Classic (Not Progression) Server Rule Set; For the Fans!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by The Badger Lord, Feb 15, 2014.

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  1. The Badger Lord Augur

    Cool to see you guys kept this going. I have looked at this a number of times over the last year, but I have never logged in to reply.

    The broadcast on February 18th said they wanted to do a progression server. You can watch their February video, about 15 minutes in.

    When do you guys think the server will be released? And what type of server do people want?

    If we can get peoples ideas on this thread, it already has a high number of views and replies. It would be cool if we could get more discussion going on this thread about server types. The discussion for IF there should be a prog server looks to be over.

    Now we should have a discussion as to what type of server the players want.
  2. Kaneras Augur

    I fully support:

    1. IP locking (if a family wants to play together they can start a ticket and file an application for permission)
    2. Class restrictions (you don't need 98 necros and 2 clerics on server). Restrict percentages of classes.
    3. Reduce the stats on common dropped armors like defiant armor, and insert new quest armors, which require groups to achieve.
    4. Make progression slow, instead focus on progressing the character not his level
    5. Include some type of reputation system
    6. Keep AAs, but tie them into character development, if you have completed many quests and helped many other players, you get access to the best AA's. Reward good group play, not experience grinding.
    The Badger Lord likes this.
  3. Tinytinker Augur

    Class restrictions? Good God, am I seeing this? Did someone actually post this horrible idea?
    Soltara and The Badger Lord like this.
  4. vardune Augur

    Class restrictions are a terrible terrible idea. Keep the ideas simple. Did eq ever have class restrictions NO.
    Tinytinker likes this.
  5. Kaneras Augur

    The reason mercs were introduced in the first place was because there were not enough clerics to complete groups. More people playing clerics = more groups = less LFG.
  6. Tinytinker Augur

    There will be a lot of grouping going on regardless of how many people are playing clerics. You can get all sort of successful group combinations that don't rely on having a cleric healer.
    Druids and shamans can heal, too, and those necros that you want to restrict made competent back up healers back in the day with their shadowbond and pact spells.

    But if you insist, "Nuh-huh, not gonna do a group unless I have a cleric," then your grouping opportunities are going to be limited.
    The Badger Lord likes this.
  7. vardune Augur

    STOP at Secrets of Faydwer. Add in corpse recovery and the original exp rate. Never add defiant gear. Never allow free to play on the server and never allow raf accounts.

    The Ruins of Kunark (April 2000)
    The Scars of Velious (December 2000)
    The Shadows of Luclin (December 2001)
    The Planes of Power (October 2002)
    The Legacy of Ykesha (February 2003)
    Lost Dungeons of Norrath (September 2003)
    Gates of Discord (February 2004)
    Omens of War (September 2004)
    Dragons of Norrath (February 2005)
    Depths of Darkhollow (September 2005)
    Prophecy of Ro (February 2006)
    The Serpent's Spine (September 2006)
    The Buried Sea (February 2007)
    Secrets of Faydwer (November 2007)
  8. The Badger Lord Augur

    I would play PvE or a PvP server, or both.

    Let me also say that I would hope this server is not an exact copy of Flippy Darkpaw. We've done that, it had its chance. Voting Unlocked progression was completed. It had its pros and cons. This should be something new, and something fun.

    Many fans like the idea of a PLanes of Power Perma Locked Server. The only problem I see with a planes of power perma locked rule set, is that it eventually people would run out of things to do (get bored) and quit, which would be no different than people quitting on a normal progression server after planes of power was progressed.

    PvE Rule Sets
    1) Classic > Progression
    --The focus should be more on the classic setting rather than progression, as this is the big reason why most people are playing
    --I would love an "ClassicARK" release, as I stated in the title, where they include the original game AND Kunark upon release. I already explained this would allow you to level in many of the kunark zones that were designed to level in, as well as alleviate the over crowdedness of just classic dungeons when the server starts. Then you can simply delay the release of Velious because we started out with kunark.

    2) Slow the game down (classical setting lasts for longer).
    --Find a way to extend the classical era (many ways to do this)
    --For example, experience is set to original rates or comparable, not to Flippy Darkpaw rates. This would slow the game down further, and make the classic era last longer.
    --exp penalty/loss on death continued
    --removing current out of combat regeneration, diverting back to original.

    3) Implement progression differently (No Voting)
    --Find a different way to implement progression (many possibilities)
    --Expansions are set to release at a certain time (every 6months)

    4) Make Death Count
    --If there is no risk, the rewards are diminished. If we, as humans were immortal in life, wouldn't it get kind of boring after a while? This was a big reason the original EQ was so immersive: there were risks, people feared death.
    --Corpse Runs? Arguable. I think most people would not like this idea, with a minority of hardcore players wanting it. I'm ok with no corpse runs, as long as death means something.

    5) Don't be afraid to create or add something new.
    --It would be awesome to have the classical feel, but that doesn't mean it needs to be an exact copy of the original Everquest. The game was not perfect. It would be awesome to have the classic feeling but see the game evolve and take a different path than it had before.
    --Better class balance. Warriors underpowered in original? Rangers ranged damage non-existant until they got AA? Beef up the archery skill on rangers, so they can actually use a bow pre-AA. Beef up warriors out of combat regeneration so they have a chance to solo. Divert enchanter's charm back to original formula. Tons of cool ideas could be added here. Small tweaks that would improve some underplayed or underpowered classes.

