What Has Been Your Favorite EverQuest Zone?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Roshen, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. Roshen Brand Manager

    Hello all,

    I asked this on social media this afternoon... but I figured I'd like to see what feedback we get on the forums too.


    I'm curious, what has been your favorite EverQuest zone? What made this zone special to you?
    Fenthen and Aeroen like this.
  2. sojero One hit wonder


    This zone is special because I started my raiding there.

    I also enjoy helping others get their orbs for their new toons for the 2.0's there.
    Elricvonclief and Terminat like this.
  3. Barc Lorekeeper

    I really loved Highpass Hold. The goblins in the basement were an awesome venue to meet people. Made a lot of good friends there.

    Also Thurgadin had a special place for me. Dains 10th ring event was awesome and the roleplay geek in me thought that the place was awesome.

    Mentionalbe zones are: VP, PoG, CoA, Kael, Ssra and VT. My god yes VT was awesome. Anything pre-PoP was awesome imho
  4. Potawatomi Augur

    Oasis of Marr. This place was the most fun I had leveling up when I first started playing my paladin. Spectres were to be feared, there was always a steady stream of orcs and it was just awe inspiring at the time.
    Obiziana and Windiren like this.
  5. Tarrin Augur

    Solteris and Devastation
  6. Koneko Augur

    burned woods I still have yet to find it
  7. SaderakhBertox Augur

    Temple of Veeshan. This zone had so much longevity to it. You can raid one side. You can raid another side. Then when you are ready, you can go raid in yet another direction. Each choice had consequences that effected each individual raider as well as the guild as a whole. You could get leap frogged by another guild. One guild could exert dominance over another, and force them out of ooc / shout / auction channels. It was always a blast. Right now, Corrupted Temple of Veeshan is still one of my favorites (I wish they would add difficulty tiers to keep this one going)

    Skyshrine was pretty cool too. I enjoyed showing people how to navigate it. I'm pretty sure it'd take me some time to find my way again.

    Fond early memories of Greater Feydark... so many corpses on the ground below Kelethin.
    Fenthen likes this.
  8. Odiosus Journeyman

    Mistmoore for sure. Camping the best drum in game (before Nagafen) was a good challenge. Seeing the gypsies turn to werewolves added a lot of flavor at the time as well. The rumors that Mayong could spawn under certain circumstances also added to the mystique of the zone.
  9. Naugrin Augur

    Veksar was big for me when it came out......finally got to see what was there lol.
    Elricvonclief and sojuu like this.
  10. Kathylynn_Unity Augur

    Cazic Thule, the original. Absolutely loved that place.

    Hard to beat any of the classic dungeons really.
    Viltaire likes this.
  11. Noirfu Augur

    Solo as a necro, crypt of decay before the 2004 charm nerf was the most fun I've ever had in EQ.

    Raiding recently, Xorbb3 is a very fun event for a melee DPS class.
  12. Reht The Dude abides...

    Temple of Veeshan, hands down. Equal parts nostalgia, graphics, content, etc. To me, EQ was its best during Velious, it was still a relatively young and amazingly magical ground-breaking game to me. While i have had lots of great experiences in-game since then, i still look back through rose-colored glasses at that time, and the Temple of Veeshan was the pinnacle of that experience for me.

    I really liked the lay out of the zone, the graphics were awesome for the time and the content was amazing. A zone dedicated to killing dragons, not just a couple of dragons, but a bunch of them! What more could a young lad growing up reading fantasy books and playing D&D ask for? Then adding the excitement of racing other guilds to the zone, the danger of getting leap-frogged or FFA'ed by another guild somehow made looking at a computer screen for hours at a time so much more thrilling. Others zones were a close second, such as Veeshan's Peak and Plane of Fear, but Temple of Veeshan was it for me.
  13. Roshen Brand Manager

    Does anyone know where it is this week?
  14. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur


    Find a well-balanced, well-played group and fight in for excellent loot, but good luck camping it as a few mistakes or bad luck, and you have a heck of a CR to do!

    It was great for judging player ability, as a bad player would prevent you from getting very deep, while great players could go all the way and then handle the roamers and repops.
    Belchere and Carel Da Bard like this.
  15. Kiillz Augur

    Sleeper's Tomb
    Fenthen likes this.
  16. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Just $&@*ing SoW us, dude! We all saw you running fast. We need it for a CR.
    Potawatomi likes this.
  17. Ronthorn Oakenarm Augur

    Lake of il Omen, after Kurnak release Rangers were not much desired, but i was able to exp and level in this zone so i explored it well.
  18. Kelefane Augur

  19. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Original Freeport / Original Bazaar.
    Fenthen likes this.
  20. gnomer New Member

    In Luclin, Katta Castellum, also maidens eye, and akheva.