Raid Changes coming in July

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Aristo, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. Mezrah Augur


    Thanks for only considering your own time zone...
    Nenake likes this.
  2. Chanaluss Can spell Doljonijiarnimorinar, Iqthinxa Karnkvi

    That's always been the case. Remember that raids outside of ldon are 54+ man maneuvers. Assuming you are a sane person who realizes that forcing 80%+ raid attendance is a fools errand, you would at least have your raid force fill approx 1.5-2x the amount necessary to field a raid. That's still a large guild. That's still what it means to raid in eq
  3. rekais910 Augur

    Holy crap. It's hard to even understand what you're saying man. I didn't know torrettes could even translate into typing. But TL has always been known for their HR crew. And daybreak isn't going to devote their resources to record the zones. It's silly.
  4. Aryabear Lorekeeper

    Of course TL would make a ridiculous post like this .
  5. Jibeker Lorekeeper

    That's fair. It may have been sarcasm, but when registration was open to all lvl 35 or above, the website said something like "Are you 35 or above? Can you play at least 12 hours per day?" or something along those lines.

    May have been sarcasm that went right over my head
  6. Fallfyres Augur

    Can't wait! And agree with you on this Numiko about testing, but then you'll have more shottstorm of disecting every minute part of what the devs are doing in the changes. Heh we've been beta'ing this / these servers all along, whats another change?

    Just ramp those raid mobs up...make it so! Perhaps poop-socking won't be the singulary focus come July:D.
  7. rekais910 Augur

    Not true. and massive guilds are ridiculous. The whole system was made when EQ was young and there wasn't anything else out there like it. Eventually they learned from their mistakes even though they were ground breaking. This is a progression server but it doesn't mean it can't be progressive. They have made progress in the future and that progress should be applied to the past. Guilds that are much more close knit won't be fielding 100 people (not including boxs) they will have much more normalized numbers and in fact may attempt and even not succeed in taking out some of their raid bosses with their numbers. Loot will be more effectively spread among the normalized numbers and instancing will provide a much healthier server attitude in general. And in instancing there is a set raid time for the guild that they know about ahead of time. Meaning there is less need for excessive numbers. and yes I do expect that multiple smaller guilds might combine as the content gets harder during velious era.
    Jaxarale01 likes this.
  8. Finwen Augur

    I don't think anyone is asking for that. I fail to comprehend how someone can ask for more accessibility, and some of you have to automatically take it to the extreme. No one is asking for single player EQ. They just don't want to waste their time. I have no idea why you want to waste your time either.
  9. Hendar2 Augur

    Said nobody ever. I stopped reading at this point, clearly the poster is uninformed.
  10. Hexaholic Augur

    Because to those of us that do poopsock, it's not a waste of time, it's securing a raid kill, which is what we want. Sure it's boring, but it's still something that we're obviously willing to do. Just because you don't want to / don't have the time to do so, doesn't mean you should be given special accessibility. You get what you put time in for.
  11. Diemond Augur

    Do you realize you are addressing maybe half of the posting population when you say Augur?
  12. Hexaholic Augur

    This is one of the main reasons people were wanting instancing, because they couldn't get groups / experience the higher end zones.
  13. Finwen Augur

    Why does anyone want to do it? You're saying you would rather sit on a spawn points all day then log on for 2 hours each night and just have fun killing stuff with your friends? You can hang out in Vent all day with your friends if that's what you enjoy doing.
  14. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Who the heck ever asked for load balancing? Please show us a post where someone wanted that over raid instancing.... LOL
  15. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    So is Jonlexanddfsde3tfdrdd going to have to camp 7 different instances of Efreetis?
  16. Diemond Augur

    New Member why did you change your name to Journeyman? I was just getting to know you too.
    Vaclav and Mezrah like this.
  17. Fiyero Augur

    Why should Lockjaw be the casual server? Lockjaw's top guild has beaten classic too. Ragefire isn't anymore hardcore.
  18. Hexaholic Augur

    This just in, you can log in for 2 hours and kill things with your friends. You're just asking to kill exact specific mobs in those two hours. Again, sorry things didn't work out in your favor. A lot of us do just hang out in TS all day, with our friends. We also play other games while we're waiting on the spawns, or level alts on other accounts. I know we have one Cleric that plays gems for about 10 hours a day haha.
  19. Azzudien Augur

    Can we get an intermission on this thread. I have run out of popcorn and coke, need to make a trip to the lobby concession stand.
    Gskiel likes this.
  20. Hecula New Member

    That's not how it works. The non racers are the crafters and altaholics - you know, those that keep every server with a shred of population on live while the racers log on for raids only for the most part. Vastly increasing spawn rates will force burnout faster in the lockdown guilds when people realize they are living their lives to farm an old game. Influx of gear drives prices down so less incentive to wake up at 3am to farm for something that sells for increasingly less. Plus keeping a guild of 200 members together is like trying to keep a 200 member of 13 year old girls focused on task for the homecoming committee. There will be splinters and as soon as guild #2 and 3 start grabbing spawns, recruitment increases and there is competition. That hasn't happened yet but will. Boosting MR would be pretty nice - make melee more meaningful and I recall magic hit rates and especially pets being pretty poor on classic so it's even in line. A few groups of 40s chaining pets should get freaking destroyed like they would have in classic.