[Cleric] New AA

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Tour, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Tour Augur

    -Increase heal amounts to beacon of life / burst of life / abundant healing proc / sanctified blessing
    -Powerful elixirs increased duration
    -Increase counters removed by Radiant Cure / Group Purify Soul / Purify Soul (Purified Spirits already had a recent upgrade)
    -Chance to proc a delayed heal after successful heals, comparable to abundant healing procs. Admittedly this may be difficult to code, as to be of any use it would have to be configured to not interfere in any way with existing spell versions of delayed heals nor do you want successive procs of this overwriting each other.
    -Chance to proc a very short duration, or maybe very low counter, damage mitigation buff after successful heals, comparable to abundant healing procs. Again, may have some coding issues with stacking.
    -Extend duration for essentially any of our existing heal modifying discs
    -Reduce recast time on Renewal, Intervention, Contravention
    -Additional aura slot

    -Instant cast, AA version of splash, but without that target ring. Comparable to burst of life / beacon of life, just click and it fires of a heal to all valid targets in range.
    -Overhauled ward of purity to be useful in current content with which has high counter debuffs/dots. Would need to remove far much more than it does now, extend coverage beyond that of just poison and disease, and have it function every 6 seconds, not every ~12 like it does currently.
    -Counter based AA version of AI so that an ability like this becomes viable (even a single use, instant cast version would see more use the the spell version)
    -Beneficial twincast
  2. Sulo New Member

    Being able to use Ward of Purity to be beneficial on raids would be nice. At the moment, the token amount of counters removed is too low for use on raid during the last four expansions.

    Having the ward remove 20 counters (or more) per tick would be nice, considering how many counters are on some of the ae's in the newest expansion.
    Oaninn likes this.
  3. CaRnon Augur

    I wish our Splash line of heals had a cure component like Pallys... Either give us a new line of splash with the cure component or just add it to our existing splash spells.

    Also increase the cure counters on our Group heal would be nice..,. with some of the new DOTSs having very high cure counters it would be nice to give our group heal more cure counters on it.

    Also having Ward of Purity be actually useful and cure a higher amount of cure counters then it does at the moment... prettymuch at the moment ward of purity and the healing ward are more of a joke since one just cures very little cure counters and the heal aura heal amount is almost unnoticeable.

    And a Healing twincast AA (allow us to twin cast our next 3 heals (procs and such would not count as one of the 3 heals) and give it a 5 minute recast timer on it.
    Oaninn likes this.
  4. Kurdun New Member

    An activated AA that cast reverse DS would be nice.
  5. Nylrem Augur

    Hastened Celestial Rapidity - bring down to ~7 minute recast please

    Extended Celestial Rapidity - 3 more ticks please

    Exquisite Benediction - bring up to par please, 7-10k hp per tick? (not been upgraded since OOW)

    Hastened Exquisite Benediction if bring it up to par (down to 15-20 min recast instead of it's current 30 min)

    Sanctified Blessing - 1 or 2 more tiers please

    Fourth Spire - single target 50% decrease to incoming damage that stacks with warrior discs. (I have to assume this is what you intend to do anyway, with raid mobs that can currently take out the best geared war, under disc, in a single round of melee damage); that we will be able to do a 4th spire rotation to keep a tank alive for a decent amount of time.

    Hastened/Group Purify Soul - increase base AA to include all resists with a higher counter count, plus reduce recast to about 2 minutes please

    Powerful Elixirs - another 2-3 ticks on this please
    Oaninn likes this.
  6. Mykaylla Augur

    Just so you know, these are spell requests, not things addressed with AA, which would be Aristo, not Elidroth.

