Beta invites started?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Straahdx, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. Caudyr Augur

    Even if they do another GoD, I don't really expect another in depth quest like BiC, tbh...even though it'd sure be nice to have a quest like that that's deeply intwined in the expansion's lore. :D
  2. Koneko Augur

    beta might not start till after the patch from test to live due to the changes in the way the game is compiled if some people have beta installed in the same folder it would be a pain to have the patch things change over each bit i know that it isn't a big deal in some ways just might be a case and i am ranting sorry ^^;;
  3. Falos Augur

    Phathom said beta invites would most likely start yesterday (but didn't state it as a definitive), he did however post on twitter that beta invites *definitively* are starting today.

    I sincerely hope he wasn't trolling us all.
  4. Caudyr Augur

    Wouldn't surprise me if he was. I bet they'll go out at like...11:59pm PDT, that way it is still technically today but most people will already be logged off for the night anyway, so they won't know that. I could totally see them doing it! :p
  5. Riou EQResource

  6. Caudyr Augur

  7. Fansy Augur

    The good team is still waiting patiently.
  8. Falos Augur

    Hmm no invite for me yet, I guess anyone keeping tabs on this thread post an update if you get your invite.
  9. Koneko Augur

    guess i wrong oh well =) hope people have fun in it
  10. Forcallen Augur

    I know some are in already. No clue if that means they did a wave and rest of us are sol until later or if they are staggering invites and they are coming in small batches every so often.
  11. Shang Augur

    What is beta?
  12. Falos Augur

    Just got in, so far it's awesome, they added a new race (panda) and class (munk), making my panda munk right now.
    BlankStare_001 and Nindale_MS like this.
  13. Caudyr Augur

    Where's the smack emoticon when you need one?! :p
  14. FatbukSlapmeat Augur

    For the chosen ones.
  15. FatbukSlapmeat Augur

    I agree. But, Vyndictive didn't see it that way.
  16. Falos Augur

    Just imagine if he was 5 years younger, I bet she'd be outside his bedroom window right now.
  17. Xnao Augur

    Her husband is an older fellow.

    No clue what ya'll are talking about.
  18. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Still no email.....soon I hope. :mad:
  19. Augok Lorekeeper

    They don't like us it seems Yinla.
  20. Harmonisia Apprentice

    Still waiting too :p