Lockjaw - Efreeti now fully FFA cause one guild wills it? Chats from the Leaders channel

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by rekais910, Sep 28, 2015.

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  1. Nerdz Elder

    I assume he must be talking about the SK bots on other servers???
    I think several guilds did that though.
  2. Mulerien Elder

    False again, you need to get your facts straight. I was a member of TL from feb 2011-April 2013. Many a time I thought Citizen was down for he count, but they were able to overcome all obstacles and eventually take down us in TL. Now I'm an officer here and I can see why.
  3. Esper Augur

    Umm, no, not a single post that I've made on this thread has been about mobilization... seriously, reconsider the Snickers.
  4. Nerdz Elder

    WTF lol you said wrong again but you didn't say what I was wrong about?

    Are you trying to say I am wrong about guilds being in the same place on past TLP servers? That was just a broad state saying that all TLPs have started and have had similar arguments. Of course there are many differences because DBG is actually taking action on these TLPs but it's all the same old stuff in the same old venue with the same player base.
  5. Tulgin Augur

    In classic, mobilization is how the majority if boss kills are won, so any time you boast about 'dominating' another guild, you are basically saying your guild is better at zoning. That's not really an achievement I would be boasting about on the internets. Go play a real game if you want to dominate other people. The other kills are won with poopsocks, please don't say you find that something to boast about.

    Wasn't that in direct response to what TL did though? To compete with a bot, one must bot harder. It came down to who had the lowest latency. Who want's to fight that battle? Sounds like everyone's a loser to me.
  6. beastietoy New Member

    Omg grown men/women chill out. Thankyou
  7. Nerdz Elder

    LOL So why are you bringing TL into this again? Are you Apok?!?!! Awwwwww... you got me again... Damn it haha.
  8. Nerdz Elder

    I don't know the exact history. Just saw the post about Frenzic talking about doing that stuff but either way that was a long long time ago and it isn't really relevant especially now days.
  9. Esper Augur

    Dominating comes in different forms. Ours comes from knowledge, experience, mobilization, coordination, execution, and dedication. Your an example of why we would dominate you, you try to dodge your insecurities by flinging false accusations and devaluing that which would be your downfall.

    Citizen was the first with SK bots (Frenzic was originally in Citizen), we responded to them. Try again
  10. Tulgin Augur

    Me? I'm replying to someone, quote someone else if you want to know why TL is in this.
  11. Machen New Member

    Just to clear one thing up, Dima is not currently the guild leader of Citizen and doesn't have the authority to remove Warpower from Citizen. I am currently the Citizen guild leader and I don't give two what Warpower or anyone else does on Lockjaw. As far as Citizen is concerned, anything that happens on Lockjaw or Ragefire has nothing to do with Fippy.
  12. Croak Augur

    Faceless is going to sock and batphone for other people's raid targets to "defend the rotation" and then give all the loot away?

    Yeah that is going to work...
    rekais910 likes this.
  13. Tulgin Augur

    Mostly just buzz words to be honest, this is classic. Domination comes in the form of moving between zones, having more players and socking. If that makes your 'achievements' have less value I'm sorry. But seriously, you think a mutli rank 1 glad is going to see how quickly you guys zone and muster up some words of encouragement and praise? I mean c'mon, it's like watching a toddler take it's first step. Good job and all, but I just ran a marathon the other day. If I needed a sense of achievement on the internets I certainly wouldn't be playing classic EQ.
  14. Kobra Augur

    I have been a member of all 3 guilds (TL, FI, and MM).

    Here are my observations.

    TL is vastly superior in organization. Hands down TL would crush FI and hear the lamentations of their women. TL doesn't rely on socking. When I first joined TL (this was on Fippy), I was amazed at how quickly they could form a raid and get it to the target. I have been in a lot of guilds but I have never seen one operate so smoothly. These guys are the gold standard when it comes to leadership and running a guild. There is a reason Faceless/ROI doesn't want any part of TL, they know they would lose.