    Ahem, reword without "spire"- that's one of the magic bad words, like manaburn.
  7. Teslin Journeyman

    Naeeleu likes this.
  8. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

    • Fifteenth Emblem AA, that is instant cast. Can't use the spell due to cast time.
    • Beacon of Life heal increase, and possibly make it actually AE instead of group.
    • Purify Soul, Group Purify Soul, Radiant Cure - add corruption and/or improve # counters.
    • Ward of Purity / Exquisite Benediction not sucking.
    • More Hastened Divine Guardian, Hastened Forceful Rejuvenation.
    • AA to reduce cast time of Anticipated Interposition.
    • AA to reduce recast time of Intervention line (0:30), Issuance of Grace (5:00), Ward of Certitude (2:50). Hastened Splash would be nice too.
    • Improved Twincast to work on healing spells.
    • More Extended Healing Frenzy. Only 30 seconds while our other discs are 1 minute.
    • Glyph of Courage upgrade (crit heals and HoT mod).
    • Shield of Reverence - too short for % reflection chance. I never use this. Maybe upgrade / replace with a self only spell shield of some sort, ideally longer than 20 seconds.
    • 1 more spell slot...?
  9. CaRnon Augur

    Well then just make Ward of Purity not stink and make our Healing ward also not stink would be nice,... ALSO... An AA to Increase casting range on our Spirals? AA to increase casting range on DI.. umm... yeah Ill have more in the morning..
  10. Liliornin New Member

    A passive ability that gave the Celestial Hammer a Hand of Holy Vengeance proc. Give it a decent proc rate and with ranks increasing the power of the proc. Perhaps even add it to summoned pet hammers (spell) if feeling saucy.
  11. Rykear Elder


    I have read the posts and agree with a lot of the healing AAs.

    > Longer Celestial Rapidity which can be used more frequently.
    > More prolonged Salve....burst of life...beacon of life
    > More curing

    As far as my particular input, I would like to address our utility and solo/ molo-ability.

    > Improved repel the wicked to make it work like VP to undead.
    > Improved atonement because atonement just does not seem to work very well for me.
    > Slay undead spell version which procs some unreal damage when casting undead nukes.
    > Improved undead aura which either does much more damage, very long stun portion which can almost keep undead stun locked, or a combination of the two.

    I just feel it is the utility or lack of solo/molo- ability which seems to keep players from playing clerics outside of raids. I play all three of the priest classes and, the cleric by far has the Least to offer outside of healing.

  12. Ardin Elder

    without restriction to undeads, like our blessed chains.

    we should get their version of slay undead and we can give them our Turn Undead.

    ask chanters about stun lock, and how they lost this ability :(

    I really know what you mean, sadly, other who's voices are considered, have no idea what you are talking about, blinded with their bots and "always a full group", etc.[/quote]
  13. Nudia Augur

    Outside of cleric-specific stuff, I'd love to see a set of cosmetic chase AA for the capped folks. This could include anything from illusions (sans stat mod) to, well, whatever. I'm not overly imaginative, on this front. Basically, I'd like something fun to chase, even if it were 70AA a rank, 10 ranks before I could cast Illusion: Gender Swap.
  14. Eandolf Elder

    Here are a few more thoughts:

    Additions to existing ones:
    • Echo all the comments about increasing the usefulness of Ward of Purity - no upgrades since SoD
    • Upgrade to Exquisite Benediction - no upgrade since OOW
    • Upgrade to Hastened Celestial Regeneration - no upgrades post-RoF
    • Upgrade to Hastened Purification of the Soul - stagnant since SoD
    • Upgrade to Hastened Focused Celestial Regeneration - no upgrades yet post-RoF
    • Upgrade to Unfailing Divinity
    • Upgrade to Cascade of Life
    • Upgrade to Mnemonic Retention - yeah, i can dream!
    • Upgrade to Quickened Radiant Cure
    • Upgraded Beacon of Life

    New AAs:

    • Hastened Veturika's Preserverance - yeah, i know, in my dreams...still, in my dreams :)
    • Activated TwinHeal - Channeling the divine, clerics are able to for a short time twinheal 100% their heal spells. This affect comes at a price - additional mana cost per heal and additional antipathy generated toward the healer. Future ranks diminish the mana cost and hate penalty.
    • Hastened Divine Peace
    • Track Corpse AA - Why not?
    • Shining Bastion AA - remove from spellbar plz
    • Increased length of Celestial Rapidity
    • Increased length of Furry of Life
    • Increased length of Healing Frenzy
    • Increased duration of Third Spire
    • Increase duration of Silent Casting

    Just a few things I would love to see
  15. Adaire Lorekeeper

    Newish ideas:

