Would this type of "skin" be possible for DC Universe Online?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aduzar Light, May 2, 2021.

  1. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    look his shoulder in the mens version thats an part of an ...we german say parade uniform of an cop
  2. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    For Two-Face the only two options (heheh), are Servant of the Grand Master (a Hank Henshaw inspired style) or the Split Personality face style. Unfortunately, both fall into the category of close but no cigar.

    However, I still have faith because for a long time I was hoping for a Doomsday style and then Flashpoint happens. Now, if we could get a growing trinket like Mordru's crystals to make a Doomsday toon huge, that would be awesome.
  3. Eve YouTuber

    You don't really need to use the shoulders anyway. And again I am not against of making Twoface style.
  4. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    yh but even without shoulders this style dont work

    yh i mean are you not against it or would you even vote for it i think his style is like my mr freeze one of the hardest in this game you just need the real pieces :D
  5. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    I didn't mean to start a war, I'm just a big Two-Face fan and would like to see a true Two-Face Skin/ Hair Style. Maybe if I was a little more flexible I could settle for just using the Two-Face style I created for my toon, but I'm not and I can't.

    The only two parts (heheh) of the Split Personality style I use for my Two-Face recreation is the Chest and Legs, the rest is junk (I've always wondered where they got the idea for the hat from).
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  6. Eve YouTuber

    Haha Don't worry, Me and Freeze are cool (No pun intended)

    If they ever introduce him again, I'd be cool with that. He is a really cool Batman Villain that should stand out more than in one leveling mission lol
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  7. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    dont tell me you dont love this big silly head loool no i think the gloves and hands are an problem too who the hell wear such stuff o_O
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  8. Random Mind Dedicated Player

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  9. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    yh dont worry about it we just talk isnt going to an...cold war....:oops:
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  10. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    The hands and feet could be used if there was a Two-Face-inspired armor but I agree they don't really work for the casual style of the Split Personality, but again... what is up with that hat? I guess they had to give him something, but maybe they could've given him a Two-Face styled top hat like Tommy Lee Jones had in Batman Forever.
