Twisted legion????

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Bagel, May 28, 2015.

  1. Hendar2 Augur

    As long as people play within the rules, I don't care what they do. TL's kills on Ragefire look legit. So far no real reason for drama. If they were exploiting I would feel differently.

    By the way, I heard a story years back, and this may be just a story, that when EQ first opened Vox wasn't finished. This makes sense since the world was done from east to west (hence no Jaggedpine on release). Anyhow some ranger sneaks back in to Vox and kills her with one arrow, because she only had like 1 hp.
  2. Frenzic Augur

    That's actually not accurate. None of what you said is accurate lol.
  3. Fhiele Augur

    Today, on my way to unrest, I was minding my own business, when some TL'er comes along, and what does she do? OMG, its awful!

    She ran ahead of me...and she...

    she cast Sow on me!

    Do you know how much damage I took bouncing up and down on those cliffs with a Sow?

    Friggin TL! :)
  4. Esper Augur

    Actually it is. Citizen owned up to it. Dig through the old Fippy forums. It is in there somewhere.
  5. Frenzic Augur

    Yes please do dig through. You'll see my name on the post... I know full well what happened being I was there.
  6. Mezrah Augur


    Really? I was there, that was the first time that automated HT's were used, the next one was the VS poopsock when it was TL that used it to kill VS before he had even rendered. As for the failing part at the end of Classic
    1. Citizen need to buy in help from other guilds to stay in the rotation.
    2. Citizen managed to wipe to an uncontested Nagafen. Ironically TL helped Citizen stay in the rotation by jumping in early to kill it as they were about to wipe again and the 30 minute mark allowed under the rotation agreement was about to be exceeded.

    I could go on, but I think I have made the point, but it is all ancient history.
  7. Frenzic Augur

    I'm out right now so I'm posting on my phone. When I get home I'll straighen the misinformation out.
  8. Mezrah Augur

    Please do so ;-).
  9. Jezzie Augur

    Here you go Bigz
  10. ElaidaTL Augur

    As someone who was also there the first automated HT kill happened before trak. It was the last naggy of classic and it was indeed citizen that opened pandora's box.
  11. chris_the_mage Augur

  12. Healiez Augur

    Anyone remember this video, I was actually present for this kill..

    I dont know who was to blame and dont necessarily agree with the title, but it was the only video I could find. This actually cause me to cancel my account until velious when mobs had enough hp to be immune to such antics.
    UnnamedPlayer and jagarr like this.
  13. jagarr Augur

    i really hope all the people about not seeing raid content see that, lol. this is the super fun dragon slaying excitement that you're missing! a fraction of a second of BS after hours of sitting in one spot drinking (at least i was usually drinking)

    PS swallow the sun - plague of butterflies autoplayed next for me. a welcome addition to my workday!
  14. SyDiko Augur

    So... Will Twisted Legion be playing on both servers? We're 7 pages in and the answer hasn't been given. (Not that I care, but the OP might like to know?)

    " Grix " did answer the question, but I don't think he has any affiliation with the guild.
  15. Finwen Augur

    There will be hardcore players on both servers. The guild tag doesn't matter.
    jagarr likes this.
  16. SyDiko Augur

    The original question has nothing to do with 'hardcore' players.

    Are you a member of Twisted Legion? If yes, a simple yes, no, or maybe will suffice. If not, you cannot provide an answer.
  17. Babyruthie Elder

    The first automated HT's were late in classic on a Naggy raid, not in Kunark. Kunark is just where it became the standard. I wish poop socking never existed. I wish they would buff the HP of classic/kunark bosses.
  18. Finwen Augur

    You might want to read his follow-up post.

    He is trying to get away from players like the ones in TL. Even if TL doesn't split, there will still be hardcore raiders and boxers. For one, he and his friends are unfairly lumping all of TL together, but he's correct that there's no use in trying to escape people with similar goals and tactics to theirs. The guild tag has nothing to do with his question other than lazily generalizing the members of the guild.
  19. Necromonious Augur

    No, trust me, you don't want to be able to do this. I bet even some people who can wish they can't. Of course, there's always those who are so wealthy that they don't need to work, are retired, or have the luxury of being able to play during downtime at their work (teachers off for the summer)

    But the rest are probably medically disabled in some way, some for life. Every hardcore (10+ hours/day) gamer that I ever personally knew was on disability, which doesn't pay much to have hobbies OTHER than gaming. Nice people though
    code-zero likes this.
  20. Dognu Journeyman

    I remember way back in the day when someone held a camp hostage, an FD class, usually monk, would clear said hostage takers from contested camp....