Opinions Wanted

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Seldom, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Seldom Augur

    I saw a thread on the Shadowknight forums that caught my interest/made me seriously scratch my head. I would like to know the opinion of community on it out of curiosity. Tanks mainly but anyone feel free to chime in please. As a tank if given choice to pick between one ability only, which would you go with: Voice of Thule, a 72% aggro boost on yourself, or Marr's Salvation, a 20% aggro debuff to those around you
  2. Damandor New Member

    Not sure that theres any debate whatsoever, I love my class and roles in both group and raiding scenarios. The pally is one of the most diverse and challenging classes in the game, bur there is no choice as to what I would rather have in any situation. And what is this new ae stun lesson of grief I have been hearing so much about? I guess they must have patched this ae part of the spell after i logged off two hours ago.the spell in its current state which has always been single target, has no role in anything but a purely caster or solo grouping situation. Just had to add that in. Not sure that it really matters ultimately if people follow their tank order and communicate correctly. If a sk wants agro, they can snap it away from me almost immediately in any situation, but it doesn't happen. We have other roles and they have voice. They have superior personal passive healing, whereas we have superior group healing. There are plenty of trade offs.
  3. Ravengloome Augur


    I'd rather have phantom aggressor and wade.
    silku and Warpeace like this.
  4. Ravengloome Augur

    And pre nerf disruptive persecution/beacon.
  5. Repthor Augur

    you can have them . just log on your warrior and u got them
  6. Warpeace Augur

    When this AA was being created it sounded good and did help a little, it was intended to be used on our self on a burn or DPS classes. Problem is its a stupid short duration and can only maintain on 3 people and doing that you basically become a timer watching buff bot. This AA does nothing for the problem that is currently being experienced as the other tanks DO NOT WANT this buff and will click it off as soon as they see it.

    Marr's Salvation, a 20% aggro debuff to those around you .....time for the recycle bin!!
  7. Ravengloome Augur

    OMG let me make her first. What race do you suggest.
  8. Repthor Augur

    halfing ofcorse for the permaent exp bonus and getto invis and and ghetto sneak . plus sexy belly rub !
    Zujilli, Fenudir and guado like this.
  9. Brohg Augur

    Problem being experienced? Why in the world are you debuffing other tanks?
  10. Warpeace Augur

    Its called sarcasm.
  11. Ravengloome Augur

    I knew I liked you, immaculate race choice sir.
  12. sojero One hit wonder

    My opinion:

    30231 (wiz fire ethereal rk 1) * .8 = 24185 = 6046 less hate - under marr's I don't know exactly how much agro wizards produce with all the side effects etc per cast (type 3's etc), but if I am thinking correctly a wiz merc on burn with no subtlety merc aa is 1 to 1 for that, and thus the reason they are so hard to keep agro off of for many tanks.

    7827(sk terror) + vot = 13462 or 5635 additional hate

    Now I wish Marr's was longer lasting, but that is up to the dev's. I see marr's as being equal to VoT with some differences, being that it can be better at time, and worse at others, where VoT is more of a constant.
  13. Warpeace Augur

    Whats the actual duration for your VoT?
  14. Ravengloome Augur

    You don't want to put marr's on a wizard because they have syllable of Angerwarding which knocks it off (because its better)
  15. sojero One hit wonder

    17 min with raid focii
  16. sojero One hit wonder

    Never noticed that :) mercs don't knock it off, and don't seem to need it with live players.
  17. Seldom Augur

    Sojero, you listed your opinion on one scenario where marrs would be superior to voice. In reality, that scenario could never exist. I'm starting to understand why SK's are running around claiming marrs is better than a 72% agro mod boost on tank. Scenarios that don't exist in game lol. Thanks for answering seriously regardless though, I figured it was something along those lines.
  18. sojero One hit wonder

    I gave an example, and one that CAN happen in game, if it cannot, please inform me as to how that cannot happen. I see where Raven says that a wiz claw can knock it off, but I was thinking mercs, since they are the highest agro and don't use that. You can also look at mages spears and rains etc, over time, marr's is every bit as good as VoT on the bigger stuff, its just not as good for those that are not optimizing.
  19. Ravengloome Augur

    I really think in order for it to be comparative Marr's should be made into a group buff.

    Or make it something we cast on a mob that lowers everyones aggro except ours by 20%. (that would be the only way it would be equivalent)

    Yeh i wasn't thinking about Mercs.

    To be honest i dont even use marr's, i Did up till that first or second patch in TDS, after that it seemed like they fixed something in the background that wasn't working. Aggro seemed much easier for all classes to maintain, although the tanks in my guild actually look at the HOTT window.
  20. Warpeace Augur

    Group buff would be best then people can block it. Also easier if there are limited Paladins to buff raid or 2-3 groups if they have time to keep it up.

    I would think putting the buff on the mob would lead to agro issues, are you talking if you put Marr's on the mob it would not affect your agro? Maybe explain that more to clarify, its an interesting idea.