Your best memory from DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. Eve YouTuber

    So I was thinking about it and was like why not. What is your favorite\best memory from DCUO?
    (Good memory)

    My best memory is something I remember clearly and perfectly and is my friend introducing me to DCUO 5 years ago. I remember how excited I was, and how just the leveling missions alone pulled me into the lore of DCUO.
    I remember how I got to CR 80 something and went to take on Killer Frost in the Brother Eye zone in Gotham and my friend was like "Noooo you'll die" and I defeated her and the feat popped up. lol He doesn't play anymore(More of a Marvel guy) but it was so awesome of him to introduce me to this game.

    And what about you guys? Would like to hear the best memory you have. Funny memories are welcome too!
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  2. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    Kind of a best/worst. I was brand new to the game, and I entered my first duo, not knowing what to expect. The other player left after only a moment. In retrospect, I realize the guy left because I was clearly low-level and he wanted to be carried. I wasn't sure what to do, so I decided to play through it solo.

    I managed to defeat it, but it took me a long time and a lot of effort. And I loved every minute of it.

    I still prefer to solo things. In part because it's hard to get other players to queue up for stuff and in part for the challenge. If I could, I would solo every single instance from the start of the game just for the joy of it. Sadly, too many have mechanics that require other players. Boo.

    One thing I love about this game is how it can cater to all types. Want to solo stuff? There's a lot to do. Want to be part of a group? There's a lot of raids or alerts. Want to decorate? Look at all the base items and styles. Want to collect? Look at the collections, briefings, investigations. I can't stand PVP myself, but I wish the devs could make *that* work again for people.
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  3. Saami Loyal Player

    Trying to get FOS 2 speedrun feat. It was different because the group was so good. I dont mean necessarily most skilled, but good in other ways. We tried it for hours, all day, yet there was no blaming or excuses. Just hard work. We got the feat btw :)
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  4. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    best memory? easy peasy lemon squeezy. the first time we beat Power Core, at level. just awesome. we'd tried it so many times before. dream team, one healer, one troller, one tank, with everyone set on the prize, everyone on perfect form, orbitals & supercharges & supply drop popping all over the place, lots of swearing, just perfect. it was everything good about this game all there in that one moment. nothing like it.

    that, & beating the Scarecrow for the first time. not having the faintest idea what I was doing. & getting all the feats in there. my first boss. my first "big" win in DCUO.

    & surprisingly, a helluva lot more.
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  5. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    same thing happened to me, with Metropolis City Hall. did the same as you. loved it. & like you, I'd much rather solo everything I can, the more the better. my big big dream update for this game would be for them to let us queue into older raids / alerts / duos on our own.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Spending the mornings hanging with a GM while they worked for a few months, they did their job and i just made light conversation with them while they did. Made a unforgettable experience. People spazzing because they see a GM xD

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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Meeting my friends that ultimately formed a league with.

    Just got yesterday a custom shirt a leaguemate made for us and sent it out. <3

    I love these guys! :D
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  8. Eve YouTuber

    This is Super awesome! Yeah I feel you on that. I love my League sooo much!
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  9. Hawk Active Player

    I wish that photos could capture how awesome the gold comes through. But yea my favorite moments are with my leaguemates and just goofing off. And the friends I've made. I kinda half step into some other leagues but this is our home.

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  10. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Ooh I have a few.

    1. Open world PvP on New Years Day 2014 and 2015. Just remember having a lot of fun fighting with others. Stayed up for a looooong time.
    P.S also when the villains used to raid the precincts in Metropolis. Heroes would occasionally attack the villain nightclubs in response lol

    2. Doing the T2 raids, especially the Brainiac one and Kahndaq. To this day they are still two of my favorite raids.

    3. Open world metropolis activities when War of Light came out. That entire sequence inspired me to delve into Green Lantern lore and now it's my favorite with only Batman's lore coming close.
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  11. Eve YouTuber

    That's neat! Yeah if it was me I would run away lol
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Probably base game tbh like playing FOS or even jumping on and running the flash DLC bounties back when they were relevant were good times and open world pvp when it wasn't broken.

    There were some good times raiding villain nightclubs or hanging out on the hospital roof. :)
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  13. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    early on when the inner raid was re released as an alert i brought in one of my healers who at the time was barely geared for the content. I blindly queued in with three other players who were also barely geared for the instance. the a.r.c. kept kicking our *****. after a few tries everyone was getting frustrated. we managed to whittle him down to a point where it looked like he had zero health. he did one of his spin attacks, knocked out the other three players. my guy with barely a sliver of and no power got knocked back into a spot the a.r.c. couldn't reach. other players were crying into out mics. i let loose my henchmen and with one hit the a.r.c. went down.

    it was beautiful.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Honestly probably back when the PvP 4v4s were in the rotation, so when the right map (especially safehouses) came up you needed to hit it hard. 3 leaguemates and I formed a group and started knocking out 'Bomb Retrieval' wins....ended up stringing together 49 wins straight....Only failed on the 50th because our DPS's modem dropped and had to be rebooted. We had all finished our feats but said we weren't quitting till we lost...and we couldn't lose it seemed. None of us particularly great at PvP, but came up with that magic combo that seems to work, which is what a lot of the game is about. Doing something as a team that's better than if you do it solo.

    That and getting the EO feat. Took many resets because if you started bad or had almost any issues the feat was blown. That was one of my 'high end' feats as a tank and it made me feel like I really knew what I was doing.
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  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    For me that's an easy one: the first time I successfully took down a Sub-Avatar by myself. :D

    Quick story: since my playstyle meant I was behind the curve, by the time I was really engaging in Battle for Earth content most other players had moved along from that. So I repeatedly found myself with the "take down Sub-Avatar" mission stuck in my journal because there weren't a whole lot of players running that mission. So one day, I found an area where a Sub-Avatar had wandered away from all the other spawns in my travels, thought about it for a second and said to myself, "Okay, let's see what happens when I try this alone."

    I got my hindquarters handed to me. LOL

    However, it wasn't a complete route, so I tried again and started noticing some patterns. And once I figured out what to do? Success! I never kept count of how many times it took before I finally took one down, but the day I did it was a great one for me. Even managed to figure out how to take down two of the three kinds (Meta and Magic, the techniques for taking down the Tech one always seemed to elude me).
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  16. Batman2099earthcold Committed Player

    When i got my first Batman emblem and also when i got the Gotham knight chest and the batguantalet tricket in the same day and also when i got my dark metal croma material and also when i get any ítem that i want to upgrade my batsuit
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  17. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Definitely being on FNL .
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  18. BumblingB I got better.

    That's a good second for me too.
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  19. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    1) Falling off the map in the Watchtower and flying to the Earth
    2) The time Trigon appeared in the Watchtower CR 200+ when everyone was 100 or so and everyone dying
    3) When wonderverse was new and finding a crack that let you outside the map. My wife and I spent an hour flying around and exploring and taking pictures and standing on the roof of the space. That island in the Murk area way off in the distance is huge and solid. I wonder why there’s such detail in a place no one is supposed to go.
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  20. SugarHoneyIcedTeaMix Well-Known Player

    Learning how to pvp was great,
    Spending hours in chinatown going to war with Heroes before I switched sides to hunt the vills. (Looks at the solowing who used to be out there chilling on a random rooftops)
    Met some great people, Probably 2 out of the bunch still plays. Loved our league embarrassing story times
    Good memories to remind me it isn't ever going back to the good ol days. But that's fine, to other games I go
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