raid gear + trash mobs. Capitalizing on HA system

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Goth, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. Gnomeland Augur

    T1R RoF is around the level of T2 COTF. It's useless in the capacity of a chase item the moment PoWar and T2 COTF comes out.

    T3R RoF is the minimum around which chase items need to be built for them to be highly desirable; otherwise, it's just a waste of time for the amount of currency people are throwing around.
  2. Marshall Maathers Augur

    If that's the case then I think CotF T2 group gear should be reduced in power, not chase items increased.

    I don't know what level gear CotF T2 group gear is but if it is the caliber of T1 RoF raid gear, then you are already flying high.
  3. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    There's a RNG on raids too, and lockouts. And many other bodies to compete with. Of course it's more's also more effort!

    Compared to 95% of EQ's historical itemization mechanics, this is a huge boon, especially if they remain tradeable. I like the concept of something for the hardcore grouper, just think they went way overboard with this by choosing current raid stuff many still wear, coupled with a lack of content for ALL in cotf.
  4. Goth Augur

    you sir need to look in the mirror at your comments.

    you think doing missions over and over again is not working hard? you think earning 30,000 marks is not working hard? you think spending a few nights a week raiding is harder work than hours and hours of farming for one single item? please tell me why you think raiding expends so much more effort than grouping does.

    you dont do the same raids over and over again to get gear do you? ohh yea you do the same stuff over and over and over again just the same. there are far more HAs to do than there are raids, it is about the development team balancing them out so they are all equally worth doing. if i was to farm marks i surly would not do DH missions every single time to get the points. i would surly jump off a building after 150+ into the hills missions.

    raid gear giving off of anything other than a raid boss/even is some how equal to simply handing it out. heck you could have each item cost 50,000+ points and you guys would still think its being handed out. knowing that would be equivlent to 250+ mission but of course you didnt work for that.

  5. Adaire Lorekeeper


    Just. No.

    Raiding is raiding = you get raid gear.

    Grouping is grouping = you get group gear.

    Flipping those is wrong on all levels most of which have already been discussed in his thread.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    If these items are to continue as non No DROP, can we get their raid equivalent also made non NO DROP?
    Sinestra and Tarrin like this.
  7. Tarrin Augur

    And all previous versions, T1, 2, 3. I have a ton of currency I'd like to cash out.
  8. Adaire Lorekeeper

    Raiding is harder than grouping if someone needs to explain why to you then... I don't know just go away.
  9. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Based on PoWar rare model I doubt it. Didn't they say the names version would be no drop and the zone wise would be attuneable, but share the same lore group?

    I agree though, reduction in power to t2-3 and or making them no drop. Having a vendor you could swap items with might help if going the no drop route given the rarity.
  10. Uuvin Augur

    Back to the original post. Goth, I suggested this method to SOE the year SOD came out. The initial expansion was out for many months and then they added random zone-wide drops to the mobs. augments. this is when I objected to the concept and said it should be locked behind both faction and currency. Especially after having already done every mission in zone 10 times or more, now they force us to return and do even more trash killing for these drops. A player new to the zone has the same chance to get an item on his 1st kill as does the person returning after having already killed 5,000 mobs while doing all the tasks. the following year I wrote them again and explained it again, objecting yet again. after that I gave up. when they added currency to raid events I thought - ok its a start finally - years late, but its something.

    then Solb and CMM were revamped with the 2 chase item drops. And now this disaster.

    I object to drops entirely. I want there to be no gear drops at all. I submit a task and currency and gear system would work. Get tasks from NPCs in the zone, go do the tasks, come back get currency, buy the item you want. it gives each player a well defined goal. They know exactly how many tasks they must do and how many times. Lock the bags for hunter behind same task system. task lockouts stop the farming of a single mission repeatedly. It also stops the complaints about having to kill <named mob #102> 17 times before you get that one drop you wanted.

    /shrug. I would much prefer a set idea and goal than randomness.
  11. Orphenn New Member

    No, it really didn't. But thank you for your input.
  12. Goth Augur

    wake up its already happened.. but worse its random drop from trash mobs and is tradable so anyone can buy it in the bazaar if they have the plat.

    you could either be horribly unlucky and never see a drop or you could get one on your first few kills. or just buy the crap others are farming.

    either way my proposition to lock this behind vendors at least makes you work for the reward at a equivalent none variable rate.
  13. Tarrin Augur

    At the very least, hypothetically, to even see these on the vendor, it should require partisans, saviors, all conquests, mercenaries etc done.
  14. Goth Augur

    seriously? you would be ok for this right? if you sell the gear its the same as none raiding chars getting raid gear and you guys are very objective to that part i thought?

    so long as it benifits yourself, its ok?

