So... HH went Live...?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Silv, May 13, 2015.

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  1. Silv Augur

    Just got the popup on my characters that HH CT and BB were now live. This is the first I've heard about it happening and it wasn't on any of the calendars I could find. Did I miss something?

    And I did just double check CT - it's in the Lv 70-80 state right now.
  2. Dibab Augur

    that threw me off too. Can we just bypass all the lowbie stuff and make Crushbone and up live please? Crush Raid, and NAGGY!
  3. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Everything will show up in good time gotta be patient.
  4. Brohg Augur

    one month per pair of HH zones like last year is pretty assured
  5. Malbro Augur

    HH and CT? What zones are these? I get BB.
  6. guado Augur

    HH = Hardcore Heritage
    CT = Cazic Thule
  7. Malbro Augur

  8. Silv Augur

    It was 2 weeks for each set in 2014 except the newly added one, which was live for a month. If they keep to that schedule now we'd hit the 'good' stuff mid-June and then maybe a new pair in July?

    I wonder if it's even worth guessing what potential new HH zones would be... don't wanna get my hopes up!
  9. Kellaer Augur

    Once again I am going to demand we get Hardcore Heritage Old Sebilis and Karnor's Castle some day. Thank you for your time.
  10. Barton The Mischievous

    Its a new TLP, HH zone just for you :)
  11. Feradach Augur

    That would indeed be cool, but so far HH has been limited to classic zones only.
  12. Kellaer Augur

    It is time for Hardcore Heritage to spread its wings and leave the nest.
  13. Phrovo1 Augur

    HH Kedge Keep and The Hole!?!
  14. Otiss New Member

    It says to head to CT and BB for greater than normal challenges! Well, CT looks like the old level 70ish challenges to me.
  15. Otiss New Member

    I thought they were FINALLY giving us something to do instead of the same 5+2 raids. I guess not. :(
  16. Silv Augur

    VOTE NO to revamped water zones! lol
    Iila likes this.
  17. Kellaer Augur

    VOTE YES because 1) It will get people really mad and 2) Kedge Keep is an awesome zone. You won't believe how fast you could level with a 200% ZEM.
  18. Phrovo1 Augur

    Kedge Keep and Ocean of Tears.

    Edit: I wouldn't be surprised if Kedge Keep gets revamped since Permafrost and Naggy's Lair got revamped.
  19. silku Augur

    A Level 108ish Karnor's would be very exciting.. just saying.
    Issk and Elricvonclief like this.
  20. guado Augur

    Let's be like the TLP people.

    Devs I demand to know if there's a new HH zone this year and I demand to know what it is. When do I need to know? 10 minutes ago !!!1one
    Kiillz, Ferry-Tunare, Sancus and 6 others like this.
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