Your requirements for elite raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ice Lynx, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. Schimaera Devoted Player

    If someone is lagging so hard that they can't contribute anymore they're out of the equation. Otherwise where would be the end? Cat coming to the player and wants some affection? ^^
  2. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Well some of it always comes down to preparation. People should by now know how the broker works and just run with it.
    When a DLC hits, I usually have my first two DLC-Augments at max rank because I just buy the stuff off the broker. I use Exos I saved during the last dlc. My augments are also maxed. By now, your main role should have at least 1-2 160 artifacts if you are really interested in competitive play (or elite raids since 'competitive' wouldn't be the right word for this game).
    Most players also get their "exp" in the first week of the dlc. That's when most of the groups take really long times in elite to figure things out. YT videos help. And basically noone should care if one wants to watch them. Either you wanna be prepared or you don't.
    A league helps because in good leagues there are at least a few players in your raid group who already know stuff about the raid you're running.
    Also, as people already pointed out here, multiple armories are really helpful. There are some sales over the course of a year and subscribers have their monthly cash and armories came out in, what, 2014? Enough to get at least three for support role, AoE and Single Target for DPSing.
    Lastly, there is always the option of voice chat to hear explainations and to coordinate. If someone is unwilling to go into VC, tough break.

    I'm just naming general stuff that anyone should be interested in when they want to run elite. There is no point in "oh well I will get my stuff maxed out come next dlc". Just do it now.

    Of course I hear everyone saying that inexperienced players should get a chance and that just is something where either the inexperienced players have a league already or should join one. Try-outs in LFG are also ok but expect ppl to leave at some point. As long as one player isn't paying for the other sevens subscriptions, they are free to do with their time what they want. And don't forget that with "inexperienced" players I mean players who don't already have experience in said elite instances. It does not mean "skip-to-CR" players that are just throwing together "a fun loadout". Anyone who's playing group content should be interested in supporting the group the best they can. That means learning rotations, doing parsers and if they fail with what they use, use something different.
  3. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    You said if they're lagging they shouldn't be here. I know many times in an instance people start out just fine and then experience a lag spike... and if you told me it never happened to you, you would either be really lucky or a liar. I'm saying that you never know when a lag spike will hit you or why it hits you. The lag itself is not the player's fault (sometimes it results in disconnecting)... but correcting it is when the player has an opportunity to relog (can't help the dc, though, as that's kind of a self-correcting one), and if the person experiencing lag is responsible enough to let the group know and takes the steps to correct it, the rest of the group should cut the player some slack.

    But that requires that we actually communicate with the team instead of staying in our own little worlds... :)
  4. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Be a team player.

    Nothing is infuriating than getting someone who got carried by a group, then try and say I don't know what is going on, I was fine before, while they are standing in danger zones, not listening to the group, and constantly arguing with others about silly things, while refusing to correct their own behavior.

    I typically have different criteria for setting up a group, and usually have my own burners with me, if they can't do it the group shrinks, then 1 of my friends/league mates can take lead and bring in someone they know or have experience with.

    The other is when I don't really have much else to do, typical after reset day, being I rarely reset raids anyway, I will give any group a shot, even just random queuing, which you can learn a lot about the community.
  5. Schimaera Devoted Player

    If it's happening to me and not fixed after a few minutes I excuse myself and get replaced. It happened to me once this episode so far...

    A lag spike though won't through you off by that much.

    As for your communication argument, I'm sure you ment it in a general way, baring in mind that I stated myself that VC or discord is the way to go. Or at least group chat though that might not be optimal, typing midcombat and such...
  6. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I thought I was seeing things when I saw someone in LFG asking for sp and cr just to run the new alert. And it wasn't a joke post either. Or people asking for experienced players to run certain feats but they don't even know which instance those feats are in. LFG has literally gone mental in the last couple months lol
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  7. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Be able to run the content. That is all. Pre-judging whether somebody can do that is a load of bollocks. There is no way that you need full Resto or full Dom or full Vit to be running these raids - you just need to be on top of the situation.

    EU Villains have an increasingly large pool of players cross-League who are willing to run with each other because it's not always possible to get a full League Raid group, and we're sick of being kicked when we can master Elite.
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  8. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Just finished a pug run bout 40 mins ago or so...1st time go on both was wonderful! Nobody was even in chat together! Guy only asked for roles to do’s hit or miss! 2 more runs then full renown!
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  9. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    For me its

    1. Be willing to fail you wont learn unless you fail

    2. Don't take it so serious to the point your either red or purple in the face, if any other colors plz seek medical attention even a purple color you should be asking questions.

    3. If your gonna run Elite with me and my Silly Squad be fashionable if your gonna die to that foolish two death limit crap at least go down in style and looking beautiful .

    I don't run Elite often as it's hard to focus when you got little brats running around your house who want 85% of your attention but that's niece's for yea lol. Thats all I got for right now .
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  10. C3alix Committed Player

    I've ran with a few known leagues that expected people to go to youtube before they entered an elite raid.

    That's like having to read a book before watching a movie.
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  11. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    anyone capable of paying attention is all you ever need, any other arbitrary requirement is only asked for by bad players
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  12. gemii Dedicated Player

    i prefer precision dps

    Not even because precision is a ST cookie cutter but because your survival rate increases when your just spamming dual wield flurry shot as the animation is extremely quick and extremely easy to cancel out whenever you please.
  13. PepeReborn New Player

    lul stack prec dps bcuz everyone knows das all you need to beat elite
  14. Great Architect Loyal Player

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