Effective Immediately Confirmed Ragefire Rotation

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Marek-EQ, Jul 27, 2015.

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  1. SithWizard Elder

    This whole thing seems like a huge load of horse manure. "Forcing guilds to kill Naggy" on a FFA day to be added to a rotation? I wonder who's rear end Apok kissed to have this implemented.
    I can just see it now..
    ~So sorry your guild showed up to raid but we have to ban your guild now, sincerely the GM.
    You do realize that many people have lives and jobs and cannot sit in front of the game for 12 hours a day right?!
  2. Rokuthy New Member

    People are so caught up in their hatred for TL, and the applause to make things fair, that they're ignoring a glaring discrepancy in this rotation proposal. How can a guild helping to create rules for this rotation not be held to the rules that they're creating? If TL tried pulling something like this, we would be chastised immediately for it. So it's perfectly acceptable to let something like this fly because it's someone other than TL doing it?

    If you're going to help to create a new standard of raiding, then the first step should be following your own standard. I kindly ask that RoE remove themselves from this rotation, sign up for the gatekeeper (Nagafen), and earn their way into this rotation. If every other guild that hasn't killed one of the primary targets has to do it, then why do they get a free pass?

    I'm not even doubting their ability to kill any of these bosses. I'm simply pointing a pretty obvious double standard that most people are choosing to ignore for whatever reason.
    MBear and Moonii like this.
  3. Moonii Elder

    Ceaseless, False Prophecy, Chaos Zeal, CAF..etc etc are apparently all somehow behind RoE now in the pecking order simply because they didn't buddy up to Apok ?

    Apart from the fact that the major guild on the server that has completely dominated raid content didn't agree to the changes..the fact that an unproven guild was gifted a spot just further invalidates it.

    Then gatekeepers are changed because the one that is accessible was killed by Toxn ?

    How does any of this make any sense to anyone ?
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  4. Detheb Augur

    Because Roshen's clear disdain for Twisted Legacy is showing. TL put a far more fair offer on the table for rotation, and because it did not suit Apokalypsis, it was shot down. However, Apokalypsis seems to be controlling this rotation agreement that Roshen so readily made "THE ROTATION". I was under the impression that the CS staff were not allowed to play on Ragefire/Lockjaw so that they would not be biased in the process of running these servers, yet, we can clearly show atleast some bias against TL or for Apokalypsis. EIther way, it is disgusting.
  5. Sabbon Journeyman

    Why there is not a kick-out clause is beyond my ability to rationalize....do any of you have one day staring at a law book..."Lets just add a bunch of guilds to a rotation and have no way to kick them out ever no matter what kay good idea go."
  6. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    Are you lowering yourself to tinfoil hat conspiracy theories now? That's disappointing.
  7. Detheb Augur

    The clause is being added, its still not enough. If a guild cannot complete their kill in their 3 hour window, twice, they should be removed from the rotation. Simple
    Vaclav likes this.
  8. Frenzic Augur

    I posted this on the wrong post! Repost here in correct thread.

    As I've said, this ruling means little to me, but I'll add my thoughts.

    All guilds should need to qualify to enter the rotation, none should be auto granted.

    Nagafen makes a good gatekeeper with *
    I don't believe pet walling should be considered as entry into rotation. A guild must tank and defeat nagafen like a real boss.
    I think any guild that wishes to enter the rotation should be given one shot per week. Show up to a nagafen spawn within 3 hours after your guild announced its intent. You have that 3 hour window to defeat nagafen without outside help and without pet walling. 3 hours after spawn nagafen becomes ffa and your guild must wait a full week to attempt again.

    Sorry for poor formatting, on phone.
    Greymere and Vaclav like this.
  9. Detheb Augur

    For the first two months of the server, we had Dev's in TL remember? I think its fairly safe to say that isn't the case, and may in fact be opposite. Our rotation proposal was far more fair than the one currently being "Used", and was almost a carbon copy of the same rotation that Lockjaw uses, that Roshen used as an example of what we should come up with. Yet, because we proposed it and it didn't Benefit Apok, it was shot down. Crazier things have happened
  10. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    There should absolutely be a removal clause.

    Question, to what fair offer were you referring? Out of sheer curiosity I'm trying to figure out if there were any additional suggestions that haven't been made public, other than what has been posted on these forums.
  11. Moonii Elder

    This at least makes some sense, but why are Naggy, Vox, CT, and Inny not included ? If a guild attempts a harder boss and they fail that just means less competition doesnt it ? It also means there are more attempts for guilds and lessens the barrier of entry.

    This however is all a bunch of BS unless guilds that have not to date actually killed the current gatekeeper are allowed to remain in rotation. Didn't people learn in school that cutting lines is bad ?
  12. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    The TL proposal was refused because it was thrown on the table and not open to discussion.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  13. Detheb Augur

    And this proposal was not agreed upon by 66% of the raiding guilds that have shown their ability to kill these mobs.
  14. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    Except it was?
  15. Detheb Augur

    Negative. Rosengard and Twisted Legacy never agreed upon the proposal. RoE has shown no capabilities to down any of the current mobs, nor do i believe they have ever attempted them after they've been buffed(Looking at Plane of Sky). That leaves a single solitary entity, known as Apokalypsis. Technically, RoI deserves to have their name in this hat to, and I believe Qulas said the rotation was a farce aswell. So that would be 75% of the guilds, vs 25%.
  16. Moonii Elder

    By who ? Pulling RoE in as a lackey ? Otherwise its just Apok and Rose, and it doesnt even sound like Rose was happy with it.

    If you take TL, FP, CZ, Ceaseless, CAF, Remnants...and every other guild that didn't get to speak how do you believe you have your quorum ? Apok basically sold a rotation spot to get a guild on their side, its laughable.
  17. Realitycheck Elder

    Detheb, back off the rhetoric a bit. This has nothing to do with "Roshen's clear disdain for Twisted Legacy". I guarantee you he could not care less which guild benefits more from various proposals. He's trying to do his job and one of his deliverables is customer satisfaction. Visiting the forums (which is probably how people get a quick look at sentiment because as much as people love to cite data, they hate/can't/won't actually gather it) caused him to go down that route.

    It's pretty clear that this first cut at the agreement is going to flame out pretty quickly so we'll all see how it goes from there.

    Edit: This isn't to say that the underlying points aren't valid, but let's keep it clean: its highly unlikely that anybody from DBG is actively working against any guild on this server.
  18. SithWizard Elder

    Amen to that. Like I said I wonder how Apok even managed to pull this rabbit out of their hat. Also what about all those guilds that are right on the cusp of being able to bring down mobs like Inny or CT?... Canadian armed forces, False Prophecy, and a couple others. This seems to really put the screws to them. I was chilling at the zone in of Hate when Apok and FP brawled over Inny and I looked at the logs. FP lost by around 400 damage and had about half the numbers of Apok from what I saw.
  19. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    Didn't see anyone from Rosenguard Guild Team Clan complain about this. Weird. Their guild leader was also in our team speak speaking with Dojii with officers from noon to 6pm when I left for work. I guess they probably were talking about the weather and whatnot.
  20. Abracadabra Augur

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