Getting from Qeynos to Freeport on Progression server

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by TheVoid, May 19, 2015.

  1. TheVoid Journeyman

    Is there any way to get from Qeynos to Freeport on the progression server? Or is running the only way?
  2. Graybush New Member

    Nniki, Fallfyres and moogs like this.
  3. moogs Augur

    The new 3-ring binder full of printed EQAtlas maps...

    Log in a second account, tab over and use the Atlas and Zone Finder tools in the in-game maps.
    Nniki and Doranur_Aleguzzler like this.
  4. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Qeynos South > Qeynos Hills > West Karana > North Karana > East Karana > Highpass > Kithicor Forest > Commonlands > West Freeport.

    Long run, make sure you have SOW or it will take longer. Good luck getting through Highpass without invis. Even with SOW and knowing the route through, it won't take much to mob you and kill you at low level. Oh, and don't forget that Kithicor at night is high level undead. IvU or run the wall.
    moogs likes this.
  5. Lokero Elder

    Really, you have a tough decision to make between going through Highpass or going through Runnyeye. Both are pretty dangerous for a newbie. If you are trying to cross right when the game goes live, no one will be able to SoW/invis you.

    Frankly, I prefer the Runnyeye route, because Highpass is pretty bloody dangerous.
    All those gnolls and stuff in Highpass will root you, and they have SoW themselves. And they cast dots on you, which lowbie probably won't survive.

    Runnyeye being slightly easier to escape through, but again with no SoW or invis, you'd be really lucky to get through either. Runnyeye is pretty short to cross through, also, whereas highpass is fairly large from one side to the other.

    I don't even know if it's really possible to get through either without SoW and/or Invis. If you are planning to head straight over at the launch... good luck! :D
  6. TheVoid Journeyman

    Ugg But I can be an evil monk and start in Freeport right? My friends are going Darkelf so I might need access to Nerrak
  7. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    If you want to start in Freeport you must choose Quellious as your deity, which means good. However, even of you choose agnostic and start in Qeynos, you will still be KOS to any Dark Elf NPC in Nektulos Forest or Neriak without doing a crapton of faction work.
  8. Fendy Augur

    If you start as a evil race (like dark elf which puts you much closer to freeport) you will be KOS in freeport. Is there a reason you want to be evil and in freeport?
  9. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Well he wants to play a monk, with an evil story, and his friends are rolling dark elves. That's why he wants to at least get to Freeport, if he doesn't just roll a monk there. Really, you don't have to play the religion aspect, and like i had said, even an agnostic monk is going to be KOS to DE NPCs in Nek and Neriak, so it won't matter.
  10. TheVoid Journeyman

    So there will not be any restriction to play a Good Monk with Dark Elf players? I thought evil players and good players could not group? Is there at some point where a Good Monk could have the faction to get into Oggok and Nerraik?
  11. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Anybody can group with anybody, has always been that way. As far as faction, you would have to check out Alla's for that.
  12. Tachyon Augur

    I think the southern route may be the safest if you stick to the edges South Karana > Lake Rathe > Rathe Mountains > Feerott > Inno Swamp > Ro > Freeport
    Nniki likes this.
  13. Skive New Member

    FYI.. i a Ogre warrior and I made thr run from Oggok to Gfay where my Helf friends are before server lock. Freeport is relatively easy to get through while avoiding guards. The guard outside on Eastern Entrance can be ran around enough that he won't reach you before you zone. Follow the right wall and watch for the 6 guard pat. If they come close find a nook and wait for them to walk past. There are two groups of pathign guards but can both be avoided with a bit of camera control. Worst case scenario, have a friend make a Human Bard or Monk who starts in Freeport, and have them pop the guards and run a few steps to buy you a minute. Good luck!
  14. Skive New Member

    This is from North Ro btw, eastern entrance in Nro.
  15. Caosdelfantasma New Member

    tried this once, on a level 8 ranger. made it to Kithgore night.

    Then i remembered two things. the person i was meeting up with was not online...and something about not supposing to be there at night....

    then it hit me for about 400 damage....lesson: if you make to kithgore and it's getting dark...stay out of the zone until daylight
  16. Diptera Augur

    Hah, I remember sitting at the West Commonlands side, waiting for daytime, before I could run through :)
  17. Albytaps New Member

    So what do you guys recommend for the run through Kithicor? Invis or Invis vs Undead? I always hug the right wall from Commons to High Pass anyway, but I did see a lot of undead walking about not far from the wall.
  18. Nniki Augur

    I haven't had any problems running without invis high up on the zone wall.

    During the Ragefire Beta, I ran a level 3 bard (no selos yet) through Runnyeye. They're red cons at that level and will kill you quick if unlucky, but it's a short path through the zone to Beholder's Maze, and there are only a few goblins along the way... you can mostly dodge all but one or two. I made it through, but was under 50% from the two(?) rounds I took.
  19. Lierdal New Member

    I think the old Sullon Zek server was the only one that had restrictions on grouping like that.
  20. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Just for fun I made a monk, got him to level 2, and ran from Qeynos to Freeport last night. I took the Runnyeye path and it was easy didn't even come close to dying. Part of that could have been due to the fact that Runnyeye was all dead when I ran thru; which is something I would expect to be the case for the immediate future.

    Fixed it.