New World drops

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by fransisco, Mar 12, 2014.

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  1. guado Augur

    It might seem crazy, what I'm about to say,
    Leet loot was here, you can take a break!

    Clap along, if you feel, like a toon without raid loot!
    Clap along, if you feel, like devs gotta say the truth!
    Clap along, if you know, where the items go poof to!?
    Clap along, if you feel like this whole thing is full of poo!
    Westo and Gortar like this.
  2. Gortar Augur

    Quado, were you commander of Qeynos on your server?
  3. guado Augur

    I am originally from Tunare, started right after Luclin

    Wood Elf Druid.
  4. Elemtal Lorekeeper

    Everyone be careful when purchasing the new Heroric attuneable drops. They will disappear from your inventory no matter if they are auged or not. The augs will disappear aswell.
  5. Pirouette Augur

    I would suggest anyone else who has lost plat/augs/ornaments/kronos etc to do the same. Yes, open the floodgates--this is their problem, they need to deal with it, not expect the customers to quietly nod.
  6. Lazy automation Elder

    lets break down the math, let say your average casual player can kill 2 mobs per min:
    5000 mobs=2500 min
    2500 min= 41.66 hours

    41 hours of straight killing is a lot for a casual player.
  7. Sharpshooter Lorekeeper

    I do think you make a good point about the time spent vs reward. I mean even casual players pay the same $15/mo that raiders do. They should have the chance to get some good things too on occasion.


    You get 3-5 loots per event.
    You have up to 54 players participating.
    They generally take about an hour per event.
    If everyone got a loot at the same rate then each person would take (54 / 4 = 13.5 Raids).
    13.5 * 54 = 729 Man Hours to acquire a raid-quality loot.

    However, since it only takes 13.5 raids to acquire a raid quality loot they only need to play 13.5 hours of play time for the individual.


    Lets assume a drop rate of 1:2500 since that is what the devs have suggested is the expected rate.
    Lets also assume a group of 1-6 people (We'll use 3 since 3 players + 3 mercs is pretty standard in the group game).
    Lets also assume that they kill about 1 mob every 2 minutes.

    Under those conditions a group would expect to see a drop once every 3.5 days. Since 3 people to get loot that increases the time to get a loot to 10.5 days roughly.

    This means on average it will take 17x longer for a grouper to gear up with raid quality loots. Therefore, I do not foresee an end to the raid game. It will be something that might get a grouper a couple of nice pieces a month but not something that will fill their entire gear with raid quality loot.
  8. Garshok Augur

    IF: SOE is deleting items

    AND: SOE can (and is) tracking items to delete from people who may have bought them

    THEN: SOE can also see what was exchanged and refund whatever price was paid for it. [OK, that doesn't work for cases where Toon A gave something to Toon B and was paid by Toon C, but probably takes care of 95% of trades.]

    Would that be a pain for SOE: Heck yes. But I am sure that if SOE did see fit to delete these items, they would not want the perception that the cost of this incident would be placed on the people who may have bought the items, while people who farmed them and sold them would still walk away with a huge profit. [Although depending on how many items were farmed per server, I wonder how big a deal this really is.They let the Old Man Mackenzie missions slide for a full month, and never tried to clean up that mess, which may have been even more of a foul-up; here they acted within a day and a half of being informed, pretty responsive for them.]

    I am NOT saying that SOE is removing the items - it hasn't happened to the two items on my main - but if they did, SOE has the tools to make the buyer whole rather than simply deleting items.
    Pirouette likes this.
  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Thank you for clarifying the situation.

    Can you also inform us if it is now safe to do all missions and purchase these items from friends/bazaar? Reports that players are having these items deleted is worrying for everyone.

    Are those left with items keeping them or are more being deleted as we speak?

    If still being deleted can you let us know when it is safe to continue trading?
  10. Fansy Augur

    So much time wasted yet again on something completely out there, raid drops for groupers. Lets spend more and more time fixing this. Then in another thread a week from now tell us why we only get 100 aa per class because you didn't have time. Why its ok for these items to not be replaced for a few expansions but that other items like that are bad for design. How you don't have time to make class weapons actually worthwhile for all classes. Then in another thread say spells are locked now regardless if you will ever use them as we don't have time for feedback or changes now. CoTF content is small because we didn't have time to give you what you paid for. Trust us the next time or the time after that we will make it up to you.

    This just in we continue to neglect things that matter to add things that don't to string you along until EQN.
    Iila and Pirouette like this.
  11. Gortar Augur

    Lazy, for me to molo as a beast it takes 3-5 minutes per mob :). If you want to do a math on that time line :p
    Koneko likes this.
  12. Elemtal Lorekeeper

    Business Ethics. I would really hope that Everquest would pay attention to this seeing as I am paying for to play this game. It would be different if this game was free but it isn't. I pay a lot of money to play this game, not to waste a week of my time farming for these items.
  13. Langya Augur

    The uproar was principle/ideology based. Pure emotion. Common sense, logic, statistics or probability need not apply.

    It wouldn't matter if one whole person server wide got a rare raid caliber drop once a year. All it takes is the notion of a raid caliber item dropping in group content and its WWIII. Its not even most raiders who are this evangelical either. Most don't care and just want to have some fun in a game they play for fun. Its just a few people who have it locked in their brain that there are no other options removed from how its always been and they don't mind making a bunch of people miserable in order to preserve the dogma. That is really all there is to it. Now it is a CS problem and the dev team gets to have more egg on their faces.
    Sharpshooter likes this.
  14. Langya Augur

    Some communication on the part of SoE would have been appropriate.
    Ssixa, Warfare and Garshok like this.
  15. Lazy automation Elder

    I came back to raiding last spring it took me2.5 month to get regeared while working on teir 2. lots of gear in raid guilds rots like cultural augs and you get raid currency. in today eq you gear up quick as hell if you raid and have decent attendance.

    it will take a casual person forever to grind out the gear.
  16. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    They probably aren't announcing because they don't want people to hide/launder the items.

    parcel from a->b->c->a, stick it in a house, withdrawl with another char, stick it in a guild bank, withdraw with another char. delete it; then use a token of recovery after things cool down, etc. there are a lot of places items can be now, and they don't want to track them down in every nook/cranny.
  17. Gortar Augur

    The posts here assume the items are poofing. I, as always, am cautious in believing the forums :)
  18. Garshok Augur

    Yes, would be nice if they stated something so others considering buying are not caught up if they are doing this.
  19. Pirouette Augur

    Also, the normal casual player is also probably not masochistic enough to only pick HA's with highest mob count, only do the HA up to that point (like the one where 50 bixies spawn or whatever), drop it and request it again.

    They will probably be doing HA's in full, and since to my understanding Dead Hills requires progression unlocks, some people will be unaware of them and just be doing the Bixie Warfront ones over and over again. BW especially can have low mob count with time-consuming updates like running around finding ground spawns.

    Given THOSE circumstances, I might only kill 75 mobs a day if I'm doing 3 HA a day.
  20. Elemtal Lorekeeper

    Eq messes up and ruins the economy serverwide. If your items haven't been deleted yet, they will be. One by one. I can confirm this on multiple toons. One item was deleted and a hour later the other toon's item was deleted. Doesn't matter if you traded it or not or how ever you did it. Its just a matter of time until all of these items get deleted and your ornaments and augments. I suggest that everyone remove the augmentations and ornaments from your newly aquired gear, seeing as I just lost my one hander ornament that I got in Tower of Frozen Shadow raid.
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