Little things you'd like to see added in future releases of patches

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by KC13, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. Sinestra Augur

    Once you receive a rezz and accept in hovermode, let the first option in the rezz window be to rezz in the current zone rather than your bind.
    Ruinedmyownlands likes this.
  2. BoomWalker Augur

    Clearly you are wrong...the list provided for what to see in patches addressed fellowship membership totals. Also, the post replied to about one person dropping a fire was:

    But nice try on deflection....but your post didn't mention campfires at all...simply fellowship membership totals.

    As for labels...just following the MOD guidance...while I may agree with you on the point about addressing a post versus the poster...previous MOD guidance would indicate otherwise.

    And it seems you have taken my responses in some personal if the response was directed at you instead of your post. Clearly, that was not the case any more than your inclusion of the term "idiotic" being directed at the poster versus the post. Still, since it seems to have offended your gentle sensibilities allow me to responses were directed at the posts in this thread and not at the poster...including yourself. There...hopefully your less hurt by responses to a poorly worded and unclear post.
  3. BoomWalker Augur

    Auras - agree...make them permanent or give them a timer like other buffs...been asked for a few times over the years.

    Spell descriptions - great idea...however, would it show the modified values based on just gear and AA or would buffs come into play as well? Those nuke potions casters use would modify the spell description too? Either would be cool to see the modified values even if it is just limited to gear and AA adjustments. Awesome idea.

    Landing slow spells - while showing a number may be cool...does it have any purpose? Unless the slower is going to keep trying to land a 'full' slow or a slow that is 'x%' or higher...showing the % is just for more parsing data? If a 50% slow lands as a 18% slow what is gained or how would that impact the fight with the mob? Would like to understand the value of this beyond just seeing the number.
  4. kryptek New Member

    How about some kind of a Wardrobe feature? I've got a few full sets of Hero's Forge armor and it'd be really nice to be able to place them in a Wardrobe where I could easily swap between my sets of Hero's forge armor. Having to toggle items piece by piece is a real pain in the neck o_O
  5. Belkar_OotS Augur

    I would love for Fellowships to allow us to piggyback same-account alts into our fellowships without eating all the spots.

    I love the social factor that fellowships provide, but I solo/box often enough that I fill up my fellowship with alts to save time looting things I rot instead of filling it up with people. Between me, my brother and my roommate, we have 17 90+ characters. We can not even get all of the characters into the fellowship that we use on a weekly basis. Yet we only have 6 accounts total. So the largest number of characters on at any time is only half of the potential max. I guess I just don't see how the fellowship campfire is that powerful to make the nuisance of changing who is in the fellowship all of the time worthwhile.

    I mean if its the porting that is the biggest concern, make it so the fire will only allow 3 ports per 15 minutes or make it a check window from the fellowship window who can use the ports and not allow more than "x" number of changes per time frame, or to link characters so that "if player x is online player y cannot use the fellowship fire." Would be nice to use the fellowship for more people rather than just using it for my immediate/more selfish needs.
  6. Blacksun Elder

    For mages:

    1) When casting a summon items spell and have pet targeted, the pet automatically equips all items - would work for mask, weapons (e.g., take first two out of bag and equip), armor (e.g., equip all unless it's lower than what pet is already wearing), jewelry (etc.). This would work for any pet, mage or other targeted pet. Could be an AA that the pet owner would have to buy - like pet affinity ++.

    2) AOE summon pet gear. We have group and AOE summon mod rods.
    beryon likes this.
  7. Black Soul Elder

    I'd like to see 100 pages in my spellbook, that should be a pretty small feat. I've got the spells scribed by level on their corresponding pages and currently being at level 88 I'm down to the last two pages!
    Sinestra likes this.
  8. Triquience Journeyman

    I would like to see all 6 people in my group window without downloading a mod --- 14 years and they still don't have all 6 in the group window. seriously?

    Unless your a cleric or the group healer though, you don't know how important it is.
  9. Uxtalzon Augur

    Well, the point is the final number. I could get a 50% slow proc item, or grind/farm/fight hard mob(s) to get a 60% slow proc item, but what's the difference when they both partially land? So if a 50 lands for 18%, a 60 would land for ~21%, just 3% difference. Then I realize it's not worth getting that 60% slow item for such a small increase.

    I should have added cast time, too. Good idea. It would say in green text the cast time due to buffs... and if you got some nasty raid debuff, it'd show it in red (longer cast time than normal). Just like it does with melee haste, you know?
  10. cgats New Member

    Visual capes

    I agree with a wardrobe feature, something similar to DC:U, loved that ability.
  11. Edrick Augur

    I think that qualifies as a Big Thing, unfortunately.
  12. BoomWalker Augur

    Well...ok...still doesn't seem much of a reason for it..but appreciate the it is clearer why you are asking for it...thanks.

    And yes...casting time would be nice...some of the current spell slows (for casting time) are nasty...
  13. shire New Member

    Personally i think that prestige items/augs should only apply to t3 and t4 of the current expansions only, i notice prestige on stuff thats so old its insignificant.

    I would also like to see SOE look at the possibility of raising the AA cap of silver and bronze accounts to the 2500aa range and 750aa range area for bronze.

