Get Your Forum Badges!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, May 19, 2014.

  1. Zaxamaphone Augur

    Yup same here. I don't have access to all my badges I should, but have access to ones I should not.
  2. Roxxanna Augur

    (Face palm)
  3. AB_H'Sishi Augur

    Mh, I wanted to add soime badges but my preferences page says "All Access Member: No.". Huh?
    Obiziana and Fenthen like this.
  4. Crystilla Augur

    Only shows PSN here (which I've never registered for or downloaded or played).
    Fenthen likes this.
  5. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Same, I'm not an All Access member.
  6. Obiziana Augur

    seems like this was put together backwards....
  7. sojero One hit wonder

    how do we take the all access badge off?
  8. Roshen Brand Manager

    We've pushed a fix for this live this morning. If you were having issues, please try again. If you continue to have issues, let us know.

    There's no way at this time to turn the All Access badge off.
  9. Crystilla Augur

    Just checked now. While 'all access' shows up automatically for me (which is correct), the only option I'm offered is PSN. Not sure if that is correct or not as I don't get the options for SoE Live attendee or anything else.
  10. AB_H'Sishi Augur

    Same for me. AllAccess is active, PSN is offered, nothing else.
  11. sojero One hit wonder

    Is there plans to make this an option? I dont really care to have it there, was just playing around with it and then, BAM! your stuck with it :(
    Fanra likes this.
  12. Irish New Member

    How do we get the multi game badge and the SOE Live badge, that you have roshen?
  13. OMGr8573 New Member

    I got mine! :) But since I play a lot of SOE MMORPGs shouldn't I have the multi game one?
  14. Feradach Augur

    How confident are you that the fix was pushed? It's doing the exact same thing. Clicking the green button adds the All Access badge, and offers a PSN badge (I don't even own a PlayStation), and that's it.
  15. Crystilla Augur

    I didn't even have to click the green 'save' button and all access appeared. Seems simply going to the badges site and refreshing (getting options) placed it there.
  16. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Mine isn't showing....which I'm happy with. :)

    Don't you dare fix me !

    Though this account is European, so we didn't get all games anyway, would that be why it isn't showing?
    Diptera and Fenthen like this.
  17. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Still no multi-game badge. What's the trigger for it? Does Vanguard not count?
  18. Silverthorne New Member

    I also play multiple games. I do also morn the loss of Vanguard. Is it going to be deeded to players to upkeep.
  19. Deeaqon New Member

    Should have SOE Live, Multi game badge also but not showing up.
  20. Dandin Augur

    Your patch of the badge system needs a patch to fix the patch that was intended to be the patch of yesterday's patches patch...
    Ratbo Peep likes this.