[Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] and Boxing

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by teagray2, May 23, 2015.

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  1. ShibbyStrife Lorekeeper

    You should go back to playing on your other server imo if you dont want this one to become the same empty place. There you can continue your use of [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] and playing your 6 toons.
  2. Sheaffer Augur

    So one mage, or your druid or bard or whomever is your puller. Pull mob in camp. Set your keyboard so alt+1 alt+2 etc tabs through windows. Make the "e" key or whatever execute a macro that assists, sends in pet, and casts a nuke or two. Its mildly less convenient but its really not that hard. For most pulls you won't even need all 5...just 3 would probably do nicely.
    Motherlee likes this.
  3. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] or no [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] mages will still do exactly what they are doing now.. its the IN GAME MACRO that is automating them.. alt tab and press a button on each screen takes 1-3 seconds.. The difference between using [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] and not using [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] is 2 second! it wont mean anything!

  4. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Again with the personal attacks. The only 3rd party program I've ever used in EQ is WindowsEQ to make the switch smooth. And log parsers to parse DPS, but that has nothing to do with this. But nice try there, again, Skippy.

    No, I'm not "going back" anywhere. I'm playing here and I have a right to voice my opinion as a paying customer and veteran of this game since '99 like anyone else. Deal with it. But I'm going to continue calling out this ridiculous stupidity anytime I'm compelled to. Because that's exactly what it is.

    Give it a rest. Most people really don't want to hear it. Boxing is going nowhere and continuing on with it is doing exactly what you claim boxers do to the game. They may crack down on the use of [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software]. I'm not arguing they shoudln't. But there will always be boxing on live EQ. Always. Guaranteed.
    Motherlee likes this.
  5. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    I am, too, Bigz.
    Motherlee likes this.
  6. Claustaler Lorekeeper

    Ofc. if you have a camp... then you don't need [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software]... and you can easy camp/play whatever, with 6 different classes... one after one even if it takes 1-3 secs per window.

    That's not really the problem... the problem are the synced boxed chars which is only possible with [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software]... 5 mages stands up in the same second send pet and start nukes... if they movekill they walk syncron behind the mainchar closer then every /follow could make it. [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] enables the option that you can see windowparts from other windows... you you don't need to switch you can just click it in your main window.... that's why [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] is a big part of this problem, beside ingame macros etc.
  7. ShibbyStrife Lorekeeper

    You dont have to read these post sorry that the solo game exp you want to play has made it into the "mmo" world in the first place. BOXING needs to be dealt with. If they Ban boxing it forces people to be social god forbid. You dont have to worry about 1 person with their box team coming in and ksing your legit grp of people because " They have to work in the morning and dont feel like waiting for the camp to open"!!! Or they moving to wherever they want and setting up camp. Among a ton of other things thats wrong with boxing. Im sorry that you want to ruin others gaming exp with your boxing mentality. They make allot of single player games btw to all you boxers out there.....
  8. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    take [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] completely out of the equation, and I can do the exact same thing with less then a 1 second delay between the characters.. If I wanted to be a I can play 12 mages at once I can afford it, and tab between all of them in under 5 seconds.

    the problem isn't the boxing or [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software].. the problem is the type of player, and broken mages..
    Yara_AB and Motherlee like this.
  9. ShibbyStrife Lorekeeper

    The problem is "BOXING" period.
  10. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    I swear too god do you know what your saying? you want them to ban boxing.. BOXING IS WHAT HAS KEPT THIS GAME ALIVE TO DATE!
    Yara_AB and Motherlee like this.
  11. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    take boxing out of the equation, and the same exact thing will still be there.. the same type of toxic player will group up with his friends and do the exact same thing.. your issue still unsolved.. and EQ dead cuz everyone quits cuz they cant box anymore..
    Yara_AB and Motherlee like this.
  12. Yildar New Member

    What happens if you only allow one copy of EQ to run on a PC at a time? I know back in POP my wife and I ran a pocket cleric on a 3rd PC when no one was available, but that's a huge difference from 1 person 6 boxing. Or how complicated would it be for folks to set up partitions to emulate multiple PCs off 1 keyboard?
  13. Crabcakes Journeyman

    As a former wiz, Mage overpowered pets are the only reason I'd play one.

    Also, Shibbystrife, your original assertion seems like quite a leap, eh? "Probably", so let's make server rules based on your speculation! No.
    Motherlee likes this.
  14. ShibbyStrife Lorekeeper

    Why did it start failing in the first place.... Who does not know what they are talking about...Was it the excessive expac's? Was it all the changes they made to the game in the first place? Was it WoW coming out? Your right with the other servers BOXING has kept them going cause it had to. There is not enough people to group with, but in this case there are tons of people to grp with. So why the need to box? I thinking its Lazzyness. People want the easy gaming exp that WoW has brought to the gaming world. No need to try to work with others to achieve a common goal. I can do it myself..
  15. Crabcakes Journeyman

    Extraordinarily easy to create virtual machines within one PC. The only limit is RAM (ok and HD space a teeny bit).
    Motherlee likes this.
  16. Motherlee Augur

    I don't get what these guys are all complaining about. So someone beat Phinny. Does this impact your ability to kill wolves in Commonlands? If they have to be first at something that badly, they choose the best class for the job. Someone's always first. It's not us, and yet we keep playing. Maybe if you pay DBG enough money, they'll set up the pins for you and let you be the first to knock them down. Yayy, you're such a big boy! (BTW, the experiment for that concept failed.)
    Yara_AB likes this.
  17. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    People box because its the play style they enjoy.. Stop trying to ruin the game for people that enjoy it another way from you.. I don't agree with mage box army's or with the broken monk fists and I think they are the real issue, from that stand point I agree with your argument.. but targeting all boxers is wrong, I've played this game since 1999 straight untill now. Where have you been supporting the company? Why because u decided to come back now should you be able to change and dictate the way that I've played for at least the past 10 years.
    Yara_AB and Motherlee like this.
  18. Sheaffer Augur

    You like this game, right? Do you not understand that boxing pays a significant portion of the bills for Daybreak? Ultimately, they are a business and they exist to make money.
    Motherlee likes this.
  19. DragonFire New Member

    "3rd party software that gives an advantage over other players" is nothing more than a general idea with no clear boundaries. You know TeamSpeak? It gives me an advantage when I can communicate with my group without typing and can announce pulls / adds / issues faster. How about a browser? Where I can look up quest solutions, item drops, dungeon maps and a everything else. Or Gina that alerts me to dangerous abilities being cast or mobs spawning. Or log parsers that let me optimize my DPS.

    Are you serious? You realize far more MMOs have boxing happen in them than not?

    I've played with and without boxing. In recent times and in classic (like back when you had to run 2 separate machines for 2 separate full screen clients). It each has its fun and it each has its challenges. Yes, having the buffs / synergy of a box makes some things easier. But it also brings twice as many things to do / keep in mind and two classes that you need to know to play at the same time.
    Nibb and Motherlee like this.
  20. ShibbyStrife Lorekeeper

    There are plenty of servers that support you play style.. Why ruin this one.. Maybe the ? here is why are you playing on this server if u have enjoyed your 10 yrs /cough /cough playing on the other servers? Thousands of players came back just to play on this server, and now are seeing the damage that boxing brings to the game in general. More so on the progression servers. Did you 6 box back in 1999 i highly doubt lol.
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