Sorry but this cannot work ... (Phinigel)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by nostalgicfool, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. MamaBear Elder

    This fellow might work an odd shift, no need to bash him on his play hours. Loads of people work nights and evenings. (That being said, as an US server goes, those hours to find choice groups might be rather limited.)
    nostalgicfool likes this.
  2. nostalgicfool Augur

    Well but were can i find blue mobs that are not coming by packs of 3-4 ?

    I could solo avocets when they were almost red but they blue now and very rare. I checked quite many zones, almost everything is grey or green. Indeed if i was evil i could do treants (and even them are a bit low now) or guards but i´m not.

    What are BW? RF? is RF Runny fortress ?
  3. nostalgicfool Augur

    Yeah back in 2002, when solo XP was like 10 time what it is on phinny ?
    I played in those day and my druid actually levelled faster than most people he knew.

    I can kill any blue/yellow with almost no down time, but they are inexistant, those mobs are in zones that were released during Kunark and Velious.
  4. kfour New Member

    Honestly dude, 2 clerics 1 shaman and a druid is fine group at low lvls if all are close. Two don't wait to get asked for a group unless you want a really specific camp, make a group. and also go to a zone find ppl int he same boat and offer to partner. partnering is so much better than soloing
    vardune likes this.
  5. Brumski Augur

    LFM is about worthless. LFG is used a lot as there are usually 35-90 people on it at any given time. Whenever my groups need reps I...
    1) Check with friends online
    2) Check with guild
    3) Check LFG for level appropriate people and/or specific classes
    4) Spam specific class channels
    5) Spam general/continental channels

    If I still can't find a rep it's time to go to bed.
  6. nostalgicfool Augur

    Well i was thinking that this was an international server ...

    Note that for a fraction of a second i got the idea that with slows, dot and frenzy i could tank (or the cleric), that with talisman , cleric buf, shammie armor buf, haste we would be fine. But honestly i was too lazy to propose that and i had no real idea of where i could find mob around 35 outdoor.ed

    Indoor was even an option with root and snares, but again i already had trouble finding the camps when i joined a group, and since mob were usually red, my guess is that only solB and Lguk would provide blue post 30.

    Back many year ago i leveled just when Velious got released, i remember "high levels" selling us velium weapon in the newbie garden, so in the 30 all groups were in Kunark, i remember doing Unrest and Mistmoore but i only went to Guk to farm the Croc around 30-35 ..
  7. Tinytinker Augur

    You say you were too lazy to propose a non traditional group and find places to go hunt but you seem to have enough time to come to the forums and complain?
  8. Moranis Augur

    BW = Burning Woods (Kunark Zone)
    RF = Ragefire Server

    A. Make a box with some sort of Calm (Druid, Cleric, Paladin, Enchanter) and you can split mobs as much as you want so you only get 1.
    B. Sounds like you're around lvl 30-35 considering Avocets are blue, you can try Kith Forest for outdoor zone experience or maybe HHK guards...Guk is always an option as well. Or you can come to RF and fight in The Overthere and breeze thru the 30's.
  9. yerm Augur

    RF he means the ragefire server. BW is burning woods, a kunark zone. Don't feel the list bit embarrassed about not catching either abbreviation (just don't ask WHERE burning woods is) because the suggestion itself was nonsensical in the first place and the exact opposite of a valid answer.

    At 35 you should be able to get specters or hill giants. Given your off-peak play hours you can probably actually do ok with getting HG spawns! In a handful of levels you can move to seafuries which are really trivially easy to get single pulled, and again with your play timing shouldn't run into issues of overcrowding like prime time can see. There's also ogre guards if you're good (same zone as one of the specter camps and one off the hill giants!) to get you to seafuries. The ancient croc is a very easy solo camp but it's not going to be a very steady rate of xp. Really any dungeon is probably more trouble than its worth - you can easily solo these outdoor mobs and get solid loot besides the xp.

    If you do want that group, as I said before, you need to be proactive about it. Nobody wants to invite you - go find a group with room, send some tells, ask around, and/or find a guild in your timezone. Turning on lfg and expecting tells is not going to happen.
  10. MamaBear Elder

    Everyone know BW moves around... :)
  11. Moranis Augur

    Not 100% sure how this is "nonsensical" and "the exact opposite of a valid answer"...


    Can't find a group


    Picking up shop and moving to Ragefire server where you can easily box 2-3 toons and make your own group.

    Valid solution, no?
  12. yerm Augur

    I've got a better idea - why not go to a live non-TLP server, you can box OR you can merc, and you don't have to even pay for subscriptions or wait on unlock timers if you don't want to!
    sifonin likes this.
  13. Rauven Augur

    That's false. You're suggesting that live servers are 20% of what they were 14 years ago by that statement.
  14. Moranis Augur

    Another valid solution!
    However, just having the access to defiant gear / merc ruins it for some people (like me).

    There is something cool about plowing thru Seb / Chardok with a lvl 100 necro though...
  15. Elemenopi Augur

    Theres some confusion in multiple threads now about difficulty -vs- boredom, difficulty -vs- optimal, etc...

    Its not difficult to solo 1-40. Aside from those who enjoy playing the game solo, its boring for everyone else and certainly not the optimal path xp/min wise. This situation will likely result in a higher net loss attrition rate, because for every higher level player who eventually leaves, there are few to none in the lower levels to replace them. Of the people who do stay and continue to play there, the majority will have one main leveled to current cap level and not give much of a rip about playing through the lower levels again, mostly due to the time consumption required, not to be confused with difficulty.

    Overkill on the time sink =/= more difficult, just more mind numbing boredom.
    nostalgicfool likes this.
  16. Numiko Augur

    easiest outdoor mob for a mid 30's I have found are old sharks in OOT, you do need to have someone casting enduring breath or have a fishbone though. They range 34-36 in level and while KOS have a tiny agro radius, you have to be almost in melle range for them to attack you. and there always lots of them up.

    They are well under half the hit points that a seafurry has so you can kill them fairly quickly.
    They do not drop a lot of valuable cash loot but they are great exp per hour.

    and a bonus you get to skill up swimming!
  17. vardune Augur

    You might want to consider another server. It looks like you cant play during prime time and boxing is more difficult on Phinigel. Lockjaw or Ragefire might be better.
  18. Laronk Augur

    Ideally, there should never be more than 5 or 6 people LFG in a level range because everyone else should of formed groups already.

    When you see 20 people lfg levels 26-40 that is a bunch of people that should already be grouped.
  19. yerm Augur

    It's a bunch of people that either don't want to be the person who has to put the group together and/or they're extremely picky about something such as group class makeups or leveling location. This of course carries the very simple solutions of just forming a group rather than expecting to be invited to one and/or grouping in a location that doesn't necessary drop exactly what you wanted and with classes that aren't what you think is optimal.

    It's a universal thing. Moonkin druids and ret paladins whining about queues because there's not enough tanks or healers. Young adults complaining about not having a good job who don't have an updated resume they're sending around. People pitching a fit about politicians who don't go out and vote. The late game hard carry who rages because the other 4 teammates would not pick a support hero. There will always be people with all the capacity to control and shape their outcome and instead choose the easy path and external blame instead.
  20. Truthfire Lorekeeper

    You are the common factor in all your failed attempts to find a group.
    yerm likes this.