Zerg guild

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by ElaidaTL, Jan 17, 2016.

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  1. ElaidaTL Augur

    Does Vox with 2 split raids totally 27 and 29.
    With the mighty buff it makes it somewhat a real fight. Now im not claiming its a HUGE deal, but it should silence a few naysayers who claim we only zerg targets.

    I'll just leave this here.

  2. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    Also considering i'm at work and could not attend you guys did it without the #1 Druid of the server. Not an easy feat to accomplish. /golfclap
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  3. Zephyroth Elder

    When you are fully geared, it does make those fights a lot easier, with 3 chanter pets and few mages,it only a who wins fight, Naggy or Cleric's mana ! but its a nice accomplishment ! gratz guys !
  4. Tudadar Augur

    If people say u guys zerg targets its probably from open world killing when u compteded vs them not instances. Not sure the exact story though.
  5. bodes Augur

    I don't think you could have less of an understanding of why you've earned the 'zerg guild' reputation
  6. Vaclav Augur

    Please enlighten us...

    Fact remains, in non-open world/non-DT situations (which obviously favor having numbers in both cases) - they're not just winning by means of overwhelming numbers. (i.e. Zerg)

    So please, feel free to move the goalpost for them to disprove next.

    [And by no means do I love AoS - I've had some really poor interactions with a few members - although their leadership I all either respect or don't know. So don't think of this as some form of kissing up or what have you.]
  7. -wycca Augur

    Heh, gear doesn't mean much in classic. The gear that has some impact, everyone has access to.

    First raid had 27 - 3x clr, 1x dru, 2x shm, 1x mag, 3x enc, 3x nec for example.

    Think we're gonna start 3-way or 4-way raiding her soon. Our last split raid one of the raids got a 2x lockout, which is why we decided to try low #s tonight. Been a blast.
  8. Miss Shortcake Elder

    So zerg guild divides up to get more loot from instanced content, which should be 100% expected by any guild and.. thinks this is an accomplishment to somehow not be a zerg guild?

    Really lost on this one.
  9. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    People accuse the top guild (SA) to be a zerg guild, wich by definition is a guild that beats content by sheer force of number without any strategy. Nobody is expecting you to be impressed or anything. This thread is just saying that if beating raid boss with sub 30 targets is still considered "zerging" then I guess 90% of the Everquest population is part of a zerg guild.
  10. Silentchaos Augur

    He is saying that although they have an enormous amount of active mains (which people automatically equate with zerging) they're perfectly capable of beating the fights with far fewer numbers (the opposite of zerging).
  11. Ducreux Augur

    Hate us cause they anus
    Taladir, Qelyn and SqueeshSqueesh like this.
  12. Detheb Augur

    I'm intrigued. Go on
  13. Astral - TR Elder

    We're looking for a few bards for maximum zerg power.

    Free cloak of flames for every bard app.
    Qelyn likes this.
  14. Risiko Augur

  15. bodes Augur

    They obviously do not need a "zerg" force to beat content, because none of the content is hard. It's repeated ad naseum on these forums and posts like the OP here are frankly ignorant & insulting because none of this is new information to anyone.

    Zerging is used to out DPS other guilds who've already cleared to or engaged content. The act of batphoning 100+ people and swarming an open world boss already engaged by someone else's raid force is zerging. They're not winning that race with superior strategies or tactics or anything other than pure numbers. Yes it's superior mobilization, yes it's impressive - bravo guys, well done. Take the kill but please do not insult everyone by claiming it's not zerging.

    Vaclav - If IV ever gets the sack to pursue open world stuff you guys will have the same experience.
  16. Detheb Augur

    How many times has SA killed a mob that was actively cleared or engaged by another guild? I'll wait.
  17. bodes Augur

    A lot....do you even raid?
  18. bodes Augur

    SA dkp site shows you at 16% raid attendance. Guess not
  19. Detheb Augur

    67% RA in OGC before I left to rejoin TL. I can't raid weekends, so my RA will always hang around 50%, thats life bro.

    However, "Lots" doesnt do much to answer the question. Any specific examples or? Because i can point to multiple situations where SA has allowed people to have their engagement.
  20. Vaclav Augur

    We will as it fits our schedules - we've regularly had SA people pop up and wish us luck on many things. And we got outmobilized a few times ourselves and did the reverse.

    Respect begets respect. And when there's not respect overwhelming numbers is the key part of the equation when you're competing for something.

    If you don't have overwhelming numbers, you're not really an open-world focused guild. I agree it's an annoying development, but it's how you win at mobilization. It's far easier to make sure you have 50 people to knock out something at any point if you have 300 people (or whatever) versus 75. In the first case you'd only need 17% attendance at any given hour to pull it off, you'd need 67% in the latter case.

    Being so large comes with downsides too though - loot demand is astronomically higher, meaning the effort to get everyone geared amazingly is higher. It's not all roses and rainbows.
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