Changes with the February Update: Developer Updates

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Prathun, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Ronthorn Oakenarm Augur

    Sure i know it does, i am just not sure they can set a proc per minute like that for our arrow spells.
  2. Dreekenail Journeyman

    once again janakin at least they had to do something, like have their toon online.
  3. Harabakc Augur

    This isn't a boost for us, this makes assassinate even gimmickier than it was, and removes what uses it did have. He's already been clear it will continue to be restricted to humanoids. So other than the corner of SL and a couple other tiny sections of RoF zones it still amounts to nothing.
    Gloomfall likes this.
  4. Janakin Augur

    They have to do something now too, level their characters. I am not for just giving away AAs though they way they plan on doing it. I would rather they drastically change the AA exp curve.
    Morningdew and Dreekenail like this.
  5. Rezzurrektin New Member

    when is this taking place?
  6. Ronthorn Oakenarm Augur

    I understand this its why i said small boost maybe in not the way thats best for rogues or zerkers
  7. Arun New Member

    I've made my statement about how that guy's post was worded. Read my other posts. To each their own...I want to raid end game...I DO raid end game..that's my "fun" in this game. You want to drag through old stuff...good for you. I made that statement in regards to his clear indication that those players were "progressing" in AA and levels with no mention of progressing through content.

    So Yeah, right, got it.....Yeah, right, got it.......
  8. Rorce Augur

    I thought this whole thread was about taking a step forward, and making the proposed changes easier to swallow by the players. Now we are talking about taking a step back?
    Smokezz and Ronthorn Oakenarm like this.
  9. Hatsee Augur

    In random groups doing whatever you want grouping, grinding, quests, tasks, missions, raids, if a mob fits the requirements you get random large damage hits. Yes it's different, but it's an upgrade in some situations. Berserkers are the same.

    Rangers are odd as ours comes from the bow and we don't really use the bow often, thus all we get is a fraction of the attempts and only from our skill attack nukes which means we should probably only expect one proc every couple minutes if it's set around what the bow does. Plus if we pull and the mob fits the requirements... Well you know what'll happen.

    However letting us murder a random mob that is level 99 or less would do what? It's a pretty small amount of exp, solo each of us does less dps than any of the casters and their kill rate would still be significantly higher. It would give less exp total than what the abilities do now I believe as well. Plus if you try to pull and it fires you just get some exp and a corpse instead of summoned and killed. But because of the random nature of it you wouldn't be able to rely on it for much of anything. Would anyone be opposed to that kind of change? What is the average hp amount on level 99 or less trash mobs?
    Ronthorn Oakenarm likes this.
  10. Arun New Member

    Find a new way to help them. If people suddenly acted like saints in real life, we'd have no crime, no homeless, and then who would all the shelters and organizations help? They'd find another way to help. Because you like old content doesn't mean I should have to suffer through it just to appease your desire to "help" me. The point is that this is NOT stopping anyone from doing that content if they want. No one should be forced to work through 19 expansions to get to the 20th. No one in their right mind is going to BUY the latest expansions that are geared at 90-95 + if they know that by the time they finish the other 19 expansions, that 20th is already replaced by the 21st and now that 20th is a free "gimme" with buying the newest one. Money is a factor to get people to buy the new content? I can't even count how many friends I have in EQ who are not 90-95+ so they just didn't buy CoTF because it was pointless to do so up until the recent mission changes.
  11. Nein Lyves Lorekeeper

    About 2 weeks.
  12. Blehme New Member

    Sorry if someone already offered this suggestion. I read through about 10 pages, but that's as far as I got.

    I wanted to offer my feedback. I have been a long time EQ player, and have really loved and enjoyed this game. I always find myself coming back, because no other game offers a similar experience. Risk vs reward in EQ has always been one of my favorite things, and it really feels like that has started to diminish over the years. That being said, here is my suggestion...

