Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by KildareSmudge, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    No I am not into sports much myself. Because of the hack stuff neither myself or my kids were able to get on sucked. Thank you on the website compliment. My oldest has Crusher on his friends list. My boys are 9 and 10. They will not be on till this weekend though. They do not play game during the week because of school. I am sure we can get them all on sometime this weekend though.
  2. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    We had an earthquake, so there was no school today. Dad was sad.
    • Like x 1
  3. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    If you join the league we will help u to T6;)
  4. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    (Although we'll respect if parents don't want their kids playing t6 content)

    - Dad
  5. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    bumpitty bump
  6. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

  7. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

  8. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    me and my bro need more kids
  9. xXxTHUGLIFExXx New Player

    my little bro is 9 and hes a HL controller villan cr 70 43 sp

    character name: mastermanagement

    hes active often
  10. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    Okay. We'll add him.
  11. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    My boys are so excited at the requests to join up. I just want to let everyone know that they will be going out of town Friday after school, due to a family emergency. I will continue to bump their thread for them. Requests are still very welcome, but invites will have to be Thursday (tomorrow) or after the weekend (they'll probably get on Sunday evening).
  12. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

  13. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    Yes, this is a kids only league, with appropriate language and kindness. You CAN believe your eyes.
    • Like x 1
  14. Zerefu New Player

    I'm not going to say it's a bad idea, but it'd be interesting to see a bunch of kids >12 obey rules 1 and 3.
  15. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    Well, so far all of the members, and prospective members seem to be under age 10 even, and they have been very nice to each other and no foul language that I know of.
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  16. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    Honestly kids under 12 are FAR better behaved (in my opinion) than kids older than 12.
    • Like x 1
  17. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    This is who we are:
    A kids only league, run by my children, who have a vision of a league where they can play appropriately with kids around their own ages. A family oriented hero/villain league for kids to hang out and enjoy talking to other kids, without us grown-ups worrying about the inappropriate language of a young adult. We help each other out, and treat each other with kindness. We have a set of rules that we all must abide by. Parents: I monitor my children's play time and I strongly encourage you to monitor your children.
  18. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

  19. busyboiijr New Player

    can i make a teen league so when they get 13 years old they can join my league if tht ok with you i dont wont to copy you so tht why i ask
  20. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I wouldn't presume to try to stop you, but no I don't mind one bit. I think its a great idea!