    • I'd like to see an activated aa that greatly increases our bene range at the cost of greatly increased mana. Make it semi long-lasting as well. Say 2 minute duration 10 minute recast...
    • I'd like to see a mini-burn type of activated aa as well, say perhaps a mini version of flurry of life make it only affect the renewal line perhaps called it flurry of renewal remove the recast delay on renewal type spells for say 2 mins (would cost a TON of mana but be super affective) - might require code work - Myk..?
    • I'd also like a defensive ability via an aa - say fade is down but you need to be able to live or you want to step into AE ramp to get some extra aura defensive onto a tank, or simply need to move closer for a mechanic or, anything really - even when a tank goes down and you get aggro and you want to rez but STAY on aggro so others don't die = aa for some kind of avoid damage Divine Aura ability but also has a massive amount of hate associated with it - idk the more I type that one the more I am thinking "hello exploit me" but I like the idea~!

    Other than that I like a lot of the other ideas already posted here like:

    • Echo all the comments about increasing the usefulness of Ward of Purity - no upgrades since SoD
    • Upgrade to Exquisite Benediction - no upgrade since OOW
    • Purify Soul, Group Purify Soul, Radiant Cure - add corruption and/or improve # counters.
    • AA to reduce cast time of Anticipated Interposition. (like - in HALF - which would make it useful DURING damage rounds, not just PRE-engage like it is now.)
    • Shield of Reverence - too short for % reflection chance. I never use this. Maybe upgrade / replace with a self only spell shield of some sort, ideally longer than 20 seconds.
    • I wish our Splash line of heals had a cure component like Pallys... Either give us a new line of splash with the cure component or just add it to our existing splash spells.
    • And a Healing twincast AA (allow us to twin cast our next 3 heals (procs and such would not count as one of the 3 heals) and give it a 5 minute recast timer on it
  16. Koveras Elder

    List of AA ideas for Clerics as seen below.

    1. 2H Bash AA, I know not on why Clerics never got this but I believe they should so they can bash with any 2h weapons they wield, it's been long enough.
    2. Armor of the Templar AA: Increases the Cleric's Armor Class and further increases the effectiveness of direct damaging spells.
    3. Bash of Life AA: Allows you to proc group heals while Bashing.
    4. Blessing of Light AA: Because Paladins have this, Clerics should as well (they do after all have their own buff procs, just not as many ranks then Paladins normally do)
    5. Blessing of the Divine: For Clerics and for Paladins, increases the effectiveness of Bash-based procs.
    6. Companion Alacrity/Durability/Fury AA Lines: For the Cleric's Pet Hammer.
    7. Divine Hammer Empathy: As the Enchanter's Animation Empathy for summoning cleric's hammer, further more it should on the first rank also allow the divine hammer to stay with the cleric until death or dismissed whichever happens first.
    8. Group Divine Avatar AA: Infuses divine spirits within everyone in group, increasing their attack and damage for a short period.
    9. Staff Block AA
    10. Templar's Wrath AA: Allows you to proc additional damage for every direct damage spell you cast, will last up to 5 minutes or 20 uses whichever happens first.
    11. Wrathful Bash AA: Allows you to proc magic based damage while Bashing.
    That's all I have in mind for now.
  17. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I require 2h-bash like Paladins. I get annoyed swapping back to 1hb/shield to bash and then swapping back when in melee mode. =P
    Also as someone else mentioned, 2hb block (staff block like casters) would be nice. Don't make it equal to shields, but at least allow 2hb items to be a viable alternative.
  18. Liliornin New Member

    I wouldn't mind the group rez spell become an activated AA. Out of combat timer and all would be fine.. just not a 30 cast! If it was fairly quick refresh, then a single group cast would be ok. If longer recast then perhaps a 72ish target PBAE.
  19. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    The worst part is waiting for the recast timer and re-casting because some have multiple corpses, were hovering/zoning, etc. ;)
  20. Liliornin New Member

    Also a hastening for our Call spell. It's nearly double the cast time of our Blessing Rez AA. If we could get it quicker then it might be a lot more useful getting those mana hungry druids back into the game. 6 seconds is a long cast!