Your thoughts on the new pvp system coming Soon.

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by LegendaryxGhost, Mar 13, 2013.

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  1. Owl Devoted Player

    I like the idea of Arranged Matchmaking. It has a lot of potential including Player run Tournaments.
  2. Madholm New Player

    I will comment on your lowlights:

    1. Giving you marks for a loss isn't necessary in an ELO ranking system as you should be winning roughly 50% of the time; it's why your rank moves up and down so it's already taking losses into consideration.

    1 & 2. The devs have already stated that the costs of items will reflect the fact that you don't gain marks for a loss.

    2 & 3. There are 5 maps per day in arena and legends. It will take you 10 wins to get the maximum marks per day with roughly 20 matches played to obtain them. I think that is far more than most people will PvP on average any given day. They don't expect you to do every map, every day; though you'll probably want to do the ones you don't like at least once for the weekly box.
  3. DG-MOD-02 New Player

    Please add your constructive feedback to the thread located within the Dev Discussions Forums. Thank you!
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