Yo! I just got done watching Man of Steel.

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by EPICQ, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. Mont New Player

    lol, i wasnt trying to dimiss what you said, just looked liked ramblings of a 10 yr old, back n forth, this subject then the next, welcome to the forume enjoy your stay, look out for the maneating panda u be ok :)
  2. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    Stick around after the credits...Nothing happens, it was great.
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  3. MercPony Devoted Player

    I'm well aware lol
    I actually did sit through the credits to find nothing xD

    Also I was only telling the OP to put spoiler alert for those that HAVEN'T seen the movie... I already seen it :)
  4. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    Did you like it? I loved it.
  5. MercPony Devoted Player

    I felt was the best Superman movie since Superman 2 :)
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  6. Deathmark New Player

  7. Meta Flare New Player

    Is the title not enough of a warning...and what do you care if you had already seen it.

    It's been out for a while now, if someone who read that title still clicked on the thread and read the OP and they hadn't seen it yet, then they are stupid.

    It's really easy to avoid spoilers, don't read something about the thing you don't want spoiled. And read the title.
  8. MercPony Devoted Player

    Its not something to get nitpicky about but maybe some wanted to see an opinion on the movie not knowing it could be spoiling major plot points for them? Sure they could avoid the thread if they wanted but sometimes a little warning is always nice. Its not hard to give a review on a movie that isn't spoiling anything. And some people aren't stupid for having not seen it yet. Maybe time and money hasn't allowed them to yet?

    Excuse me for being the bad person in thinking a little warning would be a nice suggestion :rolleyes:
  9. Yeah that Eddie Committed Player

    All the "You spilled the beans Jose', now my movie going experience and chance at nerdgasm is ruined!!!" posts aside.

    *****SPOILER ALERT***** <---See that, it means there may be spoilers ahead.

    Still reading? Ok, your funeral punkin. So..The Man of Steel. I had high hopes going into this movie. After the weepy mess that was Superman Returns "The Quest for Kal El's Testicles," I wanted MOS to reignite the franchise and take it in the direction we all hoped for.


    That's right. I cannot believe they missed a golden opportunity here. How successful has every Muppet movie ever made been? That's right..Very. CGI is so over done these days. Muppets on the other-hand (I ment conversely, not actually on the other hand, although they are on the hands...oh nevermind) would have given the realism and depth that was so sorely needed in past Superman movies.

    All the money, time, big-name stars and special effects cannot save a movie if a key element is missing. Muppets was that element for me.
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  10. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    I can't help myself, I see MercPony's name, I read the thread.
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