of responsiveness. People do tend to get all rowdy when say a camp check is not answered and there's a group fighting at the camp you wished to go to. Responding is your best chance at avoiding being petitioned. If I send tells to multiple people in a group and receive no response I'm going to assume you are Bots. This is especially the case when I see they share the same guild tag. I have severe arthritis so I have sympathy to you and your disability. Just, respond.

    Btw I'd like to point out assuming a GM contacted this poster my earlier post about people being banned more than we think for botting has truth to it.
    svann likes this.
  10. Lubianx Augur

    Problem is Jhenna is that some people don't use tell window whilst others have OOC or shout or whatever go to their spam window (I know a few that do). But I do agree with your principal, sometimes a little politeness can go a long way
  11. Inady Lorekeeper

    I always try to answer any old shout for camp check as i have asking for camp check only to turn up to find peps there who didn't bother to reply to my ooc
  12. svann Augur

    If you dont respond to camp check then dont complain if someone snags your named.
    NameAlreadyInUse and disgruntled like this.
  13. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Well sometimes it isn't that they didn't bother but that they didn't notice. I have been on both side of that. Usually if I call for a camp check then find someone at one who didn't say anything I just assume they missed me asking about it. I guess I am a glass half full kinda camp check guy. But I also appreciate it when someone is understanding when I am camping something and miss a check too....
    Cakekizy and Raludar like this.
  14. shruggz Elder

    sometimes I just get tired of constantly answering camp checks, I mean come on...

    you just answer someone and less than 30 seconds later there's another. and another and another

    I'm at the point now where I don't even ask for camp checks anymore, I go where I want to go if there is someone there I go somewhere else.

    just simply because the constant camp checks are annoying as anything I have ever seen. and just because someone doesn't answer an ooc doesn't mean they are not at the keyboard or they are cheating.

    I would suggest if you send a person a tell and they refuse to answer then there is that possibility, but it doesn't even mean that for certain its just a possibility

    but to claim that someone that doesn't answer an ooc is cheating is just plain ridiculous.
    Cakekizy and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  15. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    And I have heard bots can be pr
    And I have been told bots can be programmed to answer camp checks. Which makes sense its just monitoring the log file for certain words.
    disgruntled and code-zero like this.
  16. Funk Augur

    It's not just afk people either. I was on Tunare server just the other night in a level 60 zone, Temple of Veeshan. Just fartin around killing few fabled dragons for one of my low levels and some raid berserker warps right onto me. I say "Uhh hello" "Where the heck did you come from?" And he warps away and is gone. Shows up next day to try to gank others camping Vulak (which is no problem for an insanely OP raid geared zerker) and states he wasn't even online at that time....yeah right.
  17. dwish Augur

    It's not just afk bot groups either (which I do see all over the place as well on my server), it's also a lot of raiders using programs to get an edge when it comes to raiding. In my personal raid guild way too many of the top melee use assist programs that allow them to just warp right to mobs, even when blinded or the mobs being totally obscured by geometry. You group with these same people outside raids and it's obvious they use these programs by the peculiar way they move. Honestly I'm just tired of all the cheating in general and I really wish they would crack down on it.
  18. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    The whole not revealing their disciplinary actions is a joke, and should be reversed. The honorable players would be far more forgiving of DBG if they knew that at least bot armies and "shady 3rd party program" users were banned left and right.
  19. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    They do seem to go after cheaters/hackers in H1Z1 much more aggressively then they do in EQ. Of course there is much much more player verses player competition in that game which seriously highlights the cheating.
  20. Bigstomp Augur

    Why would you continue to associate with these people?
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