    Faceless (I was in the guild before the transfers). Everything they did was ad hoc. Ad hoc strategies, ad hoc policies etc. Nothing was organized, it was obvious to me they were only the top guild by default. Their raid leadership and organization is only good when compared to the rest of the server. The best way to describe FI leadership is simply by saying the crap floated to the top. I wouldn't put these people in charge of scrubbing toilets. The scope of their leadership training was not even at a community college level. In fact, I doubt any of them could manage to register for a community college class let alone pass it or afford it for that matter. I mean, they knew Dima is Russian but they didn't have any plan for how to negotiate with someone who is Russian LMAO. The only thing Russians understand is strength, you guys brought an origami switchblade to a gun fight.

    MM. I joined this guild because I thought Dima had a good track record. He is afk 99% of the time, he doesn't seem to give a crap about LJ or the guild for that matter. He is definitely a better leader and definitely better organized than most, but his apathy kills it.
    rekais910 and Esper like this.
  15. Nerdz Elder

    So if 2 of your officers on other server respectfully asked each other to follow the rotation that was set up by one of your officers, and one officer decided to on the other in spite of being asked, you wouldn't take notice?
    You are going to create some great guild dynamics in your leadership there like that. 2 thumbs up buddy.

    It doesn't matter though because one officer asking another to respect rotations never actually happened because neither officer cares about these rotations. Your officers are on the same mindset which is great for them! Way to go Dima's MM and War's Ion United. Working so well together to break this rotation apart and screw over all the guilds under you.
  16. Esper Augur

    We are in Kunark, so no it isn't classic. You might want to visit a few Kunark zones, they are bigger than even I remembered.

    And WoW kiddie pvp? Might as well pull out your Wizard 101 epeen. Seriously? Jump on DAoC, let me show you some real PVP.
  17. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    Hello friends. How this thread and Reddit have blown up!

    It is laughable that Faceless accuses us (Modest Man) of having 3 "splinter" guilds, specifically for the purpose of votes. To claim these guilds are splinter guilds are slaps in their faces, when all they want to do is legitimately enjoy the content. The environment should be one that is enabling and encouraging of guilds of all calibers to enjoy the content, unfortunately, Faceless is discouraging high level of comradery on the server here.

    It is further laughable that you deem a change that no one feels is necessary and call it the law of the land. Proper agreed upon procedure was not followed, it was in fact disregarded and made a mockery of.

    Faceless effectively said that a target was not rotated anymore, and said that's how it's going to be. You can claim people agreed to it - it simply isn't how it went down. The rotation guilds preferred it to be on rotation. You went against that and said it's FFA. Faceless has threatened rotation targets before, and with DBG not enforcing the rotation, is further threatening a rotation target (that was being rotated even before the mandated rotations)

    These are all simply facts, and Faceless once again continues to act in bad faith. They openly threaten to lock people out of raid content. Maybe I should educate you with some bad faith measures and statements on behalf of your leader.

    That's just some of your leaders quotes and his level of aggression towards us. I could write an essay on it, but I'd rather not.

    Zaide, Darth, both of you lead guilds on Vulak, the prior TLP, yeah? For what reasons did you guys end up folding in Kunark?

    So here's what I'm going to do, as I've cited already before. If you go after any of our targets, Efreeti included, you're effectively not adhering to what we've agreed on, so why should we? We're not going to be the ones that break the peace here - Faceless are going to be the ones that are going to do that by taking one of our rotation targets.

    You can try to spin whatever you want, this is exactly how it will go down, if Faceless disregards the rotation.
    rekais910, Porygon and Ducreux like this.
  18. Machen New Member

    Neither of them have the right to tell the other how to run their guild on Lockjaw, on the basis of their relationship on Fippy. We've always been fine with officers being allowed to disagree, to have their own opinions, and when it comes to Citizen business, at the end of the day a decision is made and everyone gets on board and supports the direction we are going. Since this has nothing to do with Citizen, there is no reason to expect they should need to come to any sort of agreement or compromise if they don't want to.
  19. Nerdz Elder

    Hey Dima,
    1 simple question that you have to answer:
    Have you honestly respectfully asked Warpower to respect the Lockjaw server rotations and get in to the rotations properly?
    Simone likes this.
  20. Alphont New Member

    After reading the logs I surprised they actually agreed on a rotation at all. It would surprise me at all to see FI or MM break the rotation just so they didn't have to put up with the drama. However please keep it up, you are making my monday workday so much better :D
    rekais910 likes this.
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