Second TPS - No Boxing permitted ruleset

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tik Toc, May 22, 2015.

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  1. Tik Toc New Member

    Since we are discussing adding another server. Make it where boxing is not allowed as a rule.
    Just like a progression server is a choice of limitation, so would this be just another choice.
    This would allow those wishing to have the original experience of EQ like we remember it. You have Ragefire and you can burn KS camps till your heart is content.
    I would gladly start a fresh toon again. I would only be four hours of lost time over a 3 night period trying to log in....
    Kalipto, Tamier, Templeton and 6 others like this.
  2. Oberon Augur

    It would kill the first server since playing with no boxes is so much cooler!
    Kasuka likes this.
  3. Tik Toc New Member

    Not my problem. They paid their money and can play on whatever server they choose. I simply choose to where a player is limited to controlling the actions of only one active character at a time.
    Tamier and Kasuka like this.
  4. Norathorr Augur

    Would be alot more tempting to me, but still with no classic tuning not tempting enough!
  5. vardune Augur

    Go play on p99, at least u can logon to that server.
  6. Kravitz Augur

    Lol that type of server will never happen. They are in it for the profit, not to make customers happy. So more boxers means more money in their pockets, why would they choose to make a server like this, they aren't Blizzard and care about their customers.
  7. Tik Toc New Member

    No thank you. Played my share of emulators in the past.
  8. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Enforcing no-boxing rules would require a level of GM support that I highly doubt they have the resources nor inclination to dedicate to such a thing. That's just on the front end.

    On the back end they would have a flood of customer service issues to deal with from those who got caught. Especially those caught erroneously.

    From their perspective, I'm sure, boxing has downsides but has upsides, as well. Trying to enforce no-boxing is pretty much a lose lose for a for-profit company in a situation like this. Like it or not, boxing is a very real part of EQ in 2015, has been for well over a decade, and expecting otherwise is unreasonable, at best.
    urinezombie likes this.
  9. crag79 Augur

    And who is going to write the code for this? Oh wait lets take the crew that is trying to fix Ragefire tell them just go work on a special server for those that complain, take a few from the expansion team because that doesn't need to be worked on, and for S & G's lets hire back all the people we fired.

    Smart thinking, next idea.
  10. Systolic New Member

    I love this idea. I would personally be willing to pay 2x the sub costs to ensure that there are no boxers on the server.
    Kalipto, LastToStand and Tik Toc like this.
  11. Systolic New Member

    I wonder what % of the capacity is taken up by people playing 6+ boxes.
  12. Vessen Lorekeeper

    Sure can log into p99, has a nice healthy population without crazed neckbeard botters trying to destroy it like what happened to fippy. They DESTROYED the last 2 tlp. They are waste of server space now. Literally. Used up to the point no one plays on them. Thanks botters. You guys are the true god tier fedora bro winners.
    Kalipto, Norathorr and Wayylon like this.
  13. Systolic New Member

    p99 is just as bad. Trust me.
  14. Tik Toc New Member

    Yes it can. I'd gladly pay a higher monthly sub to play on one.
    LastToStand likes this.
  15. dc.hawkeyegold Lorekeeper

    I don't care about the boxers. Just provide servers to cover the demand of paid customers. I'm not angry about it but they haven't even addressed the overcrowding in non-instanced zones yet. This is looking more and more like a big money grab by DBG.
  16. Templeton Augur

    No, it isn't. Trust me.
    Norathorr and Wayylon like this.
  17. Tik Toc New Member

    and correct me if I read the advertising for this wrong, but it was experience 1999 and not 2015 ?
  18. Sarthorn New Member

    They don't care if you are 20 boxing you have payed to be an all access that's all they care about.
    They don't care if people are pissed , they have your money, they don't care if a few get charge backs, it will be a small number, they don't care if half of the paying people stop playing after the month, they got 1 month out of you.

    Remember its all about the money not about us
  19. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    You, obviously, haven't played there very long. That server was infested with boxers and hackers of all types for quite a while. They've just refined catching them over the years into practically an art form. They can do things that a paid service can't because it's all volunteer...for the developers, the staff, and the players alike. If a GM or automated system bans an account, there are no customer service issues because there is no support that doesn't want to be given. There are no customers. No one owes anyone anything there and that's known by everyone involved the moment they become involved. Not so, here. Support and GM resources cost a company money.

    As far as neckbeards...LOL I love it there but you won't find more neckbeards in one place than that server. That's just a fact. Not that it's bad, but please....Let's not paint pictures of rainbows and unicorns that simply don't exist.

    Finally, the staff of "that other server" has respectfully asked that it not be discussed on official fora. How about honoring that and not jeopardizing it's future simply because you can't log into your chosen elf simulator at your convenience. A lot of people have dedicated lots of time, effort, and their own money to provide and play something that they love dearly. It's ridiculous for people to not respect their wishes and throw this everyone's faces simply because they are being momentarily inconvenienced.

    Besides, server problems are as classic as it gets. :)
  20. Tik Toc New Member

    Or they can use Apprentice GMs (internships) to monitor. I should know I was one on the Luclin server for a year in 2001. In exchange for a few hours of helping other playing a week, the subscription fee was waved. I did it because I loved the game and enjoyed helping other players and it was something to do in the downtime for raids. This game was a social experience. Lasting online games keep players through social interaction. Why do you think emulators flourished like they did
    sadre and O_Castitatis_Lilium like this.
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