Raid Changes coming in July

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Aristo, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    When you resort to personal attacks it means you have no logical counterargument, showing that you know I am correct, and you are just unwilling to admit you are wrong.
  2. Numiko Augur

    Esper, Fallfyres, Absor and 1 other person like this.
  3. Shmef Augur

    having trouble understanding how these changes will reduce the strangle hold on raid mobs by a single guild. by varying their spawn time farther you are limiting the mobs even farther to guilds that are on call 24/7. the only competition will be who can text/call the raid force faster and honestly i dont think there are guilds on ragefire that will be able to beat TL at something like this.
  4. Finwen Augur

    When a couple of us were talking about this idea 37 pages ago, I said two periods of 5 hour spawn windows during the day should be enough. I don't think everyone in the world would be able to raid during these times, but it would cover the most ground and still include Euro/AsPac raiding guilds.
  5. Finwen Augur

  6. Finwen Augur

    Thanks for answering openly and honestly. I know that most people within TL have jobs, but from the members that post on here, they seem to be more flexible than the norm which, again, is fine. I just don't understand what the big deal is about making raids instanced to include everyone. The only way it really affects you guys is potential krono/plat sales for locked-down raid mobs. There would still be open world races, and I would bet all of the assets I own and my life that instancing raids from beginning to end would extend the life of these two servers. At the end of the day, I think we all want the servers to last as long as possible, and instancing would help that happen.
  7. taliefer Augur

    irony is making a mob harder to make skill more important, but also including changes that encourage poop socks, so its still going to be a massive zerg fest.
  8. Hateseeker Augur

    You all keep using this word "competition" like it's a test of skill and that you actually earned it through defeating the enemy in a test of skill. Every time that word is used, it needs to be asterisked, just like steroid users when they have records in professional sports. Every time someone says this, they rarely acknowledge that the current system is extremely vulnerable to being rigged. Recruiting enough players to ensure numerical superiority for most every fight, using the loophole of the month tactic to get ahead (or loophole of the decade in the case of mages), etc.

    Due to the non-skill quasi-political methods that allow for lopsided "contests", every time you put someone down for not wanting to "compete", you are belittling them. And here's a clue - even people that play 8 hours a day may not want to "compete" because they don't want to play the recruit-half-the server game.

    If you want to argue that the game IS quasi-political and that victory through recruiting half the server is fine and the fact that the advantages gained in Classic make a difference all the way through PoP is fine too, then OK, but somewhat like in Civ V, once you gain a victory that way, let everyone else capitulate, declare you the winner, and just instance to have fun from that point on.

    What's that, you say? When you play Civ V you prefer military victory? Well then...if you want it to actually be competitive, start supporting things that keep it competitive. Such as instancing the back half of expansions to let everyone catch up before the next one, lowering the maximum number of players in a raid (at least for Classic), etc.
  9. Gregolo Augur

    That's not irony.

    Irony would be making changes to the mob with the intent to make it harder, but fundamentally making it much easier instead. Typically by accident/oversight.

    Irony is calling 911 because you got shot and need medical assistance, and then the ambulance runs you over.
  10. Shivuncle Journeyman

    Hex, maybe 10% of the server "wants competition." You are one of them. People just want to play the game, that's it, just play the game. They do not want to play how the 10% minority want them to play the game. They want to play the game how the majority of the server wants to play the game, log in for a couple hours and hit up POHate. This is not a PVP server, nothing is gained from someone doing something first. Everything has already been done 15 years ago.
  11. Vaclav Augur

    I hope the difficulty changes include some sort of socking penalty. (i.e. during the first hour the spawn is up it spawns with a buff like the Veteran Reward "Armor" one - first 15 min 75% damage reduction from all sources, 50% damage reduction for the next 15 min, 25% for the next 15 min - and then the buff fades after an hour [perhaps other adjustments too])

    Reward doing the encounters the legit old school way - if you want to jump the gun and engage early you do it at a much more difficult threshold.

    But make it so that if you're socking you're doing it Hard Mode++ - allow it to keep it "legit" but at the same time, make the challenge on par with how hard it would've been to actually sock on a spawnpoint back in the day.
  12. Gregolo Augur

    I'm all for anti-socking. We hate socking. It's literally the worst part of raiding. It's why we ONLY sock if some other guild forces us for some stupid reason. It literally just wastes everyone's time.