    OMG make it so now raiders only get raid gear and raiders can only cash in on the gear? Well actually that sounds a lot like FV. Make that happen i dont care.
  15. Bleed New Member

    Thought that EQ was a game....for fun. Seems like a bunch of the word "Work" being tossed around. If I wanted to work then I would get a second job or put in more hours at the one I already have. At least there at the real workplace they pay me something tangible in the real world that I can put to use. I get the whole sense of accomplishment thing. Hey I am all for it. If I became a millionaire off operating a business, I am not going to give a crap if someone wins a lotto or inherits some money. I got my rewards from my own efforts. What someone else achieves doesn't cheapen the experience. If someone is cheating the system or committing robbery, than that will give me pause. Right now, the presence of this gear is about as close to a lottery as you get in this game. You still have to pay in your sub time and spend the hours. Whatever value a third party decides to assign to that time is their opinion and theirs alone, because from what I see here, a raider's time is more valuable. Thats bullcrap.
  16. Battleaxe Augur

    Exactly - non-raiders do not earn raid trophies.

    They play in an environment where only 6 players maximum must assemble and work together. Minimum is 1 player and some bots. It's hard? Um I know of a 2 person box team that regularly beat group expansions, including UF, and were completely endtier geared in 3 months or less. Believe me, all of the members of any Top Ten Raid Guild can't do that.

    EverQuest is a character advancement through in-game effort MMoRPG. It's not an amusement park where gear is simply props nor mini-golf where everyone gets handed a putter and a ball.

    MMoRPG. Not solo, not tiny teams. Not through Fishing nor Tradeskilling nor (excepting FV) the bazaar.

    Others are correct. You would be happier on FV. On FV you can buy raid gear for currency - in this case platinum pieces. In fact you don't even have to adventure to obtain pp. You can buy Krono at the Station Cash Shop, sell it for pp quite legitimately, and buy gear openly.

    BUT whenever FV players have asked if they should be allowed to transfer to servers without those special rules the players on other servers posting their opinions have said no.

    It would in your opinion be better for the game? Well let me ask you - why is it FV players want to transfer off FV? Why hasn't FV split and become 2, 3, and 4 servers? Why is it that you vision for what would be best for EQ hasn't swept other opinion away with it's demonstrated in the real world popularity???

    Hint - because people agreeing with you are in the minority and SOE accommodates their minority opinion on a special rules server. There is no "tyranny of the majority" - people sharing your opinions are accommodated. There certainly isn't a rationale under the circumstances for a "tyranny of the minority" with special rules not favored by most players being imposed on them despite their demonstrated preferences.
  17. Tarrin Augur

    Ok, I am sorry. Sometimes it's not clear in text when a person is joking, esp given the touchy subject.

    I was merely making an off hand comment that if T4 Raid quality items are able to be traded, why not items of lesser stats? To go hand in hand with the hypothetical situation of T4 Raid gear (you know, the gear that was exactly copy and pasted to make this other set of gear) being made tradeable.

    Once again, it was a statement made jokingly, which I should have been more clear on.
  18. Bleed New Member

    Guess you would not want to hear that people raid with 3rd party scripting where an entire group in a raid can be comprised of just one person and their automatons. Raiding is certainly not free of EZMode. Either through breaking the rules with bot scripts or just following them and having 15 years of experience.

    Raiding is hard when the raid leader is an overbearing toolshed or the cleric is too drunk to heal...or there is a major sporting event on during raid time and no one is doing much past glancing at the game and then back to the raid. Otherwise, you have someone telling you want to do and what is expected. Assuming you can play follow the leader or simon says and that is like 60% of raiding right there. The rest is assuming you can use the tools your class comes with to their best advantage. If you can't, chances are there is someone there as redundancy more often than not as most raid forces are a core group of superstars and the rest are just filler.
  19. Ammeren Augur

    I don't think he gets that in RoF the raid currency was different per tier.

    Goth, in RoF t1-t4 had different currency, couldn't use t2 currency for t3 items, etc. That's what he's getting at...I think? /shrugs.
  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Yep, with this quality of raid equivalent gear dropping there is no reason for any raid gear prior to T4 RoF have the no drop tag - all expansions.