Classic (Not Progression) Server Rule Set; For the Fans!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by The Badger Lord, Feb 15, 2014.

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  1. liveitup1216 Augur

    A step further on raid bosses: cut down their respawn time but give all raid targets a PH and make them rare spawns.
  2. The Badger Lord Augur

    I agree with Jezzie to some extent, even when this thread started. There was a divide between elite players/guilds racing to lockdown mobs and content versus players who were just enjoying the game, and didn't feel a dire need to have the top gear.
  3. The Badger Lord Augur

    Well I was a bit disappointed with the poll.

    Hopefully they will ask more questions. I selected A progression server, but with slower progression.

    However there was nothing about releasing classic+kunark together, which I think is imperative. When Fippy started, it was overpopulated to the extreme. There were too many players limited to a small area. By small area, I mean areas which are heavily trafficked such as Guk, etc. Classic everquest is huge, but most of the areas aren't being used. For instance, not many people are going to head to the karanas to level up. So we can't really count that space.

    Hence, almost every camp in every zone people used was taken. When a progression starts is when your going to have the max population for a while, so we need Kunark. It will be still be crowded in almost all of the dungeons and there will be plenty of players leveling up all over. Hence, I view Kunark as the equilibrium point for a new server, where its not overly crowded, but not entirely empty.

    And as I've stated, it would be nice to be have more options to level up in. Half of kunark was designed to level up. You wont have 60s perma camping warsilik woods or kurns tower every day. These zones were designed to level, so let the max population use them. Kunark also does not completely invalidate the classic content. Often times in games the next expansion will make the last game completely worthless. This is not the case with EQ. People are using classic content consistently even after a few expansions have been released.

    Hence the poll, I'm assuming the most popular answers (after reading these forums for the last 2 years) will be Slower Progression, and Progression locked at a certain expansion.
    People also run out of content on an extended lockdown of classic by itself.

    Lets say it is slower progression, if they release classic by itself, that's an even further period of extended lockdown where you have a max pop crammed into one release. I would like to see another poll question that has more specific answers such as, and hopefully they will add these in later.

    "What expansions should be included in the original release?"

    Or if you do release classic by itself, then release Kunark faster, and then delay/slow the progression down.

    People also run out of content on an extended lockdown of classic by itself, which is why I am voting slower progression over perma lock (eventually people will quit the perma lock once they've had their share).

    Unless they add more questions, or slow down the experience rates from Fippy, or some other solution, running an extended Classic EQ by itself could be a source of frustration. We don't want to be losing population after 3 months of classic, only to have kunark release at 4 or 5 months in.
    The Broken One likes this.
  4. Machen New Member

    This is why I suggested a way where all the smaller guilds could team up together to outnumber that 1 big hardcore guild. Would make it more interesting for everyone involved, more strategy, more politics.

    But again, all just wishful thinking and none of this is going to actually happen obviously.
  5. Actonup Elder

    Do not lose faith to quickly, i do not think Daybreak would base the server off of just one pull.

    I would not be surprised if we see 10+ polls.

    My thoughts on doing this in game only was to spark peoples interest in the game with the new server hype, then force them to log into the game to vote.
    The Badger Lord likes this.
  6. Stewgottz Augur

    The inevitability of the next prog servers is just what Mach said. The big 1 or 2 hardcore guilds will lock down all the raid targets and epic mobs until the game opens up enough to where they don't need all of them.

    I think an important point to remember is there is a player base of considerable size that will be in guilds totally fine with not completing stuff first. The key to the server lasting beyond the lvl 70 expacs is keeping the more casual player interested. I would love to see how far a new prog server(s) goes if it reaches instancing, where this problem goes away for the most part, and there are still a large percentage of guilds that were on the server at launch doing content maybe one or two expacs back at their own pace. I feel like if there are timed unlocks this will help give guilds of all speeds a sort a schedule to plan what and when they would start trying to hit certain targets.
  7. Jezzie Augur

    This is not a solution. This is giving the top guild what they want. It was suggested on Vulak. Competition is not fun for many people, most people (in my experience) believe that KS'ing and training have no place on a pve server. Why would they want to encourage the best on the server to employ such tactics?
    To sink that low would be accepting that anything goes is the rule of the server.
    Probably a better solution to a top guild forcing it's special brand of "competition" would be for all the smaller guilds to team up together to outnumber that 1 big hardcore guild, then step off the server and tell Daybreak to enforce EULA.
    The Badger Lord likes this.
  8. Jezzie Augur

    The problem is (as I see it) that the guilds raiding two expacs behind are raiding for gear that is junk because they've equipped themselves with gear bought in the /baz from the top tier guild(s).
    It gets old fast raiding for no reward other than to say you did it.
    On live right now there are plenty of guilds raiding RoF and CoTF but the gear doesn't compete with group TDS so the rewards (unless they're placable) rot. No fun with no reward and EQ is bleeding subs because of it.
    You could tell the guilds two expacs behind to just use in era guild for the expac they are raiding, but that can be done on any server, you don't need a progression server for that.
  9. Stewgottz Augur

    I get that.

