New expansion in September? LOL, srsly?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kelefane, Jul 16, 2013.

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  1. Kelefane Augur

    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EverQuest: Expansion Panel Find out what's in store for EverQuest in September. Hear all about the new features and familiar faces that will make an appearance in our upcoming expansion.

    Someone please tell me that is wrong..............

    If not, then this makes me hate this staggered content trend even more. We may as well not even gear up in T4, since we wont even have time to do our business on the toilet before next expansion.
  2. Jebasiz Journeyman

    Typically expansions have around a month(or more) in beta before launching. At least that's the way it used to work. A September announcement, an October beta and a Launch in Mid November. I'm not sure how this 1 expansion a year model has gone though, so... One other thing to consider, raid content doesn't seem to have nearly as a long of a progression cycle as it used to(it's much easier to clear content now!), so a few weeks might be all some guilds need.

    Either way, complaining about a steady stream of new content seems counter-productive to having a good time.
    Nandi, Geroblue and Mintalie like this.
  3. silku Augur

    I am hoping that this time it's not a year long release of content like it was this time. I find it rather annoying. I understand why they are doing it (to drag us along and make us play the content over time, keeping more subscriptions until the expansion is all the way released.) Yet I also think it's going to cost them customers.
  4. Kelefane Augur

    If there is a level increase in September (which is likely with the next expansion regardless of release date) - Then yes, it is bad. This means that guilds will have a month to farm T4? (some even less than that due to Beta testing) - It makes no damn sense to me. People wont even get 50% geared in T4 before the next expansion releases. Nobody will even have time to enjoy it. Then bam, not even being halfway geared in T4, and what you just looted became obsolete due to the new level cap and whatnot.

    But new level cap or not, if true, its both stupid and ridiculous. Not only are they forcing us to sit on the early tiers for a long time, but now they arent even giving us time to enjoy the end zone(s) ?

    Save your DKP if it is in September IMHO.

    This is a horrible direction for this game if its true. Just horrible.
    silku likes this.
  5. Uxtalzon Augur

    I bet the gear in the new expansion is stagnated even more as compared to RoF. I hate the idea of players struggling to earn new gear that's a near insignificant increase. I don't want to think about it. Ugh. Dangit, you made me think about it. UGH.

    Typically, though, new expansions are released late in the year, like November. The part that says Hear all about leads me to believe it's just hype and not an actual release of content.
  6. Kelefane Augur

    Lets hope so.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  7. Insaneox Augur

    Ive been saving mine now even T3 isn't worth investment. Not to mention the fact we get coins for each raid which is fine. But they give us nothing of real value to buy so we get stuck upgrading spots just to keep coins from rotting. I always thought this coin thing was to get people those rare items that never drop? So, this means rangers bow! Guess that makes it good to be ranger and or bad. Depends how you look at the situation.

    With current situation in raid content it doesn't even benefit tanks much in gearing. We just waste our dkp if you do worry about keeping top level armor. I have tons of T1 and T2 coins with zero things of interest now.
  8. Casidia Augur

    I prolly would have agreed with you back then...but now?
    The gear difference between T2 and T3 was small, and i have no reason to believe it will be much bigger for T4. Thus most raiders will have decent gear either way, even if not everything is T4.

    I can perfectly live with a short farming time, for a change.
    Most people in my guild seem bored, so getting new content quickly seems like a good thing.
    1 month of farming is about the time i can enjoy it usually, after that it becomes a grind that i only do for my guild and playing with friends, not because i freaking enjoy it so much.

    DKP...i have to say it out loud, who cares?
    The game doesn't get much better if you always wait for the best gear, it's actually the opposite i'd like to have decent stuff when it matters, not while we farm.
  9. Xirtket Augur

    I liked the way they released the content this time around, it gave people something to do, althought I do feel that T4 is a bit late and should have been released with T3
    CaRnon likes this.
  10. Kelefane Augur

    Then why bother with a T4? If its only a month of farming before the gear is already obsolete, why even bother? Why not package T4 into the next expansion's first tiers to make the expansion bigger?

    Also, dont forget, I say a month of farming, however, for some guilds it'll be even less then that because they Beta test. 1-2 weeks to get these raids on true farm, that will take guilds to around the first of August. Then you have all of August to farm it. Then Beta invites start in late August? So some guilds wont even get that entire month.

    As Axxius said, the only good that will come out of this is that people wont have to look at those class only weapon abominations for long. Or even have to worry about doing them for that matter.

    I bet that this last T4 Beta feels like a waste of time for all of those folks that tested it due to these possible surprise events.
  11. Insaneox Augur

    Confused what you just said?

    The people benefiting now from the upgrades are caster classes mainly. The focus goes up and helps them a minor amount. As for tanks if you know what your doing the minor upgrade in AC is so small almost to say I can wait for caster and dps to get stuff. Talk about 180 degree of what it use to be. Guess I can't complain now I can be the guy getting cheap gear.
  12. Trajet D'Or Augur

    Kelefane isn't happy with a content release, this is shocking.
    Leerah and Arwyn-RoV like this.
  13. Casidia Augur

    My gear comment was connected to "save your dkp", if that's what did confuse.
    I don't do it like that, i always try to upgrade while new stuff has to be beaten.
  14. Kelefane Augur

    When I dont have time to enjoy it? Nope.

    This staggered trend is stupid. Why force us to sit on the earlier tiers longer than we usually do, yet dont give us hardly any time at all on the last tiers? The next expansion will be ready to release by the time you get into that farm groove.

    People may as well not even gear plan. You wont finish it. In fact, you wont get anywhere close to finishing it.
  15. Trajet D'Or Augur

    When is the last time you enjoyed anything in EQ?
  16. Badname0553. Elder

    If this is the model going forward please combine some of the tiers.

    Launch tiers 1-3 at release. Save final tier (like convorteum) for May'ish with some aa and spells released then. We don't need a release every few months if it has no spells, no aa, class items that have zero consideration for most classes and instead is just a means to try and forcefully make people gear up in tiny stats improvements to buy 3 months more time. You are trying to cure boredom and burnout but instead making burnout and boredom more prevalent.
    Imrahil, Marton and Yinla like this.
  17. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    September is the two revamped zones I believe. They're probably going to talk about that plus an upcoming expansion that would be in October/November.
  18. Casidia Augur

    1&2 was released together, so yea T3 could have come earlier but you always have to remember..
    this is prolly a small dev team by now.

    My main problem with RoF was not the release dates, but some of the content.
    The stupidity of Xorbb 1, the boredom of Evantil, Chapterhouse, Xorbb 2 raids.

    Mocking them for an early release (if it happens anyways) just seems wrong, sorry.
    To keep this game going with EqNext in sight, content should come quickly if possible now.
    The question is of course, can they keep it up, or does a long and boring farming time follow up?
    But it would be good to see them work on things, and announcing release dates early is also a good thing to keep people motivated. I don't understand how you can be upset with that.
  19. Kelefane Augur

    If they push out content and expansions as quickly as possible, then something needs to change fundamentally. Focus degradation needs to change, among lots and lots of other things. When you start obsoleting things so fast in a game like EQ, you start to run into issues. So if they dont give us time to gear up properly, then we need some changes with the overall system.

    If this thing is true, then T4 is looking like an afterthought already.
  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    2 revamped zones are August, 24th is memory servers me well.
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