    First, I want to explain my feelings about the "nerfs" to the classes. I feel rather than singling out specific classes, and trying to tweak each one for balancing ect, you should make changes that is going to increase balance across the board, and also promote the playstyles you would prefer to see without negatively effecting playstyle... If you are looking at ways to try and shoehorn players into not mass killing monsters, how about increasing overall experience for white + con monsters, making it much more beneficial? Or increase the methods of determining green con monsters (making the monsters significantly higher level for xp rewarding monsters, effectively removing the ability to swarm due to higher hp/dmging monsters). Another alternative, would be to also decrease the xp rates for green/light blue con mobs, however I don't see this as a very good alternative. Anyways, I just wanted to throw out some alternatives, rather than destroying entire playstyles for these classes that so much of your customer base has grown to love.

    As for granting AA's, I feel this was also pretty much required these days. Personally, I feel that the AA's have gone a completely different direction than originally intended. I feel AA's were originally a way to "customize" your class as it took significantly longer to max AA's than most people had time to do. But these days its just a time sink to push towards max AA, and every class is the same. I actually saw some major benefits in the free to play limitation of 1000 AA's, especially if you were able to balance a lot of the AA abilities and let people choose the abilities to help promote their playstyle. That would be my first suggestion, but I doubht that would happen anytime soon. Instead, my suggestion would be to have these as usable increments, given as you level. Granting 4k AA at a specific level, personally I think this is going to promote paid powerleveling, because if you just rush to the level you need for the auto grant, farming AA's prior to this is a waste of time. So I would much prefer to see something like giving a player 200 AA every 5 levels after level 51. I also feel that defensive AA's should not be in the AA list at all, but auto granted as its required for progression. Again, another brick wall requiring a significant time sink.

    Anyways, thats just my thoughts. Sorry for the long wall of text =/
    dreama121 likes this.
  13. gcubed Augur

    Only with the wind at our back. I am betting we will be lucky to see one proc every three minutes in melee and will probably be closer around one every three and a half to four minutes.
    Ronthorn Oakenarm likes this.
  14. Langya Augur

    Are you guys actually OK with the fact that your class defining talent is now your weakest? Rangers imply "attacking at range" but the lore probably implies that they guard/patrol a range of territory so maybe you guys can just throw your bows in the trashcan and be a bit more like Chuck Norris than Legolas. Basically now you are melee that stole all the dps from warriors dual wielding that cast weak druid spells very quickly. One might think you would want more power from the bow than from melee but /shrug.

    If the whole bow thing is moot, than can't you pull with a throwing item instead since headshot is limited to archery and just leave the bow bagged?
  15. Talanos New Member

    Have these changes gone live yet? If not, when is this scheduled to take effect?
  16. Rogue Augur

    All I see on raids is Rangers bowing, so it can't be that bad.
  17. Zaph Augur

    When headshot was originally brought in.
    It procced from aes, and didnt affect xp level mobs.

    it got "upgraded" to affect green con, therefore rangers started to swarm kill with it.

    It got "upgraded" to affect higher mobs, but only proc on single targets.

    Now, its going to be "upgraded" again to be nothing more than a random bonus nuke you cannot control.

    So much for a trivial mob control that it was originally brought in and used for.
  18. Oranges Augur

    I love all the random numbers. A newbee is never getting to lvl 80 in 3 weeks with just a merc.
    dreama121 likes this.
  19. Zaph Augur

    Ive got a bow, and use it to pull mobs occasionally, why should I have to switch to a throwing item, and lose the bow stats when the bow does everything I want (until it may randomly get me killed via a summoning mob)

    You have a dog, it barks, so why bark yourself when the dog can.
  20. Langya Augur

    Hatsee was commenting on the problems with a headshot proc when pulling in the future with the current scheme presented.

    I have never claimed to be a genius. Far from it actually, but if the dev team rolls out this upgraded headshot without the means to toggle it off, then is it possible to use a throwing item as a work around? It seems like if a bow is just a occasional use thing, then a throwing item to pull is not going to be the end of the world. Bando the throwing item. Toggle it. Pull. Switch back to bow if you care to use it. Not ideal but who knows how this is going to pan out.