    I guess my point pertains mainly to pop and prior when targets are static. Once raids become instanced, guilds would have a much better shot to catch up and atleast be in the most recent expac. But those guilds might not stick it out if they are disinterested and leave during Luclin because they can't even get attempts at velious targets once or twice a week.
  10. vardune Augur

    Hell yes 10 polls over a month each...have a new progression server in march 2016. That was voted on by peeps playing live that dont give a woot about a new progression server.
  11. Machen New Member

    That's just the thing, anything goes WILL BE the rule of the server. Anyone thinking otherwise hasn't been paying attention to the steadily declining customer service over the past three or so years. When they are down to just a small handful of GM's, you can bet none of them will be babysitting disputed content.
  12. Indigo Augur

    Anything goes is fine, let's just do it already. But Daybreak isn't SOE (SOE wasn't going to give is another TLP), they may actually dedicate a couple of people to work the newest, most populated server in the game.
  13. Jezzie Augur

    I expect you're right. It's too much trouble and takes resources to enforce EULA.
    If anything goes is the rule then those people people on live that think they are going to be playing eqclassic can be educated on what to expect before abandoning their toons for the new server.
    With an anything goes server I think it should ABSOLUTELY be pvp. That way players that think they're going to be playing pve classic have a better idea of what to expect going into it, that way they won't be wasting months filing /petitions wondering why EULA no longer exists. That way this 1 server won't be hogging what little resources we have left for the playerbase as a whole.
  14. Machen New Member

    I agree, but obviously it isn't going to be as that's not even one of the options they presented.
  15. Vaclav Augur

    Assuming there's only one poll ever to be done - which Progression 1.0 had at least 2, and Progression 2.0 had at least 3....

    If they make a poll on how spawn disputes should be handled (which should be one - no matter what the options are, so that people know going in they're solidly one way and consistently enforced) - they could easily throw PVP in there rather than "Progression type" as the current poll is.
    The Badger Lord likes this.
  16. Machen New Member

    Not a chance. The reorganization and restructuring has already hurt customer service, not helped it. They even posted and acknowledged it.
  17. The Badger Lord Augur

    I agree on the divide between the elites and the normal. I've thought that since the original post. post.(It would be interesting to see some playtime stats. Average play time overall per player. Exactly what % of players were playing 6+ hours a day and for the first 6 months of Fippy Darkpaw),

    From what I saw, there were more normal players than hardcore players or elite raiders.

    A lot of people just want to play the game in the classical settings (whether time locked or progression).
    They don't want to sit there camping a raid spawn for days or hours on end.

    Many people who played EQ hard back in its Hey Day, now have jobs and families. They can't afford to play progression hardcore.

    As for a solution for a select few locking down targets, I honestly have none. I'll leave that up other people to come up with answers for.
  18. The Badger Lord Augur

    Somebody also posted an interesting idea on another thread. I thought it was pretty cool.

    A Firiona Vie type rule set based on progression. It doesn't have to be a roleplaying server, but there would be some cool things about FV rules progression.

    And depending on what poll question wins, or what type of progression they decide on, I'd like to see further questions as many people have suggested here and in other threads.

    The questions that should be considered are the most discussed questions on these forums. What expansions release originally. How do we handle raid targets. How long are unlock times. These are the questions I'm seeing over and over on every thread.

    "We are making progression server X" Now we move onto the next phase.

    "What expansions should be released"
    --Classic alone
    --Classic + Kunark

    "How Fast Should Unlocks occur"
    --3 months
  19. The Broken One New Member

    I think badgerlod and frenzic and others have really strong ideas.

    Frenzic just posted some stuff on a new thread.

    But yea, I think I have to say I am for classic and kunark release together. or a shorter classic release followed by a longer kunark and velious.

    and class balance things and other overpowered things like out of combat regen and mage pets r a big issue for progression. rogues sucked, rangers sucked, warriors only good for raids and stuff, otherwise just make a shadowknight.
    Frenzic likes this.
  20. The Badger Lord Augur

    --No instancing. Even in the original post, I believed there was a difference between the elite players and the majority of the players. However, even though raiding and locking down targets was a problem, I am not for instancing at all. Does anyone else have any other suggestions? The conversations have mainly been revolving around instancing, or partially instancing content.

    --Classic EQ + Kunark upon release. If not, then classic on a shorter timeline, and Kunark and/or Velious on a longer timeline. Classic-6 weeks. Kunark 4-5 months. Velious 4-5 months.

    --Adjust class imbalances. Very important. This is one that most people seem to be overlooking to talk about instances. Do some tweaks. If you cant subtract changes kept on Fippy, then you can add things to weaker classes. There must be some way to do this efficiently for the devs without taking too much time.

    --Other Tweaks and balances that didn't work on Fippy.
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