    1000aa for a silver account just doesnt even come close to cutting it, and seeing level 100 mains with 1000aa and cant wear anything prestige is not the way to play current content

    1000aa gets you combat stability and combat agility barely, some have made it work for their "box" characters, but its not uncommon nowadays to see non boxed mains sitting at 1000aa
  14. Rainbowdash Augur

    Home cities once again having some sort of purpose, possibly even as a gathering spot. Maybe even bumping the guard strength up a bit so faction matters a bit more.

    And by home cities I don't mean Guild Lobby, Plane of Knowledge, and Crescent Reach.
    Sinestra likes this.
  15. malfurionn Elder

    Just thought of something else, get rid of the cap on how high you can sell something in the baz. Right now there is a cap of 1 million. (thought of this after having to see a storm start in general everytime i tried to sell my ACoF lol)
  16. Caudyr Augur

    A change to the friends list. Since it already works on the same principle as the Universal Chat Service (as in, it can't find your friends if the UCS is down)...I'd like the ability to add friends from different servers to the list and have it show if they're online.

    The friends list could just display if those on other servers are online when you do a /who all friends.

    It would be a good opportunity to rearrange how the friends list displays people, too. Currently it displays things like this:

    Friends currently on EverQuest:
    [Level Class-Name (Class)] Player-Name (Race) <Guild> ZONE: Zone-Name <---default
    [ANONYMOUS] Player-Name <Guild-Name> <---/roleplay
    [ANONYMOUS] Player-Name <---/anon
    Instead, change it to this:

    Friends currently on EverQuest:
    [Level (Class)] Player-Name <Guild-Name> ZONE: Zone-Name <---default
    [ANONYMOUS] Player-Name <Guild-Name> <---/roleplay
    [ANONYMOUS] Player-Name <---/anon
    [Level (Class)] Player-Name <Guild-Name> ZONE: Online <---What it can show when it's someone from another server altogether.
    [Level (Class)] Server.Player-Name <Guild-Name> ZONE: Online <---Alternative method to show the people from another server.
    Honestly, I don't really think people care one lick about the class-name (as in Shadowblade for rogues, etc)...or what the person's race their friends list. When a person on another.
    If it's possible to show what zone they're in from another server, then go ahead and do that...but I figure it might be easier to just say they're online instead.
    Basically, I just want to have the ability to know when people from other servers are online with the /who all friend command.
  17. Fardarter Spry New Member

    I would like pets to be able to keep agro while players are in melee range. I mostly play my BST who is level 95 with around 2500aa. My pet can absorb damage much better than the BST can but the BST is a melee class and is drastically less effective as a caster. This would even the playing field a bit between mages and necros a bit. I understand this could cause some problems so I would suggest a toggle or a buff that allows the pet to eat up all the agro.
  18. Koveras Elder

    Other things that should also be added within the little things we like to see updated as well.

    1: When Paladins get the Yaulp Spell Line back, the attack rating from the earlier Preservation Spell Line (Preservation of Marr, Preservation of Tunare, Sustenance of Tunare & Ward of Tunare) should be wiped from the spells themselves entirely as it was with the later versions (Preservation of Oseka & Preservation of the Iceclad respectfully), further more make it so that no spell from the Druid's Reptile Line (Skin of the Reptile, Scales of the Reptile, Carapace of the Reptile, Shell of the Reptile, Hide of the Reptile & Husk of the Reptile) ever overwrites any spell from the Paladin's Preservation Spell Line.
    2: Make it so that the more powerful versions of the Cleric's Spell Haste Line overwrites the less powerful versions. (exactly why this hasn't happened in years is beyond me).
    3: Make it so that the Warrior's Commanding Voice Discipline doesn't overwrite Myrmidon's Skill but in trade make it so that the dodge bonus from Myrmidon's Skill doesn't overwrite the Warrior's Commanding Voice Discipline.
    4: Because Bash-only Procs are becoming more frequent, Kick-only Procs and perhaps even Slam-only Procs should also exist as well (give boots pieces, shoulder pieces and perhaps even hand pieces there own proc augmentations for such).
    5: Unless it happens already, future expansion releases should also have pre-paid expansion cards where you can buy from your local store and put in a code for the expansion, this should also include collector-upgrade expansions as well.
    6: Instead of the Paladin's Slay Undead emote saying "Your Holy Blade has Cleansed it's target" It should say Your Holy Weapon has Cleansed it's target" (this may sound a bit meaningless to update in a way but why would you be wielding a blunt weapon and it still be counted as a blade makes no sense lol).
    7: The Armor Class System should have a baseline so it can show the exact number of Armor Class a character actually has without the avoidance numbers and soft cap all thrown in all at once (the soft cap should in fact have a separate Armor Class number of it's own).

    That's all I have in mind for now.
    Sinestra likes this.
  19. Questoften32 Augur

    1. Let you choose other starting cities besides reach, sometimes you don't want to follow the heros journey path, but rather the pop up suggestions just for fun on an alt. Sometimes doing it the old way adds spice and encourages people to see more of the game.

    2. Let you choose your own religion and let it effect you how it dose.
  20. Gragas Augur

    Actually it's about 2.6 million for cap.