    I'd rather see raid targets be immune to X minutes after spawning and taunt people in /shout for the duration. So everyone knows he's up and everyone can show up to the race. More fun for us >:3
    Frenzic likes this.
  13. taliefer Augur

    dunno, seems pretty ironic that the changes clearly intended to make the mobs more difficult to track and kill. but even members of TL in earlier pages of the thread state this is just going to encourage bigger poop socks, the end result of which is going to make the mobs just as trivial as before.

    regardless of who initiates the socks, they are going to happen, and happen more often. not that socking is any better or worse than the numerous other kinds of shenanigans that happen during contested content.
  14. Vaclav Augur

    If you truly want a challenge and want to see who's the best, why don't you like my idea of having them going through "NG+++ mode > NG++ mode > NG+ mode > Normal" scaling where you'd be able to boast "Hey you newbs, we were able to take NG+++ when you had to wait till NG+, Hahahaha!"?

    It seems a perfect concept for giving additional challenge and encouraging more competition to get a chance to show up.

    Arbitrary immunity that drops off after a timer just basically ends up being "who's better at Whack-A-Mole!" which while, sure, I'm sure a few kids at the Chuck-E-Cheese are better at Whack-A-Mole than the others, it's not really much of a sport.
  15. Gregolo Augur

    Again that's not irony. But we'll move on from that.

    I don't like the raid changes for two reasons.

    One, bigger windows just means we're going to have our poor scout sitting at a spawn more often than he normally would be. It's no different than it is now, scout sees raid target, we get batphoned, we mobilize and we kill it. There's literally zero difference between now, and that.

    Second, faster respawns doesn't really help anyone. All it does is force us to be more active as a guild. We're still going to get the targets if nobody contests us. But at least this gives Rosengard Guild / RoI more chances to successfully do so.

    I'm hopeful for the more difficult part. But we all know they're just going to go the Diablo 3 route and add a multiplication value to HP/AC/ATK on the mobs. Which probably will either make the targets stupidly impossible or remain trivial. Here's for stupidly impossible!
  16. Gregolo Augur

    I'll explain why.

    Let's say X guild is very strong and has had loot domination for quite a while.

    and Y guild is also strong, but not quite there yet.

    With my example, in an evenly matched DPS race. Guild Y might actually start winning with better coordination and teamwork.


    In your example, if guild X can handle the target at Super Buffed mode, but guild Y can only handle it at Buffed mode.

    Guild X will win, every single time, 100%.

    We don't want to be guild X in the latter example. Despite our forum cheerleaders efforts to convince you of such.
    Dark_Intentions likes this.
  17. Vaclav Augur

    Except in your hypothetical that "evenly matched DPS race" has already been similarly skewed and isn't evenly matched. What do you think that same greater gearing does?

    There's literally no real difference besides that it would be harder to split a force down, etc.
  18. Gregolo Augur

    Yea, there is.

    The better geared guild is going to have a higher chance to win. The lesser guild could potentially win if they're playing more on point, or bring a better raid makeup.

    In your example, Guild A can ALWAYS attempt the mob before Guild B can. Which means Guild A wins, every time.

    In my example, Guild A and Guild B are on even footing, gear differences is just something you're going to have to learn to deal with because it's Everquest.

    I'll put this in practical/topical sense for you.

    In your example, Twisted Legacy bones the mob at Super Buffed Mode. And RoI just gets to watch, every time. Because RoI can't handle Super Buffed Mode. Which makes Twisted Legacy get better equipped, so we'll keep getting more efficient at Super Buffed Mode and maybe even take on Super Uber Buffed Mode. While RoI is still thumbing themselves at Buffed Mode.

    You may as well just parcel the raid loot to us and save everyone some time.
  19. Rhiyannon Augur

    when you have more than 3x the players in dungeons that were made for the original server population in 1999, yes we are going to ask for something to be done. you lot seem to keep overlooking/forgetting that little tidbit.
  20. Hexaholic Augur

    Something was done about it, they were instanced.