Tempest Temple: The Storm is Coming

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Roshen Brand Manager

    By: Jennifer “Yaviey” Bridges

    A violent storm spectacularly erupts on a small island in the Buried Sea. Chunks of Norrath spew towards the sky. The Darkness is coming. Can you feel it?

    Years ago, outlanders came upon the Coral Keep, also known as Tempest Temple. With them they brought many treasures. Most notably for the fate of Coral Keep was religion. A charismatic priest of Karana convinced a group of powerful kedge wizards to convert. Together they hatched a plan to open a gateway to the Plane of Storms. This was no trivial feat. Under cover of darkness, they instilled potent magics on a nearby volcanic island. One night, the volcano erupted in fire, water, magma, and… something else.

    As the balance-keepers of the very world of Norrath, Druids sense a great disturbance in these events. They have called for your aid, traveler. The island itself is in complete chaos, with pieces suspended in the air and an ever-raging storm that threatens all. The world could be in peril if the Karana-worshipping kedge are not stopped.

    There’s plenty to explore in EverQuest’s 21st Expansion: The Darkened Sea! Stay tuned to the official EverQuest website for more zone previews, sneak peeks, and more. The next EverQuest expansion hits Tuesday, November 11, 2014. However, All-Access members get to purchase it and play a full two weeks earlier, starting on Tuesday, October 28, 2014!
    Saave likes this.
  2. Maeryn Augur

    Can you go Gold and then buy TDS on the 28th? On the 30th?
  3. Roshen Brand Manager

    Yes, you can become All-Access on October 28th (or the 30th) to gain the ability to purchase and play The Darkened Sea expansion.
  4. jackrich New Member

    so with this new expansion does that mean the level for free AAs go up to level 90 for gold members?
  5. Slasher Augur

    when can we preorder ?
  6. lefous Elder

    aye when preorder is ?
  7. Feradach Augur

    No preorders for this expansion.
  8. Leerah Augur

    Oh great! What a mess that will be! Banks refusing so many charges in one day. SoE commerce servers crashing! Mark my words!
  9. Dunaden New Member

    As a Karana-worshipping ranger, can I join them?
    Jonny Panic likes this.
  10. Ranndom_TheUndead Augur

    Why would you join such magically delicious squid folk
  11. Mithrandyr Augur

    It puts the eggwash on its skin...then it gets the panko again.

    Put the squid in frying basket!
    Naugrin and Delicose like this.
  12. Leerah Augur

    It just occurred to me, no pre-order means no pre-order bonus item either. :-(
    Lisandra likes this.
  13. Feradach Augur

    Not necessarily. All Access accounts can purchase and use the new expansion two weeks before the F2P accounts, so it stands to reason that bonus items could possibly be included with purchases during that window. That's just speculation on my part, but it would make sense.
  14. Saeadyan Elder

    Just wondering where you got that tidbit of info?
  15. iniari-TR Augur



    Pre-orders actually come from the days when we made a physical box that went on brick and mortar store shelves. We needed to get some idea of how many to manufacture so we didn't have thousands of customers without product, or have thousands of boxes sitting on shelves taking up space that places like Target, Gamestop, and Wal-Mart charge you money for.

    Since we've moved to a completely digital product, there is no reason for pre-orders, AND it resolves the account issues that invariably happen every year of someone pre-ordering, our systems giving access to things, only to have their credit card fail processing for whatever reason (typos, denials, etc) and then losing ALL access to their account due to the system backing out the pre-order.

    So this year, we've moved to a different system, with All Access members having the opportunity of getting in 2 weeks ahead of FTP players. Oct 28th, All Access players buy the expansion, and are in, immediately. FTP players can then buy the new expansion on Nov 11th. At least I think those are the dates.. I'll check again in the morning when I get to work. End result is a MUCH cleaner system and process with much less chance of problems.
  16. Feradach Augur

  17. Tesa_Treeburner New Member

    I am at 18/20 expansions. Money is tight, I have not wanted to buy the last 2 because I would not be able to afford the new one for both of my accounts. Will I be able to buy the new expansion and gain access to the prior two as well? Or will I still need to buy all 3?

  18. Fendy Augur

    Buying a new expansion always includes every previous expansion.
  19. Firrionafan Elder

    So we get a 2 week advance in play time....what is this ( in percentage ) of time of someone who has played 15 years?

    I want some Pre Order goodies!

    And I would still buy the box versions of the game to go on my shelf if you all cared enough to produce them. I liked things like cloth maps, bound atlas, Action Figures!, ect.....I like those cool things from the past.

    Make us some cool stuff please....kinda a sad state when you have to ask a company to produce a product that you can buy.
    drkoli and Leerah like this.
  20. Ganaldarr New Member

    I'm assuming we'll find out more about deluxe editions and what not in the coming weeks?