    PvP Server
    --every man for himself, can't attack guild or party members and no friendly fire (aoe) hits them.
    --would still create a strong sense of community and possibly even further emphasize groups and guilds over normal gameplay.
    --Possibly add a level limitation on PvP. You can attack anyone within 10 levels etc, so we don't have level 50/60s camping low zones.
    --Attacking a person in a city aggroes guards. You can do it, but its your risk.
    --When you kill someone, you can only loot their money, not items. This makes cities and banks more valued and populated. Commons would be a dangerous place to sell, making cities the new auction areas, this would be something that
    --it would be one solution to draw out the classical setting. Instead of merely PvE, suddenly people have another aspect of the game to play. Progressing would be harder.

    --I think a PvP server would be full initially, but not sure how long the interest would last, I guess that goes for any progression server, as flippy died out as time went out. It would be very interesting to see a vote on how many players would be interested in a PvP server. But also to see how many players would come back, because I know quite a few people who aren't playing EQ who would return for a PvP progression server.
  9. The Badger Lord Augur

    hmmmm seems like many people are caught up in a flippy like clone, while dividing TLP into different servers with different locks, not much creative stuff has come up
  10. Stehlik Augur

    Guess my ideas wasn't creative enough. :(
  11. Machen New Member

    What gave you the idea the devs were looking for creative ideas, or would implement them if people came up with them? They've already got their poll choices selected. And chances are, the options will all be simple to implement with minimal dev time involved in getting things set up and running. Everquest is down to a tiny dev team that is a fraction of the size it was when the last progression server was launched, and they have other things to do besides work on this. Which means, minor variations on the Fippy ruleset is most likely all we're going to see.
  12. Abracadabra Augur

    1) Unless they magically stumbled onto the old code and could find a way to segregate it from the live servers, you will never see classic EQ again through Daybreak.

    2) Theres a reason that all expansions (up until GoD) passed their first go around with a lockout of two months after content is cleared (except classic was three months). Its because the majority (quite literally) didn't want classic EQ to stay.

    3) I agree on the no voting, also read #2 on lockout periods.

    4) I think we played vastly different games.

    - You need to be able to attack anyone at any level, otherwise you'll have another Fansy on your hands.
    - Guards already attack you when you attack another player.
    - I semi agree on you with everything else relating to pvp though.

    **It's Fippy, not Flippy - Not sure if you're intentionally spelling it that way or not.
  13. Ckador Augur

    The poll is up already? I haven't logged into EQ in months.
  14. Machen New Member

    It's not up yet but Holly said in a post on the main forum that they have the options they want to present in mind already.
  15. Farkle New Member


    Aside from that.... some good ideas here,
  16. The Badger Lord Augur

    Hmmm I remember you Machen hahaha. Not to sound rude, but you are always the one who tries to shoot down any ideas you don't like. However your comments don't really leave any room for discussion, nor are they fact, but rather your subjective analysis of the situation.

    The devs asked for players to discuss ideas to open forums, and that's what we are doing. Simply stating theres not much a chance for anything but a fippy clone is not a discussion.

    I don't hate fippy, it was overall fun. The way fippy progression was implemented is not to my liking. And I highly doubt that even if its a fippy clone, they would implement progression in the exact same way.

    However, as time goes on, you learn from past mistakes, you advance, you evolve. Players can hope this next progression/classic is better than fippy.

    I think the developers would also want to do the best they can. They are people, they take pride in their jobs. and they must enjoy some aspect of what they do.

    If it took months to prepare fippy (as they stated years ago), then they already have a base from which to work from, and can hopefully do at least something from there. Even its it simply taking away out of combat health regen, or further adjusting experience to a slower rate (people level slower, expansions last longer).
  17. Frenzic Augur

    The head mistress stated that she has ideas for the poll to come this week. That doesn't mean she didn't get the ideas from our threads, on the contrary, I think she did. Of course this first polling doesn't mean it's official either. They could very well do multiple polls. I just hope they give sufficient notice about the poll and make it well known. It will take time to get the word out and ideally we want everyone to get their say in.

    The difference from Combine to Fippy was pretty significant imo. I hope they can make another leap forward with this server. I really think they need to come up with a solution to the over crowded raid scene. I've already seen three major raid guilds in discussion.
    The Badger Lord likes this.
  18. Machen New Member

    There was no out of combat on Fippy at launch. But I agree on the slower experience rate. 10x slower than Fippy would be great.
  19. Scalez New Member

    I know it's not gonna happen but it would be nice if they did not allow any boxing. Also, I hope they crack down faster on the and hackers this time, it was out of control on Fippy!
    Hirbow likes this.
  20. Machen New Member

    The head mistress stated she has ideas for the poll to come this week during the live stream, well before the barrage of suggestion threads that have popped up in the last few days. Of course, she and the dev team likely took into consideration the last five years of suggestions that have been offered, but I doubt they drastically changed their plans in the last few days based on new insight that has been offered. There really hasn't been anything brand new on the forums in the last week. And the realities of the dev team size remain the same as they were a week ago, before this renewed frenzy began.

    Edit for typos.
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