Yes, This System IS "Actively" Being Exploited

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PhoenixTanker, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. PhoenixTanker New Player

    Dear Developers and Fellow Dcuoers,

    It have come to my attention that there are individuals out there that are actively farming "key" collections making it impossible for other gamers to collect them all. Furthermore, these individuals are placing the "key" collections on the broker for exorbitant fees knowing people will have to pay if they want to complete their collections. Something needs to be done to combat this type of "swept under the rug" activity. In all honesty, a player should not have to pay $500k+ to complete a collection. Let me say it again. No player should have to pay +$500k to complete a collection set just because some individuals are technically exploiting the x-named collection always re-spawn in the same spot collection system.
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  2. Couzintony New Player

    500k???... Lucky...

    The last one I bought was 6.7mil...
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  3. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    I'm not sure what you mean? If they know a spot that a certain collection spawns and are farming that spot I don't feel thats an exploit. In fact thats being a good farmer.
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  4. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Welcome to a World thriving on greed.

    There's not much anyone can do because it's players. It's not really exploiting because it doesn't break any rules. This is like complaining about people who exo hunt too much. You can never exo hunt or collection hunt too much. I farmed the crap out of Gotham Wastelands for two specific collections and it brought me millions. Adapt and evolve fellow gamer.
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  5. Radium Devoted Player

    Thats not how it works.

    Some collections are rarer then others and always have been. A West Side Gang Patch is not as hard to find as a Class A. This isn't a matter of certain collections only being found in a certain node, but a matter of having a much lower chance of a collection being found at all. The harder the collection is to find, the more it will go for in the broker. If they didn't go for a higher price then there would be no incentive to farm it.

    If you farm the same area where this certain collection piece is found then you would have the same shot of finding it as this other player. This is assuming that you're aware of the majority of the nodes in the area.
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  6. Vodka Committed Player

    Wait, farming is an exploit now?

    Let me rephrase that. Me jumping from rooftop to rooftop for hours and happening to pick up anything I come across is an exploit, now?

    I don't sell collection items, I use them. To say people who look through their feats and find out they're missing one more item to complete a collection to actively go out looking for nodes is wrong? I mean, come on.

    You don't have to buy collection pieces, by the way. You can farm them yourself. It's really just a convenience.
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  7. Strawberry Jam New Player

    I hate farming. I was happy to pay 500k a pop for rare collections to get that feat. Exploit away please!
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  8. wintermute Well-Known Player

    So go farm what you need yourself.
    Not smart enough to where your collections drop?
    Too lazy? Not enough time? Better things to do?
    Then buy what to need.

    Otherwise qq on the forums all day long.
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  9. Green Lantern New Player

    The new collections? I have them almost finished and I haven't bought a single one. Two are 7/8 and the other is 6/8. Only a matter of time. Definitely easier than Stryker's was.
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  10. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Past and present I have bought all my expert mods from the AH to make my gear oh so sexxay. Will continue to do so. Why subject yourself to getting scammed once, or repeatedly scammed like many a stupid player, when you can farm high end collections and sell them for what you need?

    Thank you farming high end collections.
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  11. Ebon Angel New Player

    If you don't want to pay, you have to farm. I completed all of the collections without buying any. No one is preventing you from doing the same.

    To complain about the enterprise of other gamers who farm for profit makes little sense. Everyone can do it. If they want.
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  12. Strawberry Jam New Player

    ... And I sell expert mods on the broker to buy collections... It seems everyone is happy with this system except those that want everything for next to nothing
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  13. Invictus2112 New Player

    Woah nelly, everyone. First off, I think most people are missing the actual complaint here... except, unless the OP can somehow demonstrate otherwise, it is still wrong.

    As someone above said, and to the best knowledge of most anyone/anyplace I have found giving info about collections... there is no special nodes that guarantee a named collection. I REAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLALALALAALALALALALLLY want to be wrong here; the sheer annoyance of farming for that dang Montoya file, for example, was a pain like no other. There is only a system where some are rarer than others, and in this case, yeah, you have to farm or hope somebody did. But that is the thing, there are no special nodes. Everybody can pretty much farm because, trust me, most collections have enough nodes to accomodate a great deal of collectors.

    Again, if you can present a case for how, in fact, something is off and there are special nodes that guarantee certain names, then this conversation should continue. But as it stands, common wisdom and current research suggest that it is entirely an RNG-based system.
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  14. DeathandHades New Player

    thats how the game works thats how an economy can be had on the game.


    when home turf came out and players [sometimes more than 1] were literally on top of the collections so the second they spawned they collected them that was kinda annoying, and this was a worldwide situation at times but its not against the rules in the least.

    might i suggest a radar enhancer
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  15. Psych0 Active New Player

    Farming is a way of life dude..... They just need to make a maximum sale value on the brokers for each type of thing, collections 100k max, plans staggered depending on their level up to 1mil that sort of thing. Forget this money cap nonsense and put a sale cap on the brokers and a maximum amount that can be done through direct trade...... Problem solved permanently let people money duplicate if they want but make it so that much money is totally useless.
  16. Little Sister New Player

    This reminds me of when Home Turf came out :)
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  17. Little Sister New Player

    Except divided by 3452342462456 :)

    EDIT: Editing fail. Sorry :(
  18. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Nothing really new here!

    People have been doing this forever, no big deal in my eyes.

    If you want to just camp in a spot for hours for fake money then have at it!

    I farm for the things I need, so, I do not need too use the Broker that often, maybe sodas or something like that.

  19. myandria Item Storage


    Well, let me break it to ya this way; this "exploit" is common in most MMO RPG online games. As others above me have pointed out, the act of collecting (farming) items is not against any of the rules and there is no specific policy on how to do it. Those who have played games like Everquest and WoW will know what I am talking about.

    Also, if something is tradeable, then there is no reason why someone cannot sell it. No one is obligated to purchase anything; it is a matter of choice, and choice is the operative word. If something is too expensive, don't buy it.

    Farming takes time, whether in game or in real life. Veggies are expensive; would you rather take the time to plant, grow and harvest them (assuming you know how to do so) or go to a farmer's market/grocery store and purchase them?
  20. Fentonian Well-Known Player


    Could you please provide some context. Platform and server might be useful.

    It’s just that ever since the EUPS server was bent over and taken without lubrication just before Christmas, the people on that particular server will see 500k and just laugh.

    10 mil + for an Expert Mod……….for example.

    There’s no sympathy for your plight on the EUPS server. None at all.