Pally Balance?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Hostility, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. Cecil1 Journeyman

    I'm not going to list off every raids special mechanics. Good day sir.
  2. Cecil1 Journeyman

    I missed the boat! So where exactly are the people in the know determining the mitigation spells are not actually stacking? Where would one look for the info?
    Thanks for your time.
  3. Cecil1 Journeyman

    Hi thanks for the info, can you direct me to where you received this information so I can confirm for myself?
    Thanks for your time.
  4. Abazzagorath Augur

    Again. Go away. You do not understand anything you are talking about. This isn't 2006. The fact you seem to think the only advantage warriors had was on raid bosses shows how clueless you are. Warriors were darn near immortal in group content. It was a standing joke. They also had complete aggro lock. Nothing like having aggro on a mob with next highest at 20% aggro, and 1 second later you're at 30% aggro to the warrior that just took it and as you spam every single thing you have (because this is ONE of the 6 adds he has on him that he isn't even trying to aggro) and watching your aggro % drop slowly.

    Knights aren't going to MT squat for the simple fact that we *CANNOT MAINTAIN AGGRO OVER DPS DURING BURNS* (assuming your dps is competent). SKs have to use a massive VoT modifier to have a chance at keeping aggro. Paladins cannot unless they get VoT from an SK. Paladins are spamming their deaggro buff on wizards and zerkers to watch rangers and monks take aggro when they disc.

    The only thing giving this to knights has changed is:

    1) knights can solo even better
    2) swarming is now gonna be back in vogue for bad players that couldn't do it last week
    3) group knights aren't getting decimated in group content
    4) raid knights aren't dying as much if they do have to tank in raids
    5) either content going forward is going to be a joke or non-tanks are going to be in trouble (good luck ranger and monk tanks)

    No one's raid roll is changing. No one is rerolling classes over this unless they are an idiot. Warriors can't suddenly do less than they did before. Knights still stink at ae aggro compared to them.

    Warriors have been talking about how OP they are for the past few years. It is a standing joke. You know why no one cared? Because it didn't change anything for anyone and the only people irritated were knights...who were irritated with dying, not with warriors. It is why people felt awful for SKs. Paladins can heal/cure their way into desirability while tanking in a punch. What did SKs have? Nothing. Warriors kited better. Warriors ae aggro'd better. Everyone DPS'd better. At least SKs (with their purple disc) can tank on raids now.

    Giving this to knights was a bad idea. But only if they left warriors with it. If they aren't going to nerf it for warriors it needed to be given to knights so we can at least function in today's game. The raids in this expansion (except the broken ones) were a joke because they balanced trash on them to knights, which is why we can tank this expansion. Last expansion there were rough raids (particularly for non-elite guilds) because they were tuned to warriors.

    This isn't rocket science. So just stop already, you're ignorance is showing on this badly.
    Sheex, Elricvonclief and Xanathol like this.
  5. sojero One hit wonder

    You can go do like the rest of us and go do a parse on it. It has been parsed many times by many different people and is known to be accepted as that. If you do not know and do not want to take our word for it. GO TEST IT YOURSELF!
    Xanathol likes this.
  6. Fintank Augur

    If you think that warriors have better aoe agro than knights, you're wrong. Maybe we have somewhat better agro than paladins, not completely sure with the new aoe they received, but I assume it's still the same case. The fact we have a massive aoe agro ability does not mean we use it all the time. It's on a 5 minute timer and for it to proc the agro we have to be getting hit, and generally in a raid tanking all the adds = bad unless you're deflecting/forting/flashing etc. If you have a problem pulling agro off warriors in raids, it's because they're being silly heads and hitting that when they shouldn't, or you're doing something wrong.
  7. Agrippa Augur

    While I had a regular group and enjoyed UF, the vast majority of players hated it and we had a mass exodus. With these changes to the tank classes, we're bound to see trash mobs hitting like trucks again and rounding any non tanks. I enjoy pushing myself and enjoy challenging content, but I don't think that it's intended that I can now break any camp and molo most of the current expansion named in gear that is over two years old. We have a running joke in the serverwide paladin channel, calling ourselves the Overpowadins. It's not just paladins, though, it's all of the tanks. I guarantee that if the next expansion is tuned to bring content to a sane level around all of these stances and abilities that it will steam roll any groups without a tank. At this point in time, that is just not going to be healthy at all for the game and I'm sure we'll see a lot of cancelled accounts due to content being tuned for overpowered tanks only.
  8. Cecil1 Journeyman

    HI there! Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it!

    Here's what I did. I went out and took a dive on 3 mobs in polife to test which poofed first impose or protective. Protective poofed first!
    So the mitigations don't stack % wise is what I'm understanding now. Thanks for taking the time to show me that... HEROES!
  9. Silv Augur

    Since you've obviously become belligerent I'm certainly not going to waste any of my time locating the post for you where the testing was done showing how % mitigation spell buffs work and the order in which they work - at least how it was a year-ish ago.

    Dunno what your agenda is and honestly don't care but people acting like this is some revolutionary new information just look stupid. Most of this stuff was already done, but for the classes that weren't directly involved they ignored it. The spells and stacking work the same.

    So, YOU do the appropriate research looking at Vie stacking with other spell % mitigation buffs if you want to even attempt to have a legitimate argument.

    The data is there. People are just too lazy to look for it.
  10. Makavien Augur

    Warriors have to use the same type of aggro modifiers even worse tbh Rage of the forsaken and dichotomic are both insane aggro increasers yet the thing they work best on are still somewhat broken. Warriors were fine we were able to do more than just a 3 minute job which was what was out of balance to begin with . You guys had one tool to fix the tbs issue you just needed half of what you got to balance out the rest . You did not need a direct copy plus another 5% mitigation aa. Maybe another passive heal boost aa but not the warriors bread and butter abilities.

    And I also understand the aggro issues another little known issue with the tank not having top of aggro = that tank takes ae damage they are not designed to take since the way they balanced spell mitigation on the tank was by making the highest on aggro not able to be targeted which really should be one of the main focuses to fix make us able to mitigate that damage instead of a pet taking aggro and then us getting owned or a dps taking aggro for .2 secs and us getting owned in that .2 secs.
  11. Cecil1 Journeyman

    Hi thanks for the reply!
    How long exactly did it take for the confirmation of understanding mitigation come about?
    It took me all of 3 seconds.
    Thanks for the reply again and have a great day sir!!!

  12. Phrovo1 Augur

    And here I thought Vie and mitigation stacking was common knowledge :eek:
  13. Ravengloome Augur

    people fail
  14. Repthor Augur

    you gained very close to our role and in most cases your better at it when last stand falls even without counting in self healing. but we dident get to be closer to the paladins and Sks in the group game at all where self healing is king. balance goes both ways and by you becomming stronger that makes warrior in comparesing weaker. there is no argueing that.

    again i have no issue with sks and paladins beeing main tanks on a raid boss but when that happenes that also means some fo the penletys of the warror class needs to go away . and no we cant wait 2 years for that to happen.
  15. Seldom Augur

    Nope, paladins did not receive very close to the warrior raid role. Wars still have vast superior aggro, single and AE(not sure if you guys recall, I'm sure you've forgotten, Paladins were #1 tank in single target aggro for most of Everquests life span). Wars still have VASTLY LARGE superior hit point advantage in a raid setting with their base HP advantage, temporary things like Warlords tenacity, Dichotomic shielding, growth line and how cleric aura boosts the HP edge even higher. Makavien/Finalstand, I see your guild only has two raiding paladins. I hope you're able to recruit more of this class you're deeming to be so powerful/needed for your raids sake. Something tells me no raid nights will be cancelled due to lack of paladins in the mean time.
  16. Fintank Augur

    You do realize that the benefits from growth and cleric aura affect literally everyone else in the exact way? Plus knights have their own growth so don't need to rely on someone else for it to be maintained on them. Cleric aura is as simple as being in a group with a cleric. Mentioning those things was pretty pointless since they cancel each other out by being able to be applied to knights as well.
  17. Abazzagorath Augur

    If you look at what I posted before and after you'll see that I don't think we should have gotten the 5% mitigation aa at all. Period. No question about it. Just remove it.

    I also don't think we should have gotten shield proficiency (I actually think 2h proficiency is perfectly fair and balanced, our dps has stagnated severely since valorous was nerfed, like they were scared of another error in giving us something). But that is ONLY true if they nerfed the warrior defensive proficiency.

    If warriors are keeping theirs, I have zero problems with knights keeping theirs (I don't really think the % should be different either, or much different at least, as long as knight's subtlety gets removed). I have been saying for several years that this is a problem, and it came home to roost with content issues the past few expansions (yes, TBM had fewer issues, but that just meant it was gimpier content). Leaving warriors with DP and taking it from knights is a non-starter IMHO.

    Flash was great. I didn't fix the issues of as soon as deflection dropping or DA dropping getting 1 rounded by rampage on Arx5. Heck, we had to save armor of experience in order to pull for ramp on them every week. That isn't right.

    Paladins (and sks to a lesser extent, even with VoT) have some aggro issues, though, honestly, I think it is more dps having too much aggro. The recent changes hopefully helped some, but doesn't change monks and zerkers being nuts on aggro if they blow their discs at the start. That's another issue entirely.

    But the plain truth is that either:

    1) We keep it as it is

    2) They nerf it for both of us

    And that's the only real option. You want to argue knight's should lose that 5%? I actually agree with you. You want to argue knights should get a weaker version of proficiency? No way. It is an always on ability. There is zero reasons that there should be an appreciable difference in mitigation with the same ac/heroics 100% of the time. 5% innate difference? That is reasonable. 20? No freaking way.
    Elricvonclief and Agrippa like this.
  18. Repthor Augur

    his refering to the 9k hp and another 500 hp on current gear thats magelo displays over them. but what they forget to relise is their selfs buffs closes this gap that their aas and heals 100% blows that advantage away 10 fold
  19. Abazzagorath Augur

    You are completely wrong. Do you know what AE aggro paladins have? Two aa, that are longish recast (much better recast now, yes) but have 8 target limits. Read that again. 8 target limits. One is directional cone as well. Our AE aggro is trash.

    SKs have good ae aggro...if they waste half their spell gems on it. I forgot, you didn't remember that because you can use unlimited discs without having to worry about that.

    Warriors have amazing ae aggro. I see it every week on raids. I see it on PoH2 where warriors breeze through tanking everything on waves of 15+ adds while we spam everything we have and have aggro on 5-6 for a bit and quickly go down to 1-2, and if we don't, we die. Hoping the dying part is better tonight when we raid for the first time with proficiency, but the aggro part isn't changing.

    I know how to use my aggro. I'm tanking decay every week almost, and every freaking time a new one pops and I blow everything, if a zerker or ranger or monk decides to burn that one, or still has burn going from killing last one in damage mod form, I'm fighting to keep a semblance of aggro, and sometimes I can't even do that due to unflinching lasting so short, our projection being very little dps, ageless being momentary, and taunt stinking. But maybe that's just because of the killer dps people we have. But rangers aren't because of killer dps, its pure discs/spells from normal burns.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  20. Abazzagorath Augur

    Who mems stance? There are 6 other spells better to keep in that slot. If it can round you without stance you